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Deciphering the two-step hydride mechanism of monoamine oxidase flavoenzymes
Martina Rajić, Alja Prah, Jernej Stare, 2024, original scientific article

Published in DiRROS: 08.11.2024; Views: 232; Downloads: 992
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Effects of hydrogen dissociation during gas flooding on formation of metal hydride cluster ions in secondary ion mass spectrometry
Jernej Ekar, Sabina Markelj, Miran Mozetič, Rok Zaplotnik, Janez Kovač, 2024, original scientific article

Abstract: The application of hydrogen flooding was recently shown to be a simple and effective approach for improved layer differentiation and interface determination during secondary ion mass spectrometry (SIMS) depth profiling of thin films, as well as an approach with potential in the field of quantitative SIMS analyses. To study the effects of hydrogen further, flooding of H2 molecules was compared to reactions with atomic H on samples of pure metals and their alloys. H2 was introduced into the analytical chamber via a capillary, which was heated to approximately 2200 K to achieve dissociation. Dissociation of H2 up to 30% resulted in a significant increase in the intensity of the metal hydride cluster secondary ions originating from the metallic samples. Comparison of the time scales of possible processes provided insight into the mechanism of hydride cluster secondary ion formation. Cluster ions presumably form during the recombination of the atoms and molecules from the sample and atoms and molecules adsorbed from the gas. This process occurs on the surface or just above it during the sputtering process. These findings coincide with those of previous mechanistic and computational studies.
Keywords: hydrogen atmosphere, molecule dissociation, gas flooding, cluster ions, secondary ion mass spectrometry
Published in DiRROS: 08.11.2024; Views: 268; Downloads: 137
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Participacija pri udejanjanju ukrepov na ekosistemih temelječega prilagajanja obalnih območjih : pregled literature in analiza primera iz prakse
Liliana Vižintin, 2024, published scientific conference contribution

Abstract: Podnebne in okoljske spremembe predstavljajo vse večje tveganje za ekosisteme in človeštvo. Koncept na ekosistemih temelječega prilagajanja na podnebne spremembe zajema vključitev ukrepov za ohranjanje biotske raznovrstnosti in ekosistemskih storitev v strategije prilagajanja na podnebne spremembe na več ravneh in v različnih sektorjih. Namen teh ukrepov je povečati odpornost, zlasti ranljivih ekosistemov in skupnosti. Obalna območja Sredozemlja so posebej ogrožena zaradi dviga gladine morja in stopnjevanja ekstremnih vremenskih dogodkov, ki so posledica podnebnih sprememb. S tem se povečuje tudi tveganje za poplave, vdor slane vode in erozijo obale. Z integracijo ukrepov za prilagajanje in zmanjševanje tveganja nesreč na lokalni, nacionalni in makroregionalni ravni je mogoče doseči številne družbenogospodarske in okoljske koristi. Uspešnost ukrepanja je odvisna predvsem od participacije skupnosti ter vzpostavljanja globlje ravni sodelovanja pri sooblikovanju in soupravljanju ukrepov. Na osnovi analize literature smo v prispevku poudarili pomanjkanje raziskav o participaciji deležnikov pri udejanjanju ukrepov na ekosistemih temelječega prilagajanja. Z analizo praktičnega projekta pa smo prikazali uporabnost pristopa participacije pri načrtovanju prilagajanja obalnih zavarovanih območij in lokalnih skupnosti.
Keywords: ekosistemi, podnebne spremembe, participacija, obalna območja
Published in DiRROS: 08.11.2024; Views: 228; Downloads: 707
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Želodova moka, zdrob in škrob : kuharski recepti
Jernej Javornik, 2024, popular article

Keywords: kulinarični recepti
Published in DiRROS: 07.11.2024; Views: 280; Downloads: 22
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Drobiž? Ne, valuta! Drobiž pod Kopami – spomini Kopnikovih otrok
Nevenka Bogataj, 2024, review, book review, critique

Keywords: recenzija
Published in DiRROS: 07.11.2024; Views: 275; Downloads: 20
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Zaključno srečanje projekta LIFE Systemic na Gradu Snežnik
Boris Rantaša, 2024, popular article

Keywords: gozdarstvo, projektna srečanja, LIFE Systemic
Published in DiRROS: 07.11.2024; Views: 254; Downloads: 22
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Prof. dr. Lidija Zadnik Stirn – prejemnica priznanja za življenjsko delo
Vasja Leban, 2024, popular article

Keywords: gozdarstvo, življenske nagrade, operacijsko raziskovanje
Published in DiRROS: 07.11.2024; Views: 285; Downloads: 23
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IUFRO Svetovni gozdarski kongres 2024 v Stockholmu na Švedskem
Tadeja Pepelnjak, Boris Rantaša, 2024, popular article

Keywords: IUFRO, slovenska delegacija, Svetovni gozdarski kongres
Published in DiRROS: 07.11.2024; Views: 235; Downloads: 17
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Septembra uspešno izvedli prvo uvodno srečanje delovne skupine projekta IFORPLAN
Blanka Klinar, 2024, popular article

Keywords: projektna srečanja, IFORPLAN
Published in DiRROS: 07.11.2024; Views: 281; Downloads: 21
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