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Effects of electrochemotherapy on immunologically important modifications in tumor cells
Urša Kešar, Boštjan Markelc, Tanja Jesenko, Katja Uršič Valentinuzzi, Maja Čemažar, Primož Strojan, Gregor Serša, 2023, original scientific article

Abstract: Electrochemotherapy (ECT) is a clinically acknowledged method that combines the use of anticancer drugs and electrical pulses. Electrochemotherapy with bleomycin (BLM) can induce immunogenic cell death (ICD) in certain settings. However, whether this is ubiquitous over different cancer types and for other clinically relevant chemotherapeutics used with electrochemotherapy is unknown. Here, we evaluated in vitro in the B16-F10, 4T1 and CT26 murine tumor cell lines, the electrochemotherapy triggered changes in the ICD-associated damage-associated molecular patterns (DAMPs): Calreticulin (CRT), ATP, High Mobility Group Box 1 (HMGB1), and four immunologically important cellular markers: MHCI, MHC II, PD-L1 and CD40. The changes in these markers were investigated in time up to 48 h after ECT. We showed that electrochemotherapy with all three tested chemotherapeutics induced ICD-associated DAMPs, but the induced DAMP signature was cell line and chemotherapeutic concentration specific. Similarly, electrochemotherapy with CDDP, OXA or BLM modified the expression of MHC I, MHC II, PD-L1 and CD40. The potential of electrochemotherapy to change their expression was also cell line and chemotherapeutic concentration specific. Our results thus put the electrochemotherapy with clinically relevant chemotherapeutics CDDP, OXA and BLM on the map of ICD inducing therapies.
Keywords: electrochemotherapy, cisplatin, immune response
Published in DiRROS: 21.03.2024; Views: 453; Downloads: 245
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Influence of exogenous hormones on the recurrence and progresion of cancer
Marjetka Uršič-Vrščaj, Sonja Bebar, 1996, original scientific article

Published in DiRROS: 16.01.2024; Views: 419; Downloads: 89
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Advantages and disadvantages of hormone replacement therapy
Sonja Bebar, Marjetka Uršič-Vrščaj, 1996, review article

Abstract: In the developed countries, more than 30% of female population is in the postmenopusal period of their life. Approximately one third of these present with severe clinical menopausal symptoms, such as hot flushes, sleeplessness, night sweats, and depression. Many women search medical help. By means of hormone replacement therapy (HRT), these problems can be either completely eliminated or alleviated in 90% of women. The suspected association between HRT and risk of carcinoma should be ignored, however. While estrogens in combination with progestogens exert a protective effec against ovarian and endometrial carcinomas, a possible correlation between HRT and breast cancer has not been fully explained yet. Nevertheless, some published reports have indicated a slightly increased risk of breast cancer after a prolonged use of HRT.
Published in DiRROS: 16.01.2024; Views: 449; Downloads: 90
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Presejanje in zgodnje odkrivanje raka
2006, proceedings of professional or unreviewed scientific conference contributions

Published in DiRROS: 07.12.2023; Views: 536; Downloads: 155
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Pomen humanih virusov papiloma pri odkrivanju in preprečevanju raka materničnega vratu - kje smo danes
Marjetka Uršič-Vrščaj, Sonja Bebar, Andrej Možina, Stelio Rakar, Iztok Takač, Vida Stržinar, Aleš Vakselj, 2006, published professional conference contribution

Abstract: Izhodišča. S pomočjo organiziranih programov presejanja se je zmanjšala umrljivost zaradi raka materničnega vratu. Humani virusi papiloma (HPV) povzročajo predrakave spremembe in raka materničnega vratu. Številne ugotovitve kažejo, da je z vključevanjem testa HPV mogoče izboljšati uspešnost presejalnih programov. Test HPV se omenja pri presejanju, pri triažiranju bolnic z začetno patološkimi brisi materničnega vratu in po zdravljenju predrakavih sprememb. Visoka negativna napovedna vrednost dvakrat negativnega testa, testa PAP in testa HPV, naj bi na področju presejanja omogočala določene spremembe, kot so podaljševanje priporočenega rednega intervala presejanja, prilagajanje starosti ter ponovno presejanje po zdravljenju predrakavih sprememb. Test HPV je klinično pomemben pri triažiranju žensk s ponavljajočimi se atipičnimi ploščatimi celicami, pri katerih je potrebna kolposkopija. Zaradi visoke prevalence okuženosti s HPV se test HPV kaže kot omejitev pri zelo mladih ženskah z blago diskariotičnimi celicami. Zaključki. Ugotovitve o HPV nakazujejo možnosti za preprečevanje raka materničnega vratu na področju profilaktičnega cepljenja. V svetovnem merilu HPV 16 in 18 povzročata 70 % raka materničnega vratu. V prihodnjem letu naj bi bili dostopni dve profilaktični cepivi, učinkoviti proti HPV 16 in 18.
Published in DiRROS: 05.12.2023; Views: 568; Downloads: 120
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Presejanje za raka materničnega vratu v Sloveniji in državni program ZORA
Maja Primic-Žakelj, Vesna Zadnik, Ana Pogačnik, Marjetka Uršič-Vrščaj, 2006, professional article

Published in DiRROS: 05.12.2023; Views: 415; Downloads: 95
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Nefrotski sindrom in Hodgkinova bolezen
Borut Štabuc, Dušan Ferluga, Janez Lamovec, Anastazija Hvala, 1989, original scientific article

Published in DiRROS: 15.09.2023; Views: 548; Downloads: 132
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Use of the modified controlled atmosphere cone calorimeter for the assessment of fire effluents generated by burning wood under different ventilation conditions
Friderik Knez, Matija Uršič, Nataša Knez, Kelly Peeters, Mladen Franko, Primož Zidar, 2021, original scientific article

Abstract: The ISO 5660-1 cone calorimeter is an affordable, practical, and commonly used solution for the measurement of main fire properties of products and materials. Among its chief drawbacks is its limited ability to reproduce combustion conditions found in real fires. This deficiency is mainly due to its inability to control oxygen availability in order to simulate an underventilated fire. As several toxic or potentially toxic species are formed primarily in oxygen-poor conditions, the controlled atmosphere cone calorimeter (CACC), now defined in ISO 5660-5, is a major improvement when trying to study the toxicity of fire effluents. A proposed additional modification of the CACC via the introduction of chimney sampling ports and oxygen sensors improves the reproducibility and veracity of effluent sampling. This approach allows the implementation of various techniques to sample, collect, and analyze the generated fire effluents. In this study, the experimental set-up was used to capture fire effluents generated by burning wood under different ventilation conditions. A gas chromatograph coupled with mass spectrometer was used to assess and compare the chemical composition of the collected samples. The results obtained with the new experimental set-up proved the ability of the system to reproducibly generate fire effluents under various controlled burning circumstances. It could prove useful as a tool in characterizing the toxicity of fire effluents from various materials on a benchtop scale and ultimately contribute data for the numerical modeling of toxicity of fire effluents in real buildings.
Keywords: modified cone calorimeter, controlled atmosphere, wood, fire effluents, open access
Published in DiRROS: 14.07.2023; Views: 675; Downloads: 476
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Sproščanje dejavnikov imunogene celične smrti HMGB1 in ATP iz celičnih linij se povečuje s časom po obsevanju
Urša Kešar, Tanja Jesenko, Boštjan Markelc, Katja Uršič Valentinuzzi, Maja Čemažar, Primož Strojan, Gregor Serša, 2023, published scientific conference contribution abstract

Keywords: miši, obsevanje, radioterapija
Published in DiRROS: 19.06.2023; Views: 618; Downloads: 267
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