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Query: "author" (Lado Kutnar) .

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Using genomic information for management planning of an endangered perennial, Viola uliginosa
Kyung Min Lee, Pertti Ranta, Jarmo Saarikivi, Lado Kutnar, Branko Vreš, Maxim Dzhus, Marko Mutanen, Laura Kvist, 2020, original scientific article

Abstract: Species occupying habitats subjected to frequent natural and/or anthropogenic changes are a challenge for conservation management. We studied one such species, Viola uliginosa, an endangered perennial wetland species typically inhabiting sporadi-cally flooded meadows alongside rivers/lakes. In order to estimate genomic diversity, population structure, and history, we sampled five sites in Finland, three in Estonia, and one each in Slovenia, Belarus, and Poland using genomic SNP data with double-digest restriction site-associated DNA sequencing (ddRAD-seq). We found mono-phyletic populations, high levels of inbreeding (mean population FSNP = 0.407-0.945), low effective population sizes (Ne = 0.8-50.9), indications of past demographic ex-pansion, and rare long-distance dispersal. Our results are important in implementing conservation strategies for V. uliginosa, which should include founding of seed banks, ex situ cultivations, and reintroductions with individuals of proper origin, combined with continuous population monitoring and habitat management.
Keywords: nature conservation, demography, genomic diversity, population genomics, RAD sequencing, Viola
Published in DiRROS: 20.01.2022; Views: 983; Downloads: 766
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Ocena vplivov postavitve in delovanja vetrne elektrarne Ojstrica na gozd in gozdarstvo
Andreja Ferreira, 2021, treatise, preliminary study, study

Keywords: ocena vpliva na okolje, vetrna elektrarna, gozdovi, gozdarstvo, Ojstrica
Published in DiRROS: 05.01.2022; Views: 901; Downloads: 0

Climate change and disturbances will shape future temperate forests in the transition zone between Central and SE Europe
Lado Kutnar, Janez Kermavnar, Anže Martin Pintar, 2021, original scientific article

Abstract: It is expected that climate change as well as abiotic and anthropogenic disturbances will strongly influence temperate forests. Besides changes in the main climate variables, various disturbance factors may significantly worsen conditions for mesic Slovenian forests (SE Europe) dominated by European beech (Fagus sylvatica), Norway spruce (Picea abies) and European silver fir (Abies alba). In Slovenia, the climate has warmed in recent decades, with an average annual rate of increase of about 0.4°C per decade or even more than 0.5°C per decade in summer. In addition, disturbances have caused considerable damage to trees in the most extensive forest types in Slovenia, starting with a widespread ice storm in 2014, followed by bark beetle outbreaks, windthrows and salvage logging interventions. After 2014, salvage logging increased from about one third to two thirds of the total annual felling. Over the last two decades, we have observed a decline in Norway spruce growing stock, with the highest rate of decrease in areas below 500 m a.s.l., and an increasing trend for European beech. Overall, the three dominant species (beech, spruce, silver fir), which together account for more than 70% of the total growing stock, have shown a declining trend over the last 20 years. The patterns observed are broadly consistent with earlier predictions developed for different climate change scenarios and with those reported in many other European countries. Adaptive forest management, which implements close-to-nature silviculture, has been traditionally practised in the region under study and has the potential to play an important role in reducing the risks associated with the impacts of climate change and disturbances in the future.
Keywords: climate warming, disturbance factors, ice storm, bark beetle outbreaks, spruce decline, salvage logging, tree species composition, temperate forest, Slovenia
Published in DiRROS: 03.01.2022; Views: 869; Downloads: 706
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Stanje ohranjenosti gozdnih habitatnih tipov v Sloveniji in predlog njihovega monitoringa z oceno groženj
Lado Kutnar, Aleksander Marinšek, 2016, published scientific conference contribution abstract

Published in DiRROS: 03.11.2021; Views: 692; Downloads: 199
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Effects of different forest management intensities on biodiversity in Natura 2000 forest habitats
Lado Kutnar, Klemen Eler, Aleksander Marinšek, 2015, published scientific conference contribution abstract

Published in DiRROS: 03.11.2021; Views: 709; Downloads: 245
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Učinki usposabljanj za sistem za zgodnje obveščanje in hitro odzivanje (ZOHO) na tujerodne vrste v slovenskih gozdovih
Boris Rantaša, Andreja Gregorič, Lidija Turk, Marija Kolšek, Maarten De Groot, Andrej Verlič, Simon Zidar, Andreja Kavčič, Nikica Ogris, Lado Kutnar, Aleksander Marinšek, Barbara Piškur, Dušan Jurc, Janez Kermavnar, Špela Jagodic, Jana Kus Veenvliet, Judita Malovrh, 2021, professional article

Abstract: Prepoznavanje invazivnih tujerodnih vrst (ITV) na terenu in hiter odziv na nove najdbe ITV v gozdovih sta med ključnimi izzivi gozdarske stroke. Z namenom krepitve zmogljivosti za zgodnje zaznavanje tujerodnih vrst v gozdovih je bilo v okviru projekta Osveščanje, usposabljanje in ukrepanje za invazivne tujerodne vrste v gozdu (LIFE ARTEMIS), ki je potekal v letih 2016-2020, 33 izobraževanj po Sloveniji in eno v tujini. Skupno se je izobraževanj udeležilo 1.059 udeležencev. Izobraževanja so bila izvedena za izvajalce usposabljanj, strokovnjake, lastnike gozdov, prostovoljce in zaposlene v podjetjih, povezanih z gozdom. Izobraževalni cilji usposabljanj so bili doseženi. Analiza samoocenjevalnih vprašalnikov udeležencev izobraževanj je pokazala, da so bili pred usposabljanjem malo do srednje usposobljeni, po usposabljanju pa srednje do dobro. Pred usposabljanjem je manj kot polovica anketirancev vedela, kako se odzvati, ko opazijo ITV v gozdu. Po usposabljanju pa je to vedelo več kot 90 % anketiranih. Po usposabljanju za prenos sistema za zgodnje obveščanje in hitro odzivanje (ZOHO) v druge evropske države je več kot 80 % anketiranih odgovorilo, da so se naučili nekaj novega o ITV, 79 % anketiranih pa si želi tudi v prihodnje sodelovati v sistemu ZOHO. Udeleženci si v prihodnje želijo predvsem dodatnih znanj na področju prepoznavanja ITV ter več terenskih izobraževanj. V prispevku predstavljamo rezultate spremljanja uspešnosti usposabljanj in razpravo o morebitni potrebi po dodatnih usposabljanjih na področju obveščanja in hitrega odzivanja za tujerodne vrste v gozdnem prostoru.
Keywords: izobraževanje, invazivke, invazivne tujerodne vrste, sistem za zgodnje obveščanje in hitro odzivanje, anketiranje ciljnih skupin, gozdovi, Slovenija
Published in DiRROS: 26.10.2021; Views: 1415; Downloads: 381
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