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1822. Popis sekalnikov 2024Matjaž Dovečar, Amina Gačo Jež, Martin Jež, Nike Krajnc, Vesna Meden, Jaša Saražin, Darja Stare, Špela Ščap, Matevž Triplat, David Vodičar, 2024, other monographs and other completed works Keywords: sekalniki, gozdna mehanizacija, sekalni stroji, popisi Published in DiRROS: 26.06.2024; Views: 503; Downloads: 192
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1824. Poročilo o preskusu št.: LVG 2024-057 : vzorec št. 2024/00240Barbara Piškur, Špela Hočevar, Zina Devetak, 2024, expertise, arbitration decision Keywords: varstvo gozdov, morfološke analize, program preiskav, Fusarium circinatum, Pinus, borov smolasti rak, PCR Published in DiRROS: 24.06.2024; Views: 396; Downloads: 0 This document has many files! More... |
1825. Stakeholders' views on the global guidelines for the sustainableuse of non-native treesAna Novoa, Giovanni Vimercati, Giuseppe Brundu, David M. Richardson, Urs Schaffner, Antonio Brunori, Thomas Campagnaro, Susan Canavan, Laura Celesti-Grapow, Michele de Sá Dechoum, Marjana Westergren, 2024, original scientific article Abstract: 1. A large number of non-native trees (NNTs) have been introduced globally andwidely planted, contributing significantly to the world's economy. Although someof these species present a limited risk of spreading beyond their planting sites, agrowing number of NNTs are spreading and becoming invasive leading to diversenegative impacts on biodiversity, ecosystem functions and human well- being. Tohelp minimize the negative impacts and maximize the economic benefits of NNTs,Brundu et al. developed eight guidelines for the sustainable use of NNTs glob-ally—the Global Guidelines for the Use of NNTs (GG-NNTs).2. Here, we used an online survey to assess perceptions of key stakeholders to-wards NNTs, and explore their knowledge of and compliance with the GG-NNTs.3. Our results show that stakeholders are generally aware that NNTs can providebenefits and cause negative impacts, often simultaneously and they consider thattheir organization complies with existing regulations and voluntary agreementsconcerning NNTs. However, they are not aware of or do not apply most of theeight recommendations included in the GG-NNTs.4. We conclude that effectively managing invasions linked to NNTs requires bothmore communication efforts using an array of channels for improving stakeholderawareness and implementation of simple measures to reduce NNT impacts (e.g. via GG-NNTs), and a deeper understanding of the barriers and reluctance ofstakeholders to manage NNT invasions. Keywords: agroforestry, alien species, forestry, invasion risk, online survey, ornamental trees, perceptions, stakeholder engagement, sustainability, tree invasions Published in DiRROS: 21.06.2024; Views: 398; Downloads: 541
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1826. Holocene climate variability in Slovenia : a reviewMatej Lipar, Sonja Lojen, Mateja Breg Valjavec, Maja Andrič, Andrej Šmuc, Tom Levanič, Jure Tičar, Matija Zorn, Mateja Ferk, 2024, review article Keywords: palaeoclimate, climate proxy, glaciers, pollen, tree-rings, sediment, speleothems, historical data Published in DiRROS: 21.06.2024; Views: 442; Downloads: 244
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1827. Lastnosti lesa iz rudnika SitarjevecMiha Humar, Boštjan Lesar, Davor Kržišnik, Andreja Pondelak, Andrijana Sever Škapin, Angela Balzano, José Gonçalves, 2024, original scientific article Abstract: Rudarska tradicija v Litiji, segajoča v staro železno dobo, je vključevala intenzivno uporabo lesa v rudnikih, še posebej za podporo in zaščito rovov. Rudnik Sitarjevec je bil znova odprt za turizem leta 2017, in v letu 2021 so odprli glavni rov. Les ostaja ključen material v rudnikih, čeprav so ga v preteklosti nadomeščali z drugimi materiali. Uporabljeni les je izpostavljen razkroju zaradi visoke vlažnosti in gliv, kot je bela hišna goba. Ta gliva lahko povzroči razgradnjo lesa in je pogosta v vlažnih okoljih rudnikov. Obstoj gliv je pomemben, saj lahko vplivajo na obiskovalce rudnika. Visoka relativna zračna vlažnost (96,6 %) in stalna temperatura (10,1 °C) v rudniku ustvarjata razmere, ki so ugodne za rast gliv, vendar pa relativno nizka temperatura ni omejujoč dejavnik za razgradnjo lesa. Koncentracija glivnih spor v rudniku je visoka in je razložena z razširjenostjo gliv v samem rudniku. Poleg tega smo opazili, da je v lesu veliko anorganskih onesnaževal ter veliko kristalov. Keywords: razkroj, bela hišna goba, težke kovine, kristali, spore Published in DiRROS: 21.06.2024; Views: 788; Downloads: 235
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1828. Cene gozdnih zemljišč v Sloveniji v obdobju 2018-2022Matjaž Dovečar, Jaša Saražin, Matevž Triplat, 2024, original scientific article Abstract: V prispevku analiziramo trg z gozdnimi zemljišči v Sloveniji v zadnjih petih letih. Kot glavni vir podatkov je bila uporabljena Evidenca trga nepremičnin, iz katere je mogoče s predlaganim metodoloških pristopom izluščiti kupoprodaje z zgolj gozdnimi zemljišči. Analiza podatkov kaže naraščanje cen gozdnih zemljišč skozi čas, statistično pomembne razlike med statističnimi regijami ter obstoj visokih cen gozdnih zemljišč. Z namenom zagotovitve zanesljivih rezultatov smo izločili izrazite vrednosti ali osamelce in tako prikazali bolj reprezentativno stanje nepremičninskega trga z gozdnimi zemljišči v Sloveniji. Aritmetična sredina cen gozdnih zemljišč celotne baze podatkov znaša 2,82 EUR/m 2 , medtem ko ta po odstranitvi osamelcev dosega 0,64 EUR/m 2 s pomembno nižjimi standardnimi odkloni. Petletna rast cen median gozdnih zemljišč na ravni države znaša 17,31 % in se med statističnimi regijami pomembno razlikuje. Raziskava prinaša vpogled v dejanske tržne razmere gozdnih zemljišč, kar je koristno tako za širšo javnost kot za strokovnjake, zlasti cenilce nepremičnin. Keywords: gozdna posest, nepremičnine, ocenjevanje vrednosti, gozdovi, vrednost gozdov, primerjalne vrednosti Published in DiRROS: 21.06.2024; Views: 945; Downloads: 318
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1829. Patterns of deadwood volume and dynamics in slovenian forestsGal Kušar, Mathias Neumann, 2024, original scientific article Abstract: Deadwood, and its temporal and spatial variation, plays an important role in several forest ecosystem services. This study demonstrates the assessment of deadwood dynamics using data from Slovenian national forest inventory permanent sampling plots, employing a mass-balance approach. Our results reveal that deadwood volume is a highly variable metric across regions, deadwood types and tree species. Despite the influx of large volumes of new deadwood due to recent natural disturbances, only moderate increases in deadwood volume were observed between 2007 and 2018. This was mainly offset by deadwood losses due to salvage logging and decomposition. The extent of deadwood losses varied considerably by species. We discuss the implications of the calculation method on estimating changes in deadwood volume, compare these findings with existing literature on deadwood and highlight promising areas for future research activities to better understand deadwood dynamics. Keywords: deadwood, carbon, natural disturbances, decomposition Published in DiRROS: 21.06.2024; Views: 916; Downloads: 257
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1830. Verifikacijsko poročilo LVG POS 025Zina Devetak, 2024, expertise, arbitration decision Keywords: varstvo gozdov, morfološke analize, Bretziella fagacearum, hrastova uvelost, diagnostični protokol, molekularna analiza, ekstrakcija DNA, PCR v realnem času, verifikacija Published in DiRROS: 21.06.2024; Views: 408; Downloads: 0 This document has many files! More... |