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Haplotype-resolved genome assembly of the tetraploid potato cultivar Désirée
Tim Godec, Sebastian Beier, Natalia Yaneth Rodriguez-Granados, Rashmi Sasidharan, Lamis Abdelhakim, Markus Teige, Björn Usadel, Kristina Gruden, Marko Petek, 2025, other component parts

Abstract: Cultivar Désirée is an important model for potato functional genomics studies to assist breeding strategies. Here, we present a haplotype-resolved genome assembly of Désirée, achieved by assembling PacBio HiFi reads and Hi-C scaffolding, resulting in a high-contiguity chromosome-level assembly. We implemented a comprehensive annotation pipeline incorporating gene models and functional annotations from the Solanum tuberosum Phureja DM reference genome alongside RNA-seq reads to provide high-quality gene and transcript annotations. Additionally, we provide a genome-wide DNA methylation profile using Oxford Nanopore reads, enabling insights into potato epigenetics. The assembled genome, annotations, methylation and expression data are visualised in a publicly accessible genome browser (, providing a valuable resource for the potato research community.
Keywords: cultivar Désirée, potato, functional genomics, genome assembly, annotation pipeline, DNA methylation, epigenetics
Published in DiRROS: 28.01.2025; Views: 149; Downloads: 84
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Digital programs for promoting mental health among youth : a comprehensive review of design, content, and effectiveness
Igor Peras, Michaela Wright, 2024, scientific monograph

Abstract: This report provides an overview of evidence-based, digital preventive programs for supporting adolescents’ mental health and mental health literacy. More specifically, for promoting resilience, mindfulness and help-seeking behavior, as well as bringing awareness to internal and external resources. The literature review will serve as a base for module development in the me_HeLi-D project. The report was written based on the systematic review and meta-analysis already conducted by Uni Graz (Wright et al., 2023). Relevant data relating to content and design were extracted and analyzed from studies showing efficacy (N = 18). Other literature was freely used in the introduction and discussion sections. The aim was to learn from prior and effective mental health interventions that used digital tools and to sum up realization strategies for content and design for the me_HeLi-D project.
Keywords: vzgoja in izobraževanje, mladostniki, duševno zdravje, promocija duševnega zdravja, pozornost, čuječnost, odpornost, iskanje pomoči, digitalni programi, adolescents, mental health, promoting mental health, mindfulness, resilience, help-seeking behavior, mental health literacy, digital programs
Published in DiRROS: 27.01.2025; Views: 162; Downloads: 90
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Pristrasnost ishoda i pristrasnost propuštanja : nije uvek sve dobro kada se dobro završi
Žan Lep, 2024, independent scientific component part or a chapter in a monograph

Published in DiRROS: 27.01.2025; Views: 144; Downloads: 68
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Doživljanje medvrstniškega nasilja : primerjava držav na podlagi raziskave PISA 2018
Igor Peras, 2024, independent scientific component part or a chapter in a monograph

Keywords: vzgoja in izobraževanje, medvrstniško nasilje, šola, dijaki, preventiva, mednarodne raziskave
Published in DiRROS: 27.01.2025; Views: 129; Downloads: 100
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Zgodbe o moškosti ali "pravi" in "nepravi" moški
Valerija Vendramin, 2024, independent scientific component part or a chapter in a monograph

Keywords: študije spolov, opredelitev spola, vzgoja in izobraževanje, feminizem, toksična moškost, prikriti kurikulum
Published in DiRROS: 27.01.2025; Views: 97; Downloads: 51
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Sistematično poučevanje govornega nastopanja pri slovenščini kot izhodišče za medpredmetno povezovanje in razvijanje raznojezične zmožnosti
Janja Žmavc, 2024, independent scientific component part or a chapter in a monograph

Abstract: In this paper, we address the role of linguistic diversity in oral performance across the educational vertical. As a possibility for the successful implementation of cross-curricular integration through systematic and contextualised teaching of effective speaking, we present the Framework for Vertical Teaching of Oral Performance, as a basis for a holistic approach to the planning and implementation of pedagogical activities aimed at developing students' communicative competence. In the first part, we define oral performance as a multidimensional component of classical rhetoric and show the necessity of incorporating a rhetorical perspective into the conception of public speaking in education. Complementing classical rhetoric with the concept of oracy, we add a translanguaging approach to establish the link between teaching of spoken language, rhetoric as a process-based formation of a speaker, and the idiolects in the school. Finally, we present the Framework and outline main points that serve as a basis for developing pedagogical practices. The significance of a rhetorical pedagogy, which incorporates the role of institutional recognition of the individual's idiolect, is that it evokes the values of humanistic education, thus going beyond the narrow developing of linguistic skills and therefore constituting a vital part of the education’s general aims and goals.
Keywords: education, oral pefrormance, rhetoric, Slovene lessons, cross-linguistic integration, multilingualism, linguistic skills
Published in DiRROS: 27.01.2025; Views: 111; Downloads: 64
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