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Query: "author" (Polona Hafner) .

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Timeline of leaf and cambial phenology in relation to development of initial conduits in xylem and phloem in three coexisting sub-Mediterranean deciduous tree species
Jožica Gričar, Andreja Vedenik, Gregor Skoberne, Polona Hafner, Peter Prislan, 2020, original scientific article

Abstract: It is unclear how the anticipated climate change will affect the timing of phenology of different tree organs/tissues and thus the whole-tree functioning. We examined the timing of leaf phenology and secondary growth in three coexisting deciduous tree species (Quercus pubescens Willd., Fraxinus ornus L. and Ostrya carpinifolia Scop) from a sub-Mediterranean region in 2019. In addition, we investigated the relationship between leaf and cambial phenology and the onset of the potential functioning of initial conduits, as determined by the completed differentiation process (vessels) or final size (sieve tubes). For this purpose, leaf development was monitored and the microcores of cambium and the youngest phloem and xylem increments were repeatedly collected at 7-10-day intervals during the growing season. The results revealed differences in the timing of leaf development and seasonal radial growth patterns in spring among the studied tree species, depending on wood porosity. We found that cambial cell production started in all cases in the first half of March. However, in ring-porous Q. pubescens and F. ornus, radial growth in the stem occurred more than a month before buds were swollen, whereas in diffuse-porous O. carpinifolia, these two events were detected at almost the same time. The end of cambial cell production occurred earliest in F. ornus (mid-July) and two weeks later also in the other two species. The widest initial earlywood vessels and early phloem sieve tubes were found in Q. pubescens, the narrowest initial earlywood vessels in O. carpinifolia and the narrowest early phloem sieve tubes in F. ornus. This indicates differences in the e%ciency of conducting systems among the studied species. This novel approach of studying phloem phenology and anatomy in relation to leaf and xylem development contributes to a better understanding of how different tree species adapt their structure of secondary vascular tissues in response to environmental change.
Keywords: Quercus pubescens, Fraxinus ornus, Ostrya carpinifolia, earlywood, early phloem, vessel, sieve tube, radial growth
Published in DiRROS: 21.10.2020; Views: 1352; Downloads: 970
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Je mogoče pripisati vrednost vsem ekosistemskim storitvam, ki jih nudi gozd?
Mitja Skudnik, Polona Hafner, 2020, preface, editorial, afterword

Keywords: ekosistemske storitve, gozdovi, posredni pomen gozdov, vrednotenje
Published in DiRROS: 10.10.2020; Views: 1475; Downloads: 485
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Meritve gostote lesa v slovenskih gozdovih
Luka Krajnc, Polona Hafner, Andreja Vedenik, Jožica Gričar, Primož Simončič, 2020, professional article

Abstract: V prispevku je predstavljen primer raziskave o variabilnosti kakovosti lesa različnih drevesnih vrst v slovenskih gozdovih. Meritve gostote, ki je eden glavnih pokazateljev kakovosti lesa, bodo služile za izdelavo podatkovne baze za oceno prostorske variabilnosti kakovosti lesa v Sloveniji. Zanesljivih in objektivnih podatkov o kakovosti lesa v naših gozdovih je relativno malo. Takšne baze so na ravni Slovenije izjemno pomembne, saj omogočajo vpogled v kakovost lesa, ki bo v prihodnje na voljo kot surovina na trgu za domačo lesno industrijo. Podobne baze bodo pomembne za izračun količine vezanega ogljika v nadzemni in podzemni biomasi za Slovenijo, hkrati pa bodo zbrani podatki služili tudi kot izhodišče za nadaljnje analize kakovosti lesa, zlasti mehanske lastnosti, ki so ključne pri uporabi lesa za konstrukcijske namene. Lastnosti in razpoložljivost lesa ekonomsko pomembnih drevesnih vrst so osnova za razvoj gozdno-lesne verige glede novih tehnologij, razvoja novih biomaterialov in potenciala rabe lesa različnih kakovosti z optimalnimi izkoristki.
Keywords: rezistograf, gostota lesa, kakovost lesa, listavci, iglavci
Published in DiRROS: 09.08.2020; Views: 2116; Downloads: 606
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Izbira podjetja za izvajanje del v gozdu naj bo pretehtana med ceno in kakovostjo storitve
Mitja Skudnik, Polona Hafner, 2020, preface, editorial, afterword

Keywords: gozdna dela, gozdarska podjetja
Published in DiRROS: 09.08.2020; Views: 1735; Downloads: 519
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Izbira podjetja za izvajanje del v gozdu naj bo pretehtana med ceno in kakovostjo storitve
Mitja Skudnik, Polona Hafner, 2020, preface, editorial, afterword

Keywords: izvajalci, delo v gozdu, ponudba
Published in DiRROS: 09.06.2020; Views: 1885; Downloads: 610
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Pomembnost mestnih in primestnih gozdov v času izrednih razmer
Mitja Skudnik, Polona Hafner, 2020, preface, editorial, afterword

Keywords: epidemija covid 19, izredne razmere, funkcije gozdov
Published in DiRROS: 02.05.2020; Views: 2553; Downloads: 670
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Invazivne tujerodne bolezni in škodljivci ter z njimi povezani izzivi
Mitja Skudnik, Polona Hafner, 2020, preface, editorial, afterword

Keywords: invazivne vrste, škodljivce invazivne vrster, gozdovi, varstvo gozdov
Published in DiRROS: 06.04.2020; Views: 1851; Downloads: 528
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Post-fire effects on development of leaves and secondary vascular tissues in Quercus pubescens
Jožica Gričar, Polona Hafner, Martina Lavrič, Mitja Ferlan, Nives Ogrinc, Bor Krajnc, Klemen Eler, Dominik Vodnik, 2020, original scientific article

Abstract: An increased frequency of fire events on the Slovenian Karst is in line with future climate-change scenarios for drought-prone environments worldwide. It is therefore of the utmost importance to better understand tree-fire-climate interactions for predicting the impact of changing environment on tree functioning. To this purpose, we studied the post-fire effects on leaf development, leaf carbon isotope composition (%13C), radial growth patterns and the xylem and phloem anatomy in undamaged (H-trees) and fire-damaged trees (F-trees) of Q. pubescens with good re-sprouting ability in spring 2017, the growing season after a rangeland fire in August 2016. We found that the fully developed canopy of F-trees reached only half of the LAI values measured in H-trees. Throughout the season, F-trees were characterised by higher water potential and stomatal conductivity and achieved higher photosynthetic rates compared to unburnt H-trees. The foliage of F-trees had more negative %13C values than those of H-trees. This reflects that F-trees less frequently meet stomatal limitations due to reduced transpirational area and more favourable leaf-to-root ratio. In addition, the growth of leaves in F-trees relied more on the recent photosynthates than on reserves due to the fire disturbed starch accumulation in the previous season. Cambial production stopped 3 weeks later in F-trees, resulting in 60% and 22% wider xylem and phloem increments, respectively. A novel approach by including phloem anatomy in the analyses revealed that fire caused changes in conduit dimensions in the early phloem but not in the earlywood. However, premature formation of the tyloses in the earlywood vessels of the youngest two xylem increments in F-trees implies that xylem hydraulic integrity was also affected by heat. Analyses of secondary tissues showed that although xylem and phloem tissues are interlinked changes in their transport systems due to heat damage are not necessarily coordinated.
Keywords: pubescent oak, cambium, radial growth, xylem, phloem, anatomy, sub-Mediterranean
Published in DiRROS: 19.03.2020; Views: 2631; Downloads: 1390
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Leto 2020 bo leto intenzivnih priprav na obnovo območnih gozdnogospodarskih načrtov
Mitja Skudnik, Polona Hafner, 2020, preface, editorial, afterword

Keywords: gozdnogospodarsko načrtovanje
Published in DiRROS: 29.02.2020; Views: 2127; Downloads: 563
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Vloga gozdarstva v biogospodarstvu
Mitja Skudnik, Polona Hafner, 2019, preface, editorial, afterword

Keywords: gozdarstvo, biogospodarstvo
Published in DiRROS: 20.12.2019; Views: 1999; Downloads: 645
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