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Query: "author" (Marija Kolšek) .

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Estimating the most effective and economical pheromone for monitoring the European spruce bark beetle
Nina Šramel, Andreja Kavčič, Marija Kolšek, Maarten De Groot, 2021, original scientific article

Abstract: In recent decades, there have been an increasing number of outbreaks of Ips typographus in Europe. A large amount of sanitary felling has taken place, with significant economic and ecological consequences. In order to anticipate such large%scale outbreaks, an effective monitoring system should be set up. One important aspect of monitoring is deciding which pheromone to use. Therefore, we decided to test five different commercially available pheromone lures under different disturbance conditions: Pheroprax%, IT Ecolure Extra%, Ipstyp%, Ipsowit% and Typosan%. We investigated the ability of the pheromones to distinguish between disturbed and undisturbed locations, their cost%efficiency ratio, and side effects such as bycatch abundance and composition. We set 50 traps in two areas with sites that were disturbed and undisturbed by windstorms. We collected the catch from traps every 1%2 weeks from the end of March until the end of September in 2019. We found that IT Ecolure Extra%, Ipsowit% and % Pheroprax% caught the most I. typographus and best showed changes in the trap catch of I. typographus throughout the whole season. There was a low amount of bycatch (<6% of the total catch) and a low number of predators (a few specimens), but some groups seem to prefer certain pheromones. The cost of the pheromones increased with their effectiveness. However, pheromone costs are low relative to the personnel costs involved in setting traps and collecting the catch. Based on all of the gathered data, we created an index which helps to assess the cost%efficiency of the five chosen commercially available pheromones. We also present guidelines on how to make such an index to assist other researchers in choosing the right pheromone for monitoring populations of I. typographus or other bark beetle species.
Keywords: bark beetles, cost-efficiency, Ips typographus, monitoring pheromones, Picea abies
Published in DiRROS: 21.01.2021; Views: 1559; Downloads: 882
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Using citizen science to monitor the spread of tree pests and diseases : outcomes of two projects in Slovenia and the UK
Peter Crow, Ana Pérez-Sierra, Andreja Kavčič, Kate Lewthwaite, Marija Kolšek, Nikica Ogris, Barbara Piškur, Jana Kus Veenvliet, Simon Zidar, Suzanne Sancisi-Frey, Maarten De Groot, 2020, original scientific article

Abstract: The trees and forests of Europe are increasingly under threat from new pests and diseases that have originated in other parts of the world. Early detection of alien species when they first appear in European countries allows rapid response and offers the best chance to mitigate against their establishment and spread. Citizen science initiatives such as LIFE ARTEMIS in Slovenia, and Observatree in the UK, provide members of the public with the necessary training and educational resource to identify these tree pests and diseases and report them to the appropriate authorities, thereby increasing the level of surveillance and the capacity of the early warning system. This paper summarises some of the outcomes of these two projects and how they have both become integral parts of the official forest and tree health monitoring systems within their respective countries of Slovenia and the United Kingdom.
Keywords: invasive alien species, plant health, tree health, forest health, early warning, rapid response
Published in DiRROS: 16.11.2020; Views: 1843; Downloads: 915
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Rjavenje borovih iglic - primer ukrepanja v Soški dolini
Zoran Zavrtanik, Marija Kolšek, 2020, professional article

Abstract: Gozdarski inštitut Slovenije je v letih 2015 do 2018 na več lokacijah v Soški dolini potrdil prisotnost glive Lecanosticta acicola, ki povzroča bolezen rjavenje borovih iglic, tudi na črnem boru (Pinus nigra), kar je glede na dosedanje raziskave te glive v Evropi redkost. Glede na rezultate raziskav in opažanja na terenu je populacija glive na črnem boru najverjetneje zelo patogena in bi lahko ogrozila naravne sestoje črnega bora v Sloveniji. V primerjavi z drugimi populacijami te glive v Sloveniji sklepamo, da je zaenkrat geografsko izolirana populacija glive na črnem boru. Zato je bila leta 2018 sprejeta odločitev, da se v Zgornjem Posočju izvedejo ukrepi za omejevanje širjenja glive. Pred decembrom 2019 je bila gliva uvrščena na seznam II.A.I Direktive Sveta 2000/29/ ES kot Scirrhia acicola. Z novo zakonodajo EU s področja zdravstvenega varstva rastlin je gliva L. acicola uvrščena na sezname nadzorovanih nekarantenskih škodljivih organizmov. Uprava za varno hrano, veterinarstvo in varstvo rastlin (UVHVVR), Gozdarski inštitut Slovenije in Zavod za gozdove Slovenije so pripravili načrt ukrepanja, ki ga je potrdil direktor UVHVVR. Ukrepanje v gozdnem prostoru je potekalo konec leta 2019 in v prvi polovici leta 2020.
Keywords: Lecanosticta acicola, rjavenje borovih iglic, Soška dolina, Pinus nigra, črni bor, ukrepanje, gozdovi
Published in DiRROS: 14.11.2020; Views: 1913; Downloads: 499
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Varstvo gozdov pred novo vnesenimi škodljivimi organizmi za gozd v Sloveniji : Protection of forests against new diseases and pests in Slovenia
Barbara Piškur, Marija Kolšek, Dušan Jurc, 2020, professional article

Abstract: V besedilu sta predstavljeni organiziranost in delovanje javne gozdarske službe na področju varstva gozdov, ki obsega dve inštituciji: Zavod za gozdove Slovenije (ZGS) in Gozdarski inštitut Slovenije (GIS). Opisana je tudi umeščenost varstva gozdov v slovenski sistem zdravja rastlin, ki ga vodi Uprava za varno hrano, veterinarstvo in varstvo rastlin. V letu 2020 sodelavci GIS in ZGS vodijo ali sodelujejo v naslednjih programih preiskav karantenskih organizmov v okviru sistema zdravja rastlin: brezov krasnik (Agrilus anxius), jesenov krasnik (Agrilus planipennis), kitajski kozliček (Anoplophora chinensis), azijski kozliček (Anoplophora glabripennis), borova ogorčica (Bursaphelenchus xylophilus), sibirska svilena kokljica (Dendrolimus sibiricus), bolezen tisočerih rakov (Geosmithia morbida in vektor Pityophthorus juglandis), borov smolasti rak (Fusarium circinatum), neevropski žagovinarji (Monochamus spp. (neevropski)), neevropski rilčkarji (Pissodes spp. (neevropski)), azijski ambrozijski podlubnik (Xylosandrus crassiusculus), fitoftorna sušica vej (Phytophthora ramorum). V preteklosti so sodelovali še v programih preiskav za: kostanjeva šiškarica (Dryocosmus kuryphilus), šarka (Plum pox potyvirus), rjavenje borovih iglic (Lecanosticta acicola), rdeča pegavost borovih iglic (Dothistroma spp.), hrastova uvelost (Bretziella fagacearum), zlatopegasti krasnik (Agrilus auroguttatus), borov črni rak (Atropellis spp.) in rjavenje plodov pravega kostanja (Gnomoniopsis smithogilvyi). Podrobneje je predstavljeno delo o šestih škodljivih organizmih in našteti so raziskovalno-strokovni izzivi, ki bi jih slovensko gozdarstvo moralo obravnavati, da bi uspeli uresničiti končni cilj, ki je zdrav in stabilen slovenski gozd.
Keywords: karantenski škodljivi organizmi, javno pooblastilo, zdravstveno varstvo gozdov, javna gozdarska služba
Published in DiRROS: 14.11.2020; Views: 1751; Downloads: 510
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Posledice snegoloma decembra 2008 v Gozdnogospodarskem območju Bled
Vida Papler-Lampe, Marija Kolšek, 2009, professional article

Keywords: snegolomi, škoda, poškodbe gozdov, gozdovi, varstvo gozdov
Published in DiRROS: 29.07.2020; Views: 1725; Downloads: 871
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Namnožil se je bukov rilčkar skakač - Rhynchaenus fagi
Maja Jurc, Marija Kolšek, 2009, professional article

Keywords: bukev, Fagus sylvatica, bukov rilčkar skakač, Rhynchaenus fagi, poškodbe gozdov, gozdovi, varstvo gozdov
Published in DiRROS: 29.07.2020; Views: 1813; Downloads: 1004
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Rdeči bor se je začel sušiti po toči
Marija Kolšek, Franc Kogovšek, Dušan Jurc, 2010, professional article

Keywords: rdeči bor, Pinus sylvestris L., sušenje, bolezni drevja, gozdovi, varstvo gozdov
Published in DiRROS: 29.07.2020; Views: 1409; Downloads: 839
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