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SBRT in oligoprogres pri raku pljuč
Jasna But-Hadžić, 2024, published scientific conference contribution

Keywords: radioterapijo, stereotaktično obsevanje, rak pljuč
Published in DiRROS: 23.01.2025; Views: 131; Downloads: 74
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Možganski zasevki : SRS in sočasno sistemsko zdravljenje
Marija Skoblar Vidmar, 2024, published scientific conference contribution

Keywords: radioterapijo, stereotaktično obsevanje, možganski zasevki
Published in DiRROS: 23.01.2025; Views: 124; Downloads: 75
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SBRT ali brahiradioterapija prostate
Miha Oražem, 2024, published scientific conference contribution

Keywords: radioterapijo, stereotaktično obsevanje, rak prostate
Published in DiRROS: 23.01.2025; Views: 164; Downloads: 77
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Stereotaktično obsevanje celiakalnega pleteža
Ajra Šečerov Ermenc, 2024, published scientific conference contribution

Keywords: radioterapijo, stereotaktično obsevanje, onkologija
Published in DiRROS: 23.01.2025; Views: 142; Downloads: 69
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Stereotaktično obsevanje ultracentralnih tumorjev v prsnem košu
Eva Ćirić, 2024, published scientific conference contribution

Keywords: radioterapijo, stereotaktično obsevanje, onkologija
Published in DiRROS: 23.01.2025; Views: 129; Downloads: 59
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Stereotaktično obsevanje in sočasna sistemska terapija – novosti
Staša Jelerčič, 2024, published scientific conference contribution

Keywords: radioterapijo, stereotaktično obsevanje, onkologija
Published in DiRROS: 23.01.2025; Views: 115; Downloads: 52
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Ivica Ratoša, Helena Barbara Zobec Logar, 2024, preface, editorial, afterword

Keywords: radioterapijo, stereotaktično obsevanje, onkologija
Published in DiRROS: 23.01.2025; Views: 121; Downloads: 63
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Frequency of physical activity-related injuries among adolescents : an umbrella review
Kerrtu Toivo, Peter Bakalár, Mari Leppänen, Jari Parkkari, Ensar Abazović, Boštjan Šimunič, Kaja Teraž, Marta Malinowska-Cieślik, Jaroslava Kopčáková, Aurel Zelko, Agnieszka Michalska, Dagmar Sigmundova, Rado Pišot, Armin Paravlić, 2025, review article

Abstract: Objectives: The aim of this umbrella review was to investigate the frequency of physical activity-related injuries (PARI) among adolescents. Our secondary objective was to describe the available reviews of injuries in three settings: organized sports, leisure time physical activity (PA), and school physical education (PE). Methods: We conducted an overview of reviews consistent with the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) statement guidelines on the frequency of physical activity related injuries in adolescents. Results: We identified 19 systematic reviews with at least moderate quality to include in the review. We were not able to pool data from reviews and conduct meta-analysis due to heterogeneity of injury definitions, exposure times, and sample demographics. All reviews included studies of injuries sustained in organized sports, and injury incidence was higher during matches than training. No systematic reviews were found focusing on leisure time or school-based PA injuries. Conclusion: High-quality research is essential to understand the frequency of various types of physical activity related injuries among adolescents in organized sports, PE, and leisure time activities to develop more effective prevention strategies.
Keywords: physical activity-related injuries, sports injuries, adolescence, frequency, prevalence, incidence
Published in DiRROS: 22.01.2025; Views: 139; Downloads: 87
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Perceptions of Ukrainian and other refugees among eighth-graders in Slovenia : characteristics of students towards inclusion of refugee students in mainstream schools
Eva Klemenčič Mirazchiyski, 2024, original scientific article

Abstract: There is a lack of empirical data on the school-age population’s attitudes toward refugees. Despite this, the attention being paid to the integration of refugee students in schools worldwide is increasing. Objectives: First, the present study aims to explore the attitudes of eighth-grade students in Slovenia regarding refugees and to investigate whether there are differences in their attitudes based on the geographical areas from where refugees originate. Second, the study also explores the connections between attitudes and some characteristics of students. Methods: The present study is quantitative; sample: 3466 respondents (representative sample; year 2022). Descriptive statistics and binary logistic regression are used. Results: Most of the students would be willing to help refugees coming from any country. The students are least willing to help refugees from Syria and Afghanistan or Africa. A high proportion of students express fears about what refugees bring, though these fears are varied. Logistic regression shows that civic knowledge and positive attitudes towards immigrants are significantly and negatively related to students’ opinion that refugee children should study in separate schools, while student socio-economic status (SES) and own immigration status are not. Conclusions: The results call for different approaches to be maintained/introduced in schools for tolerance and reducing prejudices for (certain) groups of immigrants/refugees.
Keywords: refugee students, Ukrainian refugees, attitudes, integration into mainstream schools, eighth-grade students, Slovenia
Published in DiRROS: 22.01.2025; Views: 133; Downloads: 82
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