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Reprodukcija in analiza polsestrskih družin izbrnih pokljuških smrek
Lado Eleršek, Lado Kutnar, Igor Jerman, Marjana Pavle, 1994, original scientific article

Keywords: smreke, Pokljuka
Published in DiRROS: 29.08.2023; Views: 641; Downloads: 176
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Sedimentological and paleontological analysis of the Lower Jurassic part of the Zatrnik Formation on the Pokljuka plateau, Slovenia
Luka Gale, Duje Kukoč, Boštjan Rožič, Anja Vidervol, 2021, original scientific article

Abstract: The uppermost Ladinian to Lower Jurassic Zatrnik Formation is the lithostratigraphic unit of the Mesozoic deeper marine Bled Basin. The uppermost part of the Zatrnik Formation and the transition into the overlying Ribnica Breccia was logged at the Zajamniki mountain pasture on the Pokljuka mountain plateau in the Julian Alps. The lowermost part the section belongs to the “classical” Zatrnik Formation and is dominated by beige micritic limestone and fine-grained calcarenite. Foraminifers Siphovalvulina, ?Everticyclammina, ?Mesoendothyra and ?Pseudopfenderina are present, indicating Early Jurassic age. The beige limestone is followed by light pink limestone of the uppermost Zatrnik Formation. Slumps are common in this interval, and crinoids are abundant. Alongside some species already present in beds lower in the succession, Meandrovoluta asiagoensis Fugagnoli & Rettori, Trocholina sp., Valvulinidae, small Textulariidae, Lagenida, and small ?Ophthalmidium alsooccur in this interval. Resedimented limestone predominates through the studied part of the Zatrnik Formation, indicating deposition on the slope or at the foot of the slope of the basin. The switch to crinoid-rich facies within the slumped interval of the Zatrnik Formation may reflect accelerated subsidence of the margins of the Julian Carbonate Platform in the Pliensbachian. The Zatrnik Formation is followed by the formation of the Pliensbachian (?) Ribnica Breccia. Impregnations of ferromanganese oxides, violet colour, and an increase in clay content are characteristic. The foraminiferal assemblage consists of Lenticulina, small elongated Lagenida, and epistominids. Individual beds of the Ribnica Breccia were deposited via debris flows. Enrichments in ferromanganese oxides point to slower sedimentation.
Keywords: Lower Jurassic, Bled Basin, Pokljuka Nappe, stratigraphy, foraminifer, Hierlatz facies, Ribnica Breccia, Zajamniki
Published in DiRROS: 09.03.2022; Views: 918; Downloads: 420
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Zgodnje odkrivanje osmerozobega smrekovega lubadarja (Ips typographus) s pomočjo psov specialistov
Peter Čadež, 2021, professional article

Abstract: V letu 2020 sem na Pokljuki za odkrivanje zgodnjega napada osmerozobega smrekovega lubadarja uporabil psa specialista, izurjenega za odkrivanje podlubnikov. Z inštruktorico Petro Prebeg sva psa izšolala po vzoru študije, ki so jo naredili na Švedski univerzi za kmetijstvo (Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences). Šolanje je potekalo po metodah, ki so jih razvili v Skandinavskem inštitutu za delovne pse (Scandinavian Working Dog Institute - SWDI). Prvi rezultati so zelo spodbudni. Nemška ovčarka Lopi je uspešno odkrivala podlubnike na razdaljah od 50 do 70 metrov, tudi pred pojavom vidnih znakov napada. Na dan sva pregledala od 25 do 30 hektarjev ogroženih sestojev. V juniju je Lopi našla 921 napadenih dreves. Tudi pozneje, ko so bili znaki napada podlubnikov že dobro vidni, je bila pomoč psa dobrodošla.
Keywords: osmerozobi smrekov lubadar, pes specialist, zgodnje odkrivanje, Pokljuka
Published in DiRROS: 12.07.2021; Views: 1568; Downloads: 459
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Kakovost smrekovega mladja v subalpskem smrekovem gozdu Julijskih Alp
Sonja Horvat-Marolt, 1984, original scientific article

Keywords: Slovenija, Pokljuka, smrekovi gozdovi, smrekov les, kakovost lesa
Published in DiRROS: 12.07.2017; Views: 4480; Downloads: 1883
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Zanesljivost volumenskih funkcij na primeru drevesne vrste smreke v Sloveniji
Gal Kušar, David Hladnik, Milan Hočevar, 2013, original scientific article

Abstract: Primerjali smo različne volumenske funkcije za ocenjevanje volumnov dreves. S pomočjo sekcijskih meritev (Newtonova metoda) smo izračunali prave ocene volumnov dreves 88 posekanih smrek na Pokljuki. Te smo uporabili za izdelavo regionalnih trovhodnih volumenskih funkcij, (dvovhodnih) deblovnic in tarif. Standardna napaka ocene povprečne vrednosti volumna drevesa je najmanjša pri trovhodnih volumenskih funkcijah (5,0 %), nato pri deblovnicah (11,7 %) in največja pri tarifah (15,1 %). Zanesljivost in uporabnost izdelanih regionalnih ter drugih volumenskih funkcij smo preverili na dveh hektarskih raziskovalnih ploskvah. Ugotovili smo, da s prirejenimi nemškimi deblovnicami smrekam določimo previsoke volumne. Ker volumne iz teh deblovnic uporabljamo tudi pri določanju prirejenih tarif na Slovenskem, je s takim postopkom določen tarifni razred z vsaj za 5 % previsokimi volumni dreves.
Keywords: volumenske funkcije, volumen dreves, lesna zaloga, smreka, Picea abies, Pokljuka
Published in DiRROS: 12.07.2017; Views: 4849; Downloads: 2277
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Biodiversity of types of ectomycorrhizae in a norway spruce stands on Pokljuka
Urša Vilhar, Igor Smolej, Tadeja Trošt Sedej, Lado Kutnar, Hojka Kraigher, 2004, original scientific article

Abstract: Types of ectomycorrhizae were studied in soil cores from a young regeneration center in an autochthonous Norway spruce stand on Pokljuka (Triglav National Park, 1200 m.a.s.l.). Soil cores of equal volume (274 ml, 0 - 18 cm deep) weretaken from 33 sampling plots. In the samples all the roots were counted and types of ectomycorrhizae briefly characterized. From these data diversity indices (species diversity (d) and Shannon- Weaver index of diversity (H)) were calculated. Interactions among mycorrhizae, light regime and survival of spruce seedlings were studied. Out of about 50,000 root tips approximately 1 %were non-mycorrhizal, 63 % were old unviable mycorrhizae and 36 % were identifiable ectomycorrhizal root tips, forming 27 different types of ectomycorrhizae. Sixteen types of ectomycorrhizae were briefly characterized. The Shannon diversity index for types of ectomycorrhizae was high (3.13) with respect to the above-ground diversity of vegetation (1.7). The direct site factor was shown to be negatively correlated to ~Piceirhiza cornuta. The diffuse site factor was negatively correlated to Cortinarius sp. (obtusus type) and positively correlated to Inocybe sp. The ground vegetation cover waspositively correlated to Piceirhiza gelatinosa and the total vegetation cover to Elaphomyces sp.
Keywords: ectomycorrhizae, types of ectomycorrhizae, Norway spruce, natural regeneration, Pokljuka
Published in DiRROS: 12.07.2017; Views: 4644; Downloads: 1945
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