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Značilnosti opravljanja sečnje in spravila v zasebnih gozdovih v Sloveniji
Špela Ščap, Darja Stare, Nike Krajnc, Matevž Triplat, 2021, original scientific article

Abstract: V raziskavi, opravljeni leta 2019, je bilo zajetih 544 naključno izbranih gospodinjstev, ki imajo v lasti gozd. Več kot polovica anketi%ranih ima v lasti gozdno posest, veliko od 1 do 4,99 ha. Za 62 % anketiranih je glavni namen gospodarjenja z gozdom uporaba lesa za lastne potrebe. V obdobju 2015%2019 je sečnjo in spravilo opravljalo 71 % anketiranih, ki so v tem času skupaj posekali nekaj manj kot 50.000 m3 lesa (24 m3 /ha ali 141 m3 na gospodinjstvo). Intenziteta sečnje je bila najvišja pri zasebnih lastnikih z malimi gozdnimi posestmi (do 0,99 ha), in sicer v povprečju 41,4 m3 /ha. Analiza je pokazala, da obstajajo statistično značilne razlike med velikostjo gozdne posesti in intenziteto sečnje. V anketi je bilo ugotovljeno, da so za 41 % sečnje in spravila poskrbeli poklicni izvajalci del. Z raziskavo smo potrdili značilen vpliv velikosti zasebne gozdne posesti na način izvedbe sečnje in spravila. Rezultati so pokazali, da je največji delež zasebnih lastnikov, ki vsa dela opravijo s pomočjo najetih izvajalcev, v velikostnem razredu gozdne posesti od 5 do 9,99 ha. Z raziskavo nismo potrdili statistično značilnih razlik v intenziteti sečnje med spoloma zasebnih lastnikov gozdov
Keywords: zasebni lastniki, anketa, intenziteta sečnje, struktura lastnikov, gozdna posest, sečnja, spravilo, zasebni gozdovi
Published in DiRROS: 17.08.2021; Views: 3479; Downloads: 2136
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Analiza prejemnikov nepovratnih sredstev v okviru podukrepa M08.6 programa razvoja podeželja 2014-2020
Darja Stare, Nike Krajnc, 2021, professional article

Abstract: Trenutno aktualen Program razvoja podeželja (2014%2020) je Evropska komisija za Slovenijo potrdila februarja 2015. Za izboljšanje učinkovitosti gospodarjenja z zasebnimi gozdovi je v okviru ukrepa M08 ključen podukrep M08.6, ki prek spodbujanja naložb v gozdarske tehnologije, mobilizacijo in predindustrijsko predelavo lesa, krepi gozdno-lesne verige, povečuje dodano vrednost lesa in spodbuja večjo profesionalizacijo ter varnost dela v gozdovih. Za omenjeni podukrep je do 31. decembra 2020, ločeno za dve operaciji, ki potekata v okviru podukrepa, prispelo 1.492 vlog, v katerih so vlagatelji zaprosili za skoraj 57,8 milijona %. Več kot polovica (57 %) vseh prispelih vlog v skupni vrednosti 30,8 milijona % je bilo odobrenih. Več vlog (73 %) je prispelo na razpis za operacijo Naložbe v nakup nove mehanizacije in opreme za sečnjo in spravilo lesa (t.i. operacija A). Vlagatelji zasebni lastniki gozdov, katerim je bila vloga odobrena (403), imajo skupaj v lasti 18,6 tisoč ha gozdov. Največ zasebnih lastnikov (44 %) ima v lasti gozdne posesti velikosti od 10 do 29,99 ha. Izmed mehanizacije in opreme v okviru operacije A je bilo kupljenih največ vitlov in dodatne opreme za vitle, povečal se je nakup gozdarskih prikolic ter kompletov strojev za strojno sečnjo.
Keywords: Program razvoja podeželja, gozdarstvo, gozdarska mehanizacija, gozdarska oprema, prejemniki sredstev, zasebni lastniki gozdov
Published in DiRROS: 12.07.2021; Views: 1170; Downloads: 376
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Analiza prejemnikov nepovratnih sredstev v okviru Programa razvoja podeželja 2007-2013 za izboljšanje učinkovitosti gospodarjenja z zasebnimi gozdovi
Darja Stare, Nike Krajnc, 2021, professional article

Abstract: Splošno sprejeto stališče je, da s sonaravnim gospodarjenjem zmanjšujemo tveganja pri gospodarjenju z gozdovi. Za potrditev tega stališča obstajajo dobri zgledi gospodarjenja in posredni dokazi, primanjkuje pa znanstvenih študij, ki bi na podlagi kvantitativnih analiz to potrjevale. V Sloveniji smo potrdili pozitivne povezave med ohranjeno drevesno sestavo, rednim gospodarjenjem in manj sanitarnimi sečnjami. V dobi izrazitih okoljskih sprememb je smiselno spodbujati redno gospodarjenje z gozdovi. V prihodnosti bo zaradi socialno-ekonomskih sprememb še bolj izraženo opuščanje gospodarjenja. V članku razpravljamo o številnih prednostih rednega gospodarjenja. V prihodnje bo treba poleg vloge rednega gospodarjenja za preskrbo lesnopredelovalne verige večji poudarek nameniti pomenu dejavnega gospodarjenja za prilagajanje gozda na okoljske spremembe in za zdravje gozda.
Keywords: Program razvoja podeželja, gozdarstvo, gozdarske storitve, gozdarska mehanizacija, prejemniki sredstev
Published in DiRROS: 14.04.2021; Views: 1504; Downloads: 455
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Private forest owner characteristics affect European spruce bark beetle management under an extreme weather event and host tree density
Maarten De Groot, Jurij Diaci, Kaja Kandare, Nike Krajnc, Rok Pisek, Špela Ščap, Darja Stare, Nikica Ogris, 2021, original scientific article

Abstract: In the last few decades, an increasing number and intensity of bark beetle outbreaks have plagued the forests of Europe and North America. Bark beetle management is directly related to forest owner characteristics, although this relationship is not well understood. The purpose of the study was to investigate the influence of forest owner characteristics on the amount and timing of sanitary felling under different disturbance regimes and quantities of Norway spruce. We combined different databases on sanitary felling, the timing of sanitary felling, and forest owner characteristics for Slovenia from 2014 to 2018 and analyzed the amount and timing of sanitary felling in relation to forest owner characteristics. We found that the timing in winter and the amount of sanitary felling were positively associated with the distance of the owner%s residence to the forest parcel. Larger parcels were more affected by bark beetles but did not have later timing of cutting in the summer period as was hypothesized. The timing of sanitary felling decreased with property size, while with the probability of sanitary felling, the effect of property depended on the ice storm and the amount of spruce. The size of the settlement, the permanent address of the private owner, and timing of sanitary felling were positively associated but also depended on the amount of spruce. Gender and age did not have an important influence on the amount and timing of sanitary felling. Forest owners are an important factor in effective bark beetle management. This study highlights the private forest ownership characteristics that should be emphasized in order to fight bark beetle outbreaks in the event of large-scale disturbances. Governments should support forest owners who are at greater risk of bark beetle outbreaks and less efficient in managing outbreaks. Furthermore, landowner characteristics should be included when forecasting bark beetle outbreaks.
Keywords: close-to-nature management, sanitary felling, Ips typographus, forest pest management, forest owner characteristics
Published in DiRROS: 22.03.2021; Views: 1296; Downloads: 891
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From forests to end product : farm Višič
Tina Jemec, 2020, other monographs and other completed works

Published in DiRROS: 22.03.2021; Views: 944; Downloads: 446
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Od gozda do končnega proizvoda : kmetija Višič
Tina Jemec, 2020, other monographs and other completed works

Keywords: projekt Net4Forest, Erasmus+, kmetija Višič, zasebni gozdovi, žaga, dopolnilna dejavnost na kmetiji
Published in DiRROS: 22.03.2021; Views: 1031; Downloads: 478
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A system for quality assessment of forestry contractors
Matevž Triplat, Nike Krajnc, 2021, original scientific article

Abstract: Skilled contractors are needed to meet the increased demand for wood and to maintain a competitive edge in forestry. The structure of the forest industry has changed significantly. Today%s situation favours smaller contractors that are more flexible. Worldwide contractors are important for forest operations, but there is often limited knowledge about how well they fulfil demands about resource efficiency, social responsibility and environmental protection. The aim of this paper is to present the guidelines for the assessment of forestry contractors following sustainability principles and to present a recently developed system. In addition to the requirements for professional competences and legislative obligations, the system proposes a number of additional requirements such as corporate social responsibility, participation in the local community and greater environmental responsibility. The forestry contractor and the certification body sign a cooperation agreement to obtain the expert assessment. The expert assessment is performed by an evaluator authorised by a certification body. A web service has been introduced with the purpose of serving as a communication tool between professional evaluators and forestry contractors, as well as providing a new possibility for forest owners to get direct contact with forestry contractors. The system enables its users to exert influence on the assessment of forestry contractors by assessing the quality of their services. Private forests would greatly benefit from customer feedback information on the service quality. By now, 1584 forest contractors have registered in Slovenia, where 67% provide the service of cutting and skidding, 8% provide woodchipper service, 7% transport of round wood, 5% cable crane yarding and 4% fully mechanised harvesting. Until June 2020, 142 forest contractors have gone through the process of quality assessment.
Keywords: services, entrepreneurs, sustainability, evaluation, operations, management
Published in DiRROS: 26.01.2021; Views: 1213; Downloads: 786
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