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Checklist of the dragonflies and damselflies (Insecta: Odonata) of Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Nepal, Pakistan and Sri Lanka
Vincent J. Kalkman, Raman Babu, Matjaž Bedjanič, Karen Conniff, T. Gyeltshen, M. K. Khan, K. A. Subramanian, A. Zia, A. G. Orr, 2020, original scientific article

Abstract: A checklist of the dragonflies and damselflies occurring in Bangladesh, Bhutan, India (including Andaman and Nicobar Islands), Nepal, Pakistan and Sri Lanka is presented. In total 588 (including 559 full species) taxa are known to occur in the region of which 251 taxa (species & subspecies) are single country endemics. Recent taxonomic changes relevant to the area are summarized. Sixteen taxa are synonymized and a checklist of all synonyms established since 1950 is provided. Information is given on available larval descriptions including a list of genera present in the region for which no larvae have yet been described. Numerous species occurring in the area are still poorly known and a list of genera for which a revision is urgently needed is provided. The following new synonyms are established: Calicnemia sudhaae Mitra, 1994 = Calicnemia imitans Lieftinck, 1948 syn. nov.; Ceriagrion fallax cerinomelas Lieftinck, 1927 = Ceriagrion fallax Ris, 1914 syn. nov.; Ceriagrion fallax pendleburyi Laidlaw, 1931 = Ceriagrion fallax Ris, 1914 syn. nov.; Coenagrion kashmirus Chowdhary & Das, 1975 = Ischnura forcipata Morton, 1907 syn. nov.; Enallagma insula Fraser, 1920 = Aciagrion occidentale Laidlaw, 1919 syn. nov.; Himalagrion pithoragarhicum Sahni, 1964 = Ceriagrion fallax Ris, 1914 syn. nov.; Ischnura bhimtalensis Sahni, 1965 = Ischnura rubilio Selys, 1876 syn. nov.; Onychargia indica Sahni, 1964 = Paracercion calamorum (Ris, 1916) syn. nov.; Anaciaeschna kashmirense Singh & Baijal, 1954 = Anaciaeschna martini (Selys, 1897) syn. nov.; Cyclogomphus vesiculosus Selys, 1854 = Cyclogomphus ypsilon Selys, 1954 syn. nov.; Chlorogomphus brittoi Navás, 1934 = Chlorogomphus xanthoptera (Fraser, 1919) syn. nov.; Hylaeothemis indica Fraser, 1946 = Hylaeothemis apicalis Fraser, 1924 syn. nov.; Sympetrum durum Bartenef, 1916 = Sympetrum striolatum commixtum Selys, 1884 syn. nov.; Sympetrum himalayanum Navás, 1934 = Sympetrum hypomelas (Selys, 1884) syn. nov.; Sympetrum haematoneura Fraser, 1924 = Sympetrum speciosum Oguma, 1915 syn. nov.; Sympetrum speciosum taiwanum Asahina, 1951 = Sympetrum speciosum Oguma, 1915 syn. nov. In addition, Periaeschna lebasi Navás, 1930 is regarded a nomen nudum. The following new combinations are proposed: Onychogomphus acinaces Laidlaw, 1922 is transferred to the genus Melligomphus Chao, 1990 resulting in Melligomphus acinaces (Laidlaw, 1922) comb. nov. Onychogomphus saundersii Selys, 1854 is transferred to the genus Nychogomphus Carle, 1986 resulting in Nychogomphus saundersii (Selys, 1854) comb. nov..
Keywords: damselfly, dragonfly, diversity, taxonomy, larval description, Indian subcontinent, South Asia
Published in DiRROS: 31.07.2024; Views: 233; Downloads: 198
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Bryophyte diversity, composition and functional traits in relation to bedrock and tree species composition in close-to-nature managed forests
Lado Kutnar, Janez Kermavnar, Marko S. Sabovljević, 2023, original scientific article

Abstract: Bryophytes respond to a variety of environmental factors, including tree species composition and geological conditions, which are influenced by both natural and anthropogenic factors. Bryophytes growing on a variety of substrates were identified in ICP Forests monitoring plots in a wide range of close-to-nature managed forests, from lowland to high mountain areas in Slovenia. Based on data on tree layer composition (broadleaves vs. conifers) and on bedrock and soil type (calcareous vs. siliceous bedrock), all study plots were classified into five groups representing forest types. Different ordination analyses and statistical tests were used to represent differences between forest types in bryophyte composition, richness and functional traits. Almost 200 bryophyte species were identified in managed forests, with the most common being Hypnum cupressiforme, Brachytheciastrum velutinum and Polytrichum formosum. Bryophyte species composition varied considerably along the tree species composition and edaphic gradients represented by the selected forest types. Bryophyte species richness was significantly higher on calcareous bedrock than on siliceous bedrock. The higher occurrence of rocks on the ground surface may significantly increase the availability of various microhabitats for bryophytes. Bedrock had a significant influence on the functional diversity and composition of bryophytes, while tree species composition had less influence. Bedrock and tree species composition are important drivers of bryophyte species composition and diversity at taxonomic and functional trait levels. The high diversity of bryophyte species in Slovenian forests can also be attributed to close-to-nature and sustainable forest management practices that preserve favourable microclimatic conditions in forest stands and maintain diverse substrates.
Keywords: mosses, species richness, functional diversity, site conditions, overstory, sustainable managed forests, European temperate zone
Published in DiRROS: 31.07.2024; Views: 263; Downloads: 281
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Fenton-like photocatalyzed degradation of dibutyl phthalate with goethite and carboxylic acids
S. Hejdai, D. Buzek, Petr Klusoň, Oliver Bajt, 2023, original scientific article

Abstract: Detailed investigation of photocatalyzed degradation of dibutyl phthalate (DBP), an endocrine disrupter, in the presence of α-FeOOH (goethite) and different carboxylic acids is the focus of this study. To get a better insight into the efficiency of the degradation, the influence of different parameters, such as concentration of total Fe and Fe(II), dissolved oxygen, DBP concentration, pH and salinity is investigated. The reaction mechanism consists of several interrelationship steps. The first step is the chemical reaction of carboxylic acid groups of the organic acids with hydroxyl groups of the α-FeOOH and a charge transfer upon illumination generating Fe(II). The second step is the release of Fe(II) into the solution followed by H2O2 oxidation to form highly photoactive hydroxyl complex of iron(III) and ˙OH. Simultaneously, the superoxide radical O2˙− and hydroperoxyl radical is formed in acidic solutions in presence of carboxylic acids as well. This mechanism explains the genesis of different reactive species oxidizing DBP. From the variety of the studied carboxylic acids (oxalic, citric, salicylic, pyruvic, maleic, and fumaric), oxalic acid is the best Fe-ligand for the photoreductive dissolution of goethite. Concentrations of the total amount of Fe and its dissociated forms Fe(II) as well as oxygen and hydroxyl radicals play a fundamental role in efficiency of DBP degradation. The photodegradation of DBP with goethite and the use of suitable carboxylic acids under optimized reaction conditions could be an efficient process for decontamination of polluted waters.
Keywords: photocatalysis, goethite, dibutyl phthalate, carboxylic acid, water treatment
Published in DiRROS: 31.07.2024; Views: 273; Downloads: 226
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On the occurrence of the wreckfish Polyprion americanus in the Gulf of Trieste (northern Adriatic Sea)
Nicola Bettoso, Lisa Faresi, Alessandro Felluga, Lovrenc Lipej, 2020, original scientific article

Abstract: On 3rd June 2018 three juvenile specimens of Polyprion americanus were captured in the Gulf of Trieste. The wreckfish is a long-lived deep-water demersal species characterized by an extended pelagic juvenile phase. The juvenile forms are recurrently recorded in the northern Adriatic and due to data deficiency for this species, original morphometric data are shown. The occurrence of P. americanus in the Gulf of Trieste is not a typical case of thermophilic species moving northward due to Mediterranean tropicalization, rather its recurrent appearance could be investigated for specific hydrological conditions coupled to its peculiar life span.
Keywords: Polyprion americanus, morphometric data, pelagic phase, Gulf of Trieste, Adriatic Sea
Published in DiRROS: 31.07.2024; Views: 220; Downloads: 155
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Preliminary experiments into colonization of microorganisms from activated sludge on different types of plastics
Tjaša Matjašič, Tanja Dreo, Zoran Samardžija, Oliver Bajt, Tjaša Kanduč, Tatjana Simčič, Nataša Mori, 2020, original scientific article

Abstract: The presence of plastics in the environment is currently one of the most pressing global environmental problems. Microorganisms start to form biofilms on plastic surfaces when they first come in contact with the biosphere; however, these interactions and processes are little understood, especially in freshwaters. This study aimed to better understand the colonization process of microorganisms from activated sludge on plastic materials exhibiting different surface characteristics. We inoculated synthetic fabric (PET), water bottles (PET), and plastic bags for packing vegetables and fruits (HDPE) with microorganisms from activated sludge. Mixtures of plastics and activated sludge, as well as the control, were incubated at 22-24°C in Bushnell Haas (BH) liquid medium and shaken at 120 rpm for two months. The mixtures were sub-sampled weekly and seeded into fresh BH medium with test plastic materials to avoid feeding microorganisms on dead biomass. The colonization was followed by measuring optical density (OD600) of liquid medium, by measurements of isotopic composition of carbon (δ13C) in untreated and treated plastic materials and, with in-specting the plastics surface with scanning electron microscopy (SEM). Overall, the study confirmed differences between colonizing microorganisms on different plastic material when comparing SEM micrographs of materials from the flasks inoculated with activated sludge. The texture of the HDPE bag changed during the experiment in both, control and inoculated flasks, but it is not clear whether the observed changes were due to abiotic or biotic factors. We concluded that microorganisms from activated sludge are capable of colonizing both PET and HDPE materials, and biofilm formation is most probably influenced by the chemical composition of plastics and their surface characteristics.
Keywords: biofilm, plastics, SEM, isotopic composition of carbon, co-cultivation, UV sterilization
Published in DiRROS: 31.07.2024; Views: 312; Downloads: 231
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Setting sail for Paris 2024 : retrospective analysis ofworld-class ILCA 7 olympic sailors’ cardiorespiratory fitness (2015–2020)
Damir Zubac, Zoran Valić, Vladimir Ivančev, 2024, other scientific articles

Abstract: The aim of this retrospective analysis was to provide a more comprehensive understanding of the cardiorespiratory profile of world-class ILCA-7 sailors (n = 3, all males), through a longitudinal evaluation offering real-world data on physiological profile and exercise intensity domains. The cardiopulmonary exercise testing (CPET) was performed by the same researchers using the same equipment during the study. Assessments took place twice a year, aligning with major international competition preparations. Participants trained and competed at the same sailing club in Split, Croatia, under consistent supervision from the same team throughout the study, winning a total of 21 medals at major international competitions. The recorded ranged from 51.7 ± 1.6 to 61.9 ± 3.0 mL min−1 kg−1, respectively. Similarly, peak power output varied from 352 ± 10 to 426 ± 34 W. The changes in physiological responses at the ventilatory thresholds were proportional to the changes in peak cardiorespiratory fitness capacity. Interestingly, the oxygen pulse measured in 2015 was 25 ± 1 mL O2 beat−1. Over the subsequent 6 years, the O2 pulse marginally increased and appeared to stabilize at 27 ± 1 mL O2 beat−1 in 2020, when these athletes were 32 ± 3 years old. This work offers a broader understanding of world-class Olympic sailors’ cardiorespiratory fitness, going beyond the standard assessment of peak to incorporate an analysis of ventilatory thresholds. While a direct link between cardiorespiratory fitness and competitive success remains ambiguous, the importance of a well-rounded aerobic capacity for excellence in ILCA-7 sailing class is evident.
Keywords: olypmipcs, oxygen uptake, sailing
Published in DiRROS: 31.07.2024; Views: 292; Downloads: 290
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Zgodovina pojavljanja puščavskega tekalca Cursorius cursor v Sloveniji
Al Vrezec, Matija Križnar, 2021, original scientific article

Keywords: muzejske zbirke, zgodovinska analize, arhiv, redkosti, izjemni gosti, ptice
Published in DiRROS: 31.07.2024; Views: 262; Downloads: 0

The occurrence of the jellyfish Aequorea cf. forskalea in the Adriatic Sea : comparison of historical and recent data
Alenka Malej, Davor Lučić, Natalia Bojanić, Martin Vodopivec, Paolo Paliaga, Branka Pestorić, Ivana Violić, Nastjenjka Supić, 2022, original scientific article

Abstract: Jellyfish are becoming an increasingly important component of studies of the global marine environment, as their frequent mass phenomena affect ecosystem performance and have economic and health consequences. Recent research has focused primarily on mass occurrences of scyphozoans and ctenophores, while less attention has been paid to hydromedusae blooms, which can also have significant impacts on the marine ecosystem with economic consequences. Like many members of the Scyphozoa and Ctenophora, Aequorea species can be numerous and form blooms. Based on surveys from 2000 to 2020 and information provided by marine professionals, we examine the (multiannual) variability, seasonality, and spatial distribution patterns of the poorly studied temperate species Aequorea cf. forskalea (Hydrozoa: Leptothecata). We hypothesized that this macrogelatinous jellyfish with a bipartite life cycle (benthic polyps and planktonic medusae) is sensitive to seasonal and long-term temperature fluctuations, particularly because temperature has been shown to play a critical role in mediating transitions in the life cycle of cnidarians. The cold-water affinity of A. cf. forskalea was confirmed by a significant negative correlation with temperature and the most frequent occurrence during the winter-spring period. For the northern Adriatic (Gulf of Trieste), sea temperature data and semi-quantitative plankton data are available for the first decade of the 20th century, allowing comparison of the historical data (1900-1911) with our current data set. Compared to historical records, the current occurrence of A. cf. forskalea differs significantly. With the warming of the northern Adriatic Sea since the beginning of the 20th century, the current phenology of A. cf. forskalea has changed, probably related to the delayed production of medusae by hydroids in autumn, the absence of medusae in this season and their less frequent occurrence in winter.
Keywords: hydromedusae, blooms, long-term monitoring, multiannual variability, Mediterranean Sea
Published in DiRROS: 31.07.2024; Views: 521; Downloads: 169
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First records of two Cuthona species (Gastropoda: Nudibranchia) in the Adriatic sea
Lovrenc Lipej, Borut Mavrič, Domen Trkov, 2015, original scientific article

Abstract: Authors are reporting on the first records of two nudibranch species of the genus Cuthona in the Slovenian part of the Adriatic Sea. In the period from September 2014 to March 2015, specimens of Cuthona genovae and C. miniostriata were found at different localities in the mediolittoral and upper infralittoral belts. The findings of both Cuthona species represent the first records in the Adriatic Sea.
Published in DiRROS: 29.07.2024; Views: 251; Downloads: 109
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Extraction of DNA from different sample types - a practical approach for GMO testing
Jana Žel, Tina Demšar, Dejan Štebih, Mojca Milavec, Kristina Gruden, 2015, original scientific article

Abstract: Current methods based on DNA targets for the detection, identification and quantification of genetically modified organisms (GMOs) involve extraction of the DNA. Different extraction procedures have been developed for the great variety of samples from food, feed, seeds and particular plant parts. This makes the operation of routine analytical laboratories complex and workloads heavy. Here we present a decision-making system, developed over many years of GMO testing on different samples, that result in the application of only a few extraction methods for the majority of samples. Developed decision-making system enables quicker and more cost effective testing of GMOs. In addition, the performance of DNA extraction resulting from the use of the selected extraction methods is presented for use in subsequent testing of GMOs by real time PCR methods. This approach can be used as a model for similar systems based on nucleic acid analysis in food, feed, seeds and plants.
Keywords: extraction methods, genetically modified organisms, GMO, decision- making system (biology), GMO testing, cetyltrimethylammonium bromide, CTAB
Published in DiRROS: 29.07.2024; Views: 233; Downloads: 161
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