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Query: "author" (Jamar Breda) .

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Adenocarcinoma of the small bowel
Metka Šavli, Breda Jamar, 2007, professional article

Abstract: Background. Adenocarcinoma of small bowel is generally a rather rare primary tumour of small bowel with a prevalence rate of 0.5-3.0/100.000 population, but the most frequent tumour of small intestine. It more often involves the duodenum and jejunum than the ileum. The aim of this paper is also to point out the value of small bowel follow through (SBFT) in the diagnosis of stenosing lesions. Case report. An 83-year old male patient suffered from abdominal pain, malaise, vomiting cachexia and diarrhoea for 3 months. The result of occult blood testing was negative. Haemoglobin level was normal. Proctoscopy, colonoscopy, upper gastrointestinal (GI) endoscopy, and ultrasonography (US) did not explain the patient's problems. Ileus of the small bowel was established with abdominal plain film. Small bowel follow through (SBFT) and computer tomography (CT) showed a stenosing tumour in the jejunum. Adenoearcinoma of the small bowel was established with histological examination after resection of the tumor. Conclusions. SBFT, with manual compression of all segments of the small bowel, can be a very accurate diagnostic investigation for evaluation of stenosing lesions in this part of the intestine.
Published in DiRROS: 22.02.2024; Views: 522; Downloads: 82
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Duplication cyst of the esophagus
Tanja Šubic, Breda Jamar, Marija Dolenšek, 2006, other scientific articles

Published in DiRROS: 15.02.2024; Views: 385; Downloads: 102
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Annular pancreas causing extrahepatic biliary obstruction
Mateja Ogulin, Breda Jamar, 2004, professional article

Abstract: Izhodišča. Anularni pankreas, redka prirojena anomalija, je trak pankreatičnega tkiva, ki obkroža dvanajstnik ali izvenjetrni žolčni vod. Prikazujemo primer anularnega pankreasa, ki je povzročil izvenjetrno zaporo odtoka žolča. Prikaz primera. 46-letna ženska je prišla v urgentno ambulanto zaradi nenadnih bolečin v trebuhu, bruhanja in zlatenice. V zadnjih šestih letih je občasno opazila rumenkasto obarvanje kože, v zadnjem letu pa je občutila napetost v zgornjem delu trebuha, predvsem po mastnih obrokih. Zaključki. Dve ultrazvočni preiskavi, prva pred šestimi meseci, sta pokazali razširitev glavnega izvenjetrnega voda in jetrnih žolčnih izvodil. Vzrok za razširitev je ostal nejasen, tudi po endoskopski ultrazvočni preiskavi. Pri operaciji so našli skoraj popolno zaporo izvenjetrenega žolčnega voda, ki jo je povzročal traček pankreatičnega tkiva.
Published in DiRROS: 07.02.2024; Views: 487; Downloads: 73
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Dedicated small bowel follow-through - experience of Clinical institute of radiology in Ljubljana
Mateja Koprivnik, Breda Jamar, 2003, original scientific article

Abstract: Background. Small bowell is a difficult part of the alimentary tract to examine. Radiologic modality most commonly used has been the conventional small bowel follow-through (SBFT), which has often been done in a cursory manner, without fluoroscopy and manual palpation. The purpose of our study is to present dedicated SBFT and to assess its sensibility and specificity. Patients and methods. We analysed 35 dedicated SBFT, performed from April to September 2002, in patients. Findings were evaluated according to clinical follow-up, endoscopy and surgery. Results. Our findings were consistent with clinical follow-up, endoscopy and surgery in 33 patients. In 2 patients our findings were false negative. Our results show 89.5% sensitivity and 100% specifity. Conclusions. An adequate per-oral examination remains the most reliable toll for diagnostic evaluation of the small bowel.
Published in DiRROS: 06.02.2024; Views: 322; Downloads: 67
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Gastroparesis in a young diabetic patient
Primož Kovačič, Breda Jamar, 2002, original scientific article

Abstract: Background. Gastroparesis is defined as a delay in emptying of contents from the stomach and occurs in a variety of conditions, e.g. after vagotomy or in systemic diseases such as diabetes mellitus, scleroderma and amyloidosis. The purpose of this paper is to present the radiologic examination, a simple, reliable and noninvasive method as an alternative to other methods for the assessment of gastric emptying. Case report. A twenty-one years old female wasadmitted because of suspected autonomic neuropathy. She had insulin dependent diabetes mellitus type 1 for the last ten years. At the time of admission she was complaining of nausea, vomiting weakness and occasional dizziness. A barium study of oesophagus and stomach was performed: oesophagus was dilated and aperistaltic, remnants of food were seen in aperistaltic stomach but no obstruction, causing delayed emptying, was found. Conclusions. Scintigraphy is at the present the standard technique for the assessment of gastric emptying. Ultrasonography, magnetic resonance imaging; electrogastrography, gastroduodenal manometry and emptying of radiopaque pellets are also used for the evaluation of gastric motility in cases of delayed gastric emptying. The role of barium studies remains to be established.
Published in DiRROS: 31.01.2024; Views: 365; Downloads: 82
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Primary non-Hodgkin lymphoma of the cecum: a case report
Mateja Kropivnik, Breda Jamar, Bojana Černelč, 2002, professional article

Abstract: Background. Primary lymphoma of the colon is rare, constituting 0.4 % of primary colonic malignancies and usually involves cecum or rectum. The aim of this paper is to present the role and the importance of double contrast bariumenema (DCBE) in the diagnostic process. Case report. A 77 years old malewas admitted because of suspected inflammation in the area of total endoprosthesis of the left hip, inserted ten years before. Listeria monocytogenes was isolated from the aspirate and the patient treated with antibiotics. Twenty years ago the patient underwent nephrectomy because of hypernephroma of left kidney. At the time of admission he had sideropenic anaemia and he was febrile. Conclusion. The patient underwent many diagnostic procedures: ultrasound (US), computed tomography (CT), double contrast barium enema, which showed a tumour in the cecum, small bowel follow-through and scintigraphy. The diagnosis of primary non-Hodgkin lymphoma was established byhistology after biopsy at colonoscopy.
Published in DiRROS: 31.01.2024; Views: 383; Downloads: 79
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Defecography: a report on 35 cases
Breda Jamar, Katarina Šurlan Popović, 2000, original scientific article

Abstract: Purpose. To evaluate indications in the patients referred for defecography to our Institute between October 1996 and December 1999. Patients and methods. Inthis period, 35 patients (31 women and 4 men, their mean age being 56,5 and34,5 years, respectively) with defecation disorders disorders of 1 months to 17 years of duration were referred to us for defecography - 26 from proctology specialists and 9 from internal medical out-patient departments. After the rectum was filled with thick barium paste, spot shots from lateral position were made in different phases of defecation, with the patient sittingon a specially designed commode. Results. Rectocele was found in 21 cases, in 9 cases in association with rectorectal intussusception, in 3 with rectoanal intussusception and in 2 with herniation of rectal wall into ishiorectal fossa. Prolapse was found in 2 cases, and 4 rectorectal intussusception, 1 rectoanal intussusception and 3 fistulas were diagnosed. The findings were normal in only one case, while in 3 cases defectography showed functional abnormalities. In female patients, symptoms started after gynaecological operation in 11 cases and 6 cases after delivery. Eight women had to press perineum with their hand to faciliate defecation. Conclusions. Defecography proved useful in clarifying the pathology underlying patient's difficulties.
Published in DiRROS: 23.01.2024; Views: 436; Downloads: 127
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