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Ontological (in)security and the Kurdish issue in Turkey : ǂthe ǂuse of security discourse (1925‒1984)
Gökçe Balaban, 2021, original scientific article

Abstract: How could one account for the discourse of security used by the Turkish state considering the Kurdish issue before 1984, when the terrorist attacks of the Partiya Karkaren Kurdistani (PKK) had not yet started, and hence there was no physical security threat against the state? This article aims to answer this question from the perspective of ontological (in)security. Based on Critical Discourse Analysis of state discourse, the article argues that the political, social and cultural traits of Kurdish identity created uncertainty in the Turkish self after the Sheikh Said re-bellion in 1925. Tribal/religious structures that were influential among Kurds and the expression of Kurdishness as a distinct identity disrupted the autobiographi-cal narratives about Turkishness, hence generating ontological insecurity for the Turkish state. To overcome this problem, the state relied on security discourse and securitized the traits of Kurdish identity, by which it felt threatened. As a result of this securitization, the state was able to legitimize the extraordinary measures taken against Kurds, such as forced resettlements. Securitization, in this sense, regenerated ontological security for the state, because the extraordinary measures served to suppress the Kurdish identity that threatened the certainty and conti-nuity of the Turkish self.
Keywords: Kurds, ontological security, ontological insecurity, the Kurdish issue, security discourse, securatization, Turkey
Published in DiRROS: 22.03.2022; Views: 637; Downloads: 366
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"So what if I am Laz?" : irony, mokery and humor in ethnic integration and insubordination
Ayşe Serdar, 2021, original scientific article

Abstract: This study argues that the ethnic Laz in Turkey resort to irony, humor and mockery to cope with and negotiate the stereotypes, ethnic humor and mockery they encounter in their interactions with outsiders. The trope of irony, humor and mockery have enabled the Laz to navigate the national and regional hierarchies and reproduce their symbolic boundaries regardless of the common and ardent appropriation of Turkishness. In so doing, the Laz can more subtly challenge the official ideology of uniformity. While the public use of Lazuri is still considered a threat to the negotiated boundaries of Lazness, new instruments present creative displays of their ethnic capital which do not contradict present day principles of Turkish nationalism, and offer a legitimate sharing of intimacy without embar-rassment. The Laz, like other non-Turkish Muslim peoples of the Black Sea region, abandoned their politically threatening ethnic distinctions, appropriated the capital of Turkishness through their performances, and coped with mockery and stigma by ironizing differences and negotiating, trivializing or selectively appropriating the stereotypes imposed upon them. Ironically, they have “out-performed” ethnic Turks in certain ways, in their search for acceptance as Turks, achieving upward mobility and avoiding forms of stigmatization.
Keywords: Turkey, Laz, ethnicity, ethnic identity, irony, humor, mockery
Published in DiRROS: 22.03.2022; Views: 794; Downloads: 382
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Surviving through tactics : ǂthe ǂeveryday life of Syrian refugees in Turkey
A. Banu Hülür, Yusuf Ekİncİ, A. Çağlar Deniz, 2021, original scientific article

Abstract: The Syrian civil war and related migration affected Turkish border cities such as Antakya, Şanlıurfa, Mardin, Gaziantep, and Kilis. In this study, we explore the tactics and strategies developed by Syrian asylum seekers in order to cope with the prejudices and negative perceptions about Syrians commonly shared by locals. The findings of our research are drawn from the in-depth interviews we conduc-ted with more than one hundred refugees, locals, and staff members of different NGOs. Our arguments and conclusions in this article are also the result of obser-vations made during several research trips and a thorough examination of news about refugees in local and national media. Our field research lasted from August 2014 to February 2015, but the substantial part of this study was conducted bet-ween January and February 2015.
Keywords: Turkey, Syrian asylum seekers, sociology of everyday life, Gaziantep, Kilis
Published in DiRROS: 22.03.2022; Views: 657; Downloads: 380
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The remaking and unmaking of multi-ethnic spaces : Diyarbakir and Southeast Anatolia in the 21st century
William Gourlay, 2021, original scientific article

Abstract: Focusing on 21st century developments in southeast Anatolia, this article exa-mines the circumstances of minority communities within the contexts of the shifting dynamics of Turkey’s national project. Until the early 20th century southe-ast Anatolia was an ethnic patchwork. The early republican era saw efforts to “Turkify” through the promulgation of a national identity project asserting eth-nic unity. From the 1980s, conflict with the PKK gave urgency to the notion that uniformity was paramount for national cohesion. In this milieu, ethnic diversity was suspect. Circumstances changed with the AKP government’s 2002 ascendance and the earlier emergence of Kurdish municipal politicians. This article documents how thereafter the re-imagining of the national project away from an exclusive eth-nic categorisation allowed acknowledgement and accommodation of ethnic and religious diversity across southeast Anatolia. The chapter analyses these events in light of a backlash by nationalist politicians, the 2015 re-ignition of the PKK con-flict and the subsequent resurgence of nationalist rhetoric in the political arena. It appears a narrow, exclusive national identity is re-asserting itself. The article thus examines the extent to which the experience of south-eastern Anatolia represents the re-imagining of Turkey’s national project and the embrace of a previously de-nied multi-ethnic socio-political fabric.
Keywords: Turkey, southeast Anatolia, ethnic identity, minorities, national identity, Justice and Development Party, nationalism
Published in DiRROS: 22.03.2022; Views: 692; Downloads: 415
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Caught between the notions of ethnicity, citizenship and diaspora : ǂthe ǂcase of the Bosniaks in Turkey
Melih Çoban, 2021, original scientific article

Abstract: Along with many others, Bosniaks are an ethnic group within the contempora-ry Turkish nation with immigrant roots dating back to the last quarter of the 19th century. Constituting a significant ethno-demographic part of the Ottoman legacy within the modern Turkish nation, Bosniaks in Turkey have long refrained from identifying themselves with a separate ethnic or cultural identity when confronted with the assimilationist cultural policies of the new nation state. But, while adapting themselves to Turkish culture and identity, Bosniaks have also preserved a collective identity of Bosniakness, mostly owing to the fact that their population in Turkey has been fed by continuous migration waves in different periods. The aim of this study is to analyze the problematic development of a Bosniak identity in Turkey with regards to the cultural assimilation processes and continuous migration waves and other factors on both foreign and domestic scales. Based on the findings of the study, it can be concluded that Bosniaks in Turkey do not yet constitute a Bosniak diaspora, but rather they can be regarded as a diaspora in the making.
Keywords: Bosniaks, Turkey, identity, diaspora, citizenship, ethnicity
Published in DiRROS: 22.03.2022; Views: 664; Downloads: 387
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