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Query: "author" (Primož Simončič) .

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Succession induced changes in ecosystem functioning with emphasis on carbon and water exchange
Klemen Eler, Mitja Ferlan, Giorgio Alberti, Alessandro Peresotti, Primož Simončič, Dominik Vodnik, 2015, published scientific conference contribution abstract

Published in DiRROS: 03.11.2021; Views: 952; Downloads: 310
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Znanost in znanje o gozdu, gozdarstvu in lesarstvu
Hojka Kraigher, Miha Humar, Maja Peteh, Primož Simončič, 2015, published scientific conference contribution

Keywords: znanost, raziskovanje, gozdarstvo, lesarstvo, publiciranje, znanstveni rezultati, znanstveni učinki, evalvacije, financiranje
Published in DiRROS: 03.11.2021; Views: 1109; Downloads: 401
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Green space area and type affect bird communities in a South-eastern European city
Maarten De Groot, Katarina Flajšman, Tomaž Mihelič, Urša Vilhar, Primož Simončič, Andrej Verlič, 2021, original scientific article

Abstract: Urbanization decreases the species richness and results in the homogenization of bird communities. Bird species are important indicator species for biodiversity and reflect the habitat quality of urban forests and other green spaces. In this study we investigated the key drivers that influence bird communities in urban forests and green spaces in the Southeastern European city of Ljubljana, Slovenia. We were interested in how the number of species, species dissimilarity and indicator species are affected by the type of green space (urban forest vs park), area of green space and type of urbanization (urban vs peri-urban areas). We sampled birds twice in 2012 in 39 standardized point counts across Ljubljana. We found that the abundance was influenced by the area of the green space. Species dissimilarity and species turnover are affected by the area and type of green space. Interestingly, the analysis showed that the species composition of peri-urban areas was similar to that of urban areas. Indicator species were found for all environmental variables. On the basis of the results, we suggest the strategy that would increase the diversity of birds and increase the stability of their populations in urban areas. Urban planners should encourage 1) both forests and parks since they harbour different species of birds, 2) larger green spaces since larger areas have species that are more typical of larger areas and 3) a mosaic of a larger number of smaller forest remnants combined with larger forest complex serving as source areas.
Keywords: urban forest, bird species composition, forest remnant, urbanization, peri-urban forest, bird monitoring, species richness
Published in DiRROS: 14.06.2021; Views: 1525; Downloads: 788
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Short-term impacts of harvesting intensity on the upper soil layers in high karst Dinaric fir-beech forests
Emira Hukić, Matjaž Čater, Aleksander Marinšek, Mitja Ferlan, Milan Kobal, Daniel Žlindra, Hamid Čustović, Primož Simončič, 2021, original scientific article

Abstract: The present study addresses the short-term effects of different harvest intensities under close-to-nature selective management on the upper soil layers in Slovenian and Bosnian Dinaric karst fir-beech forests. The different harvest intensities coincided with the single-tree and irregular shelterwood management, common in the region. The effect of harvesting intensity on the upper soil layers (Ol, Of, Ol and 0%10 cm mineral soil) was investigated by a repeated measurements experiment in Slovenia on 27 research plots in close-to nature managed forests. The properties of the upper layers (concentration of SOC and TN, C/N ratio, weights, BD and SOC stocks) were analyzed twice, before (2011) and after (2014) treatment of 50% and 100% harvest intensity in relation to the total standing growing stock of trees. As a control, we used no-treatment <20% harvesting intensity plots. To extend this experiment, we added three comparable plots from the Bosnian site: one in an old-growth forest with 0% harvest intensity and two in the managed forest with <20% harvest intensity. The results of the assessment of mean differences indicated a significant influence of harvesting intensity on the decrease in SOC, TN concentrations, weights and SOC stocks in the organic layers and the increase in BD and SOC stocks in the 0%10 cm mineral soil. The highest relative decreases in Ol, Of and Oh SOC stocks occurred in 50% (%10 and %38%) and 100% (%16 and %49%) harvest intensities. Negligible relative differences in both organic and 0%10 cm mineral layers were found for the <20% harvest intensity in the region. The change in forest light conditions resulting from differences in canopy openness as a function of applied harvest intensity explained the significant difference in the properties of the upper soil layers. The impact of the short-term losses in SOC stocks, in terms of overall soil productivity, may depend on the regeneration dynamics and melioration methods.
Keywords: close-to-nature forest management, harvest intensity, Calcic Cambisol, forest soil, soil organic carbon
Published in DiRROS: 10.05.2021; Views: 1304; Downloads: 920
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Pregled, izbira in analiza lesnih vrst : Rezultat D1.1.1 (M24, dokument)
Luka Krajnc, Polona Hafner, Andreja Vedenik, Jožica Gričar, Primož Simončič, 2020, treatise, preliminary study, study

Keywords: les, leseni izdelki, indikatorji kakovosti lesa, gostota lesa
Published in DiRROS: 09.04.2021; Views: 1629; Downloads: 169
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Umerjanje rezistografskih meritev gostote lesa na stoječih drevesih : pretvorba v osnovno gostoto
Luka Krajnc, Polona Hafner, Jožica Gričar, Primož Simončič, 2020, other scientific articles

Abstract: V prispevku predstavljamo proces in rezultate določitve korekcijskih količnikov za pretvorbo rezistografskih gostot, izmerjenih na stoječih drevesih, v osnovno gostoto lesa na primeru bukve (Fagus sylvatica L.), puhastega hrasta (Quercus pubescens Willd.) in črnega bora (Pinus nigraArnold.). Korekcijski količniki so bili določeni na podlagi sveže odžaganih kolutov, ki so bili povrtani z rezistografom. Kolute smo stehtali, izmerili njihovo prostornino ter jih posušili do absolutno suhega stanja. Iz zbranih podatkov smo nato izračunali osnovno gostoto lesa ter korekcijske količnike med osnovno in rezistografsko gostoto. V raziskavo je bilo zajetih 59 kolutov. Aritmetična sredina vseh izmerjenih količnikov znaša 1,41, vrednosti 95 % intervala zaupanja pa znašajo od 1,38 do 1,46. Razlike med drevesnimi vrstami so statistično neznačilne. Rezistografska gostota relativno dobro odraža osnovno gostoto kolutov (Pearsonov korelacijski koeficient = 0,91; p < 0,001), kar nakazuje na relativno dobro povezanost osnovnih gostot kolutov z rezistografskimi gostotami. Dobljeni rezultati so ključnega pomena za nadaljnji razvoj področja merjenja dejanskih gostot lesa v stoječih drevesih na hiter in relativno nedestruktiven način.
Keywords: rezistograf, gostota lesa, kakovost lesa, bukev, puhasti hrast, črni bor
Published in DiRROS: 14.12.2020; Views: 2016; Downloads: 567
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