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Effect of Ce:Ti ratio and cerium salts on the properties of mesoporous Ti-Ce oxides and their photocatalytic activity
Peter Nadrah, Mateja Knap, T. Vikram Sagar, Andrijana Sever Škapin, Urška Lavrenčič Štangar, 2025, original scientific article

Abstract: To investigate the influence of different CeO2 precursors and Ce:Ti ratios, we have synthesised 8 mesoporous Ti-Ce oxides via the evaporation-induced self-assembly (EISA) method with Ce:Ti ratios between 0.2 and 20 mol%.The materials exhibited type IV isotherms and a specific surface area of 140–180 m2⋅g 1 with pore diameters in range of 3–20 nm. The crystalline phases of materials comprised predominantly anatase with a significant decrease in overall crystalline content with increasing Ce:Ti ratio. Materials with higher Ce:Ti ratio showed an increased light absorption in the visible region. Although crystalline CeO2 was not detected, the presence of Ce(IV) was confirmed by X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy. For the photocatalytic experiments, we compared these materials with the TiO2-CeO2 composites of our previously published syntheses to yield 16 samples synthesized via three synthesis approaches: (1) concurrent synthesis from titanium alkoxide and cerium salts in one pot, (2) synthesis of TiO2 in the presence of previously-synthesised CeO2 and (3) physical mixing of separately-synthesised TiO2 and CeO2. Samples produced by physically mixing the separately-synthesised TiO2 and CeO2 showed the best photocatalytic activity towards gaseous isopropanol degradation, while the samples with TiO2 synthesised in the presence of CeO2 showed the best photocatalytic stability.
Keywords: Ti-Ce oxides, evaporation-induced self-assembly, isopropanol oxidation, photocatalysis, mesoporous material
Published in DiRROS: 30.01.2025; Views: 135; Downloads: 113
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Metodologija za računanje rabe energije v obstoječih stavbah, zaščitenih kot kulturna dediščina po PURES-3 : primerjava scenarijev
Alen Hausmeister, Jože Hafner, Katja Malovrh Rebec, 2024, original scientific article

Abstract: V članku je predstavljena metodologija za izračun rabe energije v obstoječih stavbah, zaščitenih kot kulturna dediščina, s poudarkom na primerjavi mesečne in dinamične metode. Evropska in slovenska gradbena zakonodaja predvidevata postopno uvajanje dinamične metode, ki temelji na urnih vhodnih podatkih in simulira pogoje delovanja objekta na podlagi 3D-modela. V Sloveniji se poleg novega Pravilnika o učinkoviti rabi energije (PURES-3) uvaja tudi obvezna raba informacijskega modeliranja gradenj (BIM). V študiji smo preizkusili različne metodologije za pripravo in prenos podatkov v BIM okolju ter izvedli izračune z uporabo programske opreme CYPE Thermal, ki temelji na dinamičnem orodju EnergyPlus. Za referenčni objekt smo določili štiri scenarije, ki vključujejo različne posege na ovoju stavbe ter aktivno in pasivno senčenje. Ugotovili smo, da obstajajo pomembna odstopanja med obema metodama, ki se razlikujejo glede na specifične scenarije. Največji vpliv na razlike imata pogostost vhodnih podatkov o temperaturi okolice in solarni dobitki, ki jih dinamična metoda obravnava z večjo natančnostjo. Ta raziskava ponuja pomembne vpoglede v metodologijo izračuna energijske učinkovitosti stavb, kar je ključno za trajnostno prenovo obstoječega stavbnega fonda v Sloveniji.
Keywords: gradbena fizika, dinamične simulacije, učinkovita raba energije, spomeniško zaščitene stavbe, informacijsko modeliranje, BIM
Published in DiRROS: 30.01.2025; Views: 120; Downloads: 54
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Collision milling of oil shale ash as constituent pretreatment in concrete 3D printing
Lucija Hanžič, Mateja Štefančič, Katarina Šter, Vesna Zalar Serjun, Maris Šinka, Alise Sapata, Genadijs Šahmenko, Evaldas Šerelis, Baiba Migliniece, Lidija Korat Bensa, 2025, original scientific article

Abstract: Concrete is an essential construction material, and infrastructures, such as bridges, tunnels, and power plants, consume large quantities of it. Future infrastructure demands and sustainability issues necessitate the adoption of non-conventional supplementary cementitious materials (SCMs). At the same time, global labor shortages are compelling the conservative construction sector to implement autonomous and digital fabrication methods, such as 3D printing. This paper thus investigates the feasibility of using oil shale ash (OSA) as an SCM in concrete suitable for 3D printing, and collision milling is examined as a possible ash pretreatment. OSA from four different sources was collected and analyzed for its physical, chemical, and mineralogical composition. Concrete formulations containing ash were tested for mechanical performance, and the two best-performing formulations were assessed for printability. It was found that ash extracted from flue gases by the novel integrated desulfurizer has the greatest potential as an SCM due to globular particles that contain β-calcium silicate. The 56-day compression strength of concrete containing this type of ash is ~60 MPa, the same as in the reference composition. Overall, collision milling is effective in reducing the size of particles larger than 10 μm but does not seem beneficial for ash extracted from flue gasses. However, milling bottom ash may unlock its potential as an SCM, with the optimal milling frequency being ~100 Hz.
Keywords: digital concrete, 3D printing, oil shale ash, supplementary cementitious material, collision milling
Published in DiRROS: 30.01.2025; Views: 130; Downloads: 94
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Razvoj koncepta za opredelitev območij zelenih površin za prostorsko zgoščene oblike telesnih dejavnosti
Jana Kozamernik, Ina Šuklje Erjavec, Simon Koblar, Rok Brišnik, Vita Žlender, 2024, original scientific article

Abstract: Zelene površine imajo pomembno vlogo pri spodbujanju telesne dejavnosti in izboljšanju javnega zdravja, zato je njihova enakovredna dostopnost za vse prebivalce zelo pomembna. Kljub temu v Sloveniji primanjkuje kakovostnih prostorskih podatkov za presojo preskrbljenosti naselij z zelenimi površinami za telesne dejavnosti. Raziskava se osredotoča na razvoj koncepta preskrbljenosti slovenskih mest in naselij z zelenimi površinami. V članku opredelimo pojem preskrbljenosti in predstavljamo novo metodo za določanje območij zelenih površin za prostorsko zgoščene oblike telesne dejavnosti. Metoda temelji na kombinaciji prostorskih podatkov o pojavnosti in funkciji zelenih površin ter omogoča dovolj zanesljivo opredelitev območij zelenih površin za prostorsko zgoščene oblike telesne dejavnosti, da se lahko uporablja kot izhodišče za presojo preskrbljenosti naselij z zelenimi površinami za te dejavnosti za namen razvoja kazalnikov. Razprava poudarja pomanjkanje celovitih in kakovostnih prostorskih podatkov za presojo preskrbljenosti z zelenimi površinami za prostorsko zgoščene oblike telesne dejavnosti v Sloveniji ter potrebo po medsektorskem sodelovanju za boljše upravljanje in načrtovanje urbanih prostorov. V zaključku se izpostavlja potreba po strokovno usklajenem pristopu k zbiranju podatkov in vzpostavitvi dolgoročnega sodelovanja med deležniki za izboljšanje dostopnosti in kakovosti zelenih površin za spodbujanje telesnih dejavnosti v Sloveniji.
Keywords: zelene površine, telesna dejavnost, prostorski podatki, prostorski vidiki, kazalniki
Published in DiRROS: 29.01.2025; Views: 155; Downloads: 139
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Early Anglo-Saxon Royal Saints : St Æthelthryth of East Anglia, St Mildrith of Kent, St Oswald of Northumbria, St Edmund of East Anglia
Alenka Divjak, 2024, scientific monograph

Abstract: This study discusses four widely venerated Anglo-Saxon saints: St Æthelthryth of Ely (ca. 635- 679), St Mildrith of Thanet (†732/733), St Oswald of Northumbria (†642), and St Edmund of East Anglia (†869/870). They descended from the royal families who materially and politically supported the conversion of Anglo-Saxon England in the seventh century. As a sign of appreciation, the Church elevated to sanctity a certain number of their family members, and by doing so it invested the royal dynasties with an aura of hitherto unknown spiritual prestige as saints were believed to be heavenly protectors and intermediaries between life and death. Apart from focusing on hagiography, especially the process of sanctification, the study also offers a glimpse of the early Anglo-Saxon age, its political history, achievements and the history of mentality, paying particular attention to the gender distinctive roles which determined the saints’ path towards sanctity and sanctification.
Published in DiRROS: 28.01.2025; Views: 120; Downloads: 51
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Družice : Mala dela filozofije
Andrina Tonkli-Komel, 2024, scientific monograph

Published in DiRROS: 28.01.2025; Views: 139; Downloads: 36
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Haplotype-resolved genome assembly of the tetraploid potato cultivar Désirée
Tim Godec, Sebastian Beier, Natalia Yaneth Rodriguez-Granados, Rashmi Sasidharan, Lamis Abdelhakim, Markus Teige, Björn Usadel, Kristina Gruden, Marko Petek, 2025, other component parts

Abstract: Cultivar Désirée is an important model for potato functional genomics studies to assist breeding strategies. Here, we present a haplotype-resolved genome assembly of Désirée, achieved by assembling PacBio HiFi reads and Hi-C scaffolding, resulting in a high-contiguity chromosome-level assembly. We implemented a comprehensive annotation pipeline incorporating gene models and functional annotations from the Solanum tuberosum Phureja DM reference genome alongside RNA-seq reads to provide high-quality gene and transcript annotations. Additionally, we provide a genome-wide DNA methylation profile using Oxford Nanopore reads, enabling insights into potato epigenetics. The assembled genome, annotations, methylation and expression data are visualised in a publicly accessible genome browser (, providing a valuable resource for the potato research community.
Keywords: cultivar Désirée, potato, functional genomics, genome assembly, annotation pipeline, DNA methylation, epigenetics
Published in DiRROS: 28.01.2025; Views: 146; Downloads: 83
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