91. Taisho period divination as Tsuneko Kondo Kawaseʼs personal itemKlara Hrvatin, 2024, original scientific article Abstract: The article examines a Taishō period (1912–26) divination document, a per-sonal item of Tsuneko Kondō Kawase, preserved in the archive of her collected documents at the Slovene Ethnographic Museum. It is a handwritten piece of calligraphy depicting a prophecy based on Takashima’s Judgments on the Book of Changes, an important text based on the Yijing or Book of Changes. This document, which Marija Skušek kept until her death, is characterized by its form, calligraphic style, and red stamps. The article aims to explore the transcription and translati-on of the divination, the form and dating of the document, and how it relates to Tsuneko’s life choices. The author raises questions about when Tsuneko acquired the document and whether it influenced her crucial life decisions, particularly before her trip to Europe, during her last visit to Japan, or before her marriage to Ivan Skušek. Keywords: Yijing, divination, Slovene Ethnographic Museum Published in DiRROS: 12.02.2025; Views: 72; Downloads: 48
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92. Implementing the excess paste concept for a systematic mix design of printable concreteLucija Hanžič, Katarina Šter, Mateja Štefančič, 2024, published scientific conference contribution Abstract: The properties of concrete depend on a number of interrelated factors and for this reason, the mix design process is, to a significant extent, an educated guess. Nevertheless, the choice of factors and implementation of multifactorial analysis can provide new insights into complex correlations. A factor, rarely adopted in the design of printable concrete, is the quantity of excess paste.
Concrete can be considered a two-phase system comprising the aggregate and the cementitious paste. The paste required to fill the voids between the aggregate grains is the requisite paste. However, to coat the grains and form a cohesive mix the excess paste must be added which, in turn, increases the distances between aggregate particles. The volume fraction of excess paste is thus the principal factor in the design process. The second factor is the paste composition. The paste consists of reactive and inert powders, water and soluble admixtures. Although chemically reactive materials are necessary for binding, cohesiveness can be achieved by inert particles while improved packing of particles also enhances the mechanical characteristics.
The excess paste mix design is discussed on two modifications of a concrete mixture suitable for extrusion-based 3D printing. The necessary input data and the associated tests on aggregate and powders are presented. Additionally, a computerized, multi-factorial approach to mix design optimization is proposed. Keywords: concrete mix design, excess paste, particle packing, printable concrete Published in DiRROS: 12.02.2025; Views: 106; Downloads: 31
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93. Experimental study of fire propagation on sloped roof with building applied photovoltaicsReidar Stølen, Janne Siren Fjærestad, Ragni Fjellgaard Mikalsen, Grunde Jomaas, 2024, published scientific conference contribution Abstract: Photovoltaic modules have been shown to influence how a fire propagates across a flat roof, but the circumstances for which building attached photovoltaic (BAPV) modules promote fire propagation on a sloped roof is not studied in detail. Therefore, a series of small-medium- and large-scale experiments on a sloped roof with a BROOF(t2)-rated bituminous roof membrane on a wood chipboard substrate has been performed. Steel plates mimicking non-combustible photovoltaic (PV) modules were placed at different distances above the roof. Different sized wood cribs placed in the gap between the roof and the PV module were used as the ignition source. Similarly to findings for flat roofs, the experiments showed that the gap distance and the size of the ignition source are key factors for how far the fire propagates from the starting point. This supports that BAPV installations affect the fire dynamics on roofs. As such, the complete system of roof composition and PV installation needs to be considered as a whole to ensure adequate fire safety levels. Keywords: photovoltaic systems, fire propagation, roof safety, ignition source, heat flux Published in DiRROS: 12.02.2025; Views: 81; Downloads: 47
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94. Recent progress in oxide-dispersion-strengthened (ODS) alloys produced by additive manufacturingPaul J. McGuiness, Irena Paulin, Črtomir Donik, Anna Dobkowska, Jiří Kubásek, Jan Pokorný, Matjaž Godec, 2025, review article Keywords: oxide-dispersion-strengthened alloys, additive manufacturing, recent progress and research Published in DiRROS: 12.02.2025; Views: 90; Downloads: 51
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95. Glass-ceramic engineering:tailoring the microstructure and propertiesChristian Rüssel, Wolfgang Wisniewski, 2025, original scientific article Abstract: Traditionally, glass-ceramics are inorganic non-metallic materials obtained by the controlled crystallization of a glass. A modern definition has widened this class of materials to solid materials containing at least one glassy and one crystalline phase. The glass is usually obtained by quenching a melt. Re-heating it to a temperature slightly above the glass transition temperature allows nucleation while an often applied second annealing step at a higher temperature causes most of the crystal growth. As in most materials, the composition and the microstructure of glass-ceramics widely governs their properties. The morphology, i.e., size, and aspect ratio of the crystal phases is of special significance and depends on the crystal structure and the occurring growth mechanism. The morphology is also affected by the chemical composition and the temperature/time schedule of the crystallization process, here components of minor concentrations can have a great effect. This review addresses the effects of nucleating agents, phase separation, crystal orientation alignment and stress introduction as tools to tailor the properties of glass-ceramic materials. Future developments in the field of glass-ceramics are discussed. Keywords: glass ceramics, controlled crystallization, microstructure, properties Published in DiRROS: 12.02.2025; Views: 89; Downloads: 69
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96. Religijska raznolikost in problem sistemskega rasizma v okviru globalnih migracij : študija primera tunizijske obravnave podsaharskih temnopoltih kristjanovPrimož Krašovec, Anja Zalta, 2024, original scientific article Abstract: Članek temelji na večmesečni raziskavi procesa rasizacije podsaharskih migrantov v Tuniziji. Izhodišče naše raziskave je govor tunizijskega predsednika Kaisa Saieda iz februarja 2023. V okviru novih pogajanj z EU o podpori pri upravljanju migracij v Sredozemlju je predsednik poudaril, kako pomembno je, da Tunizija je ter ostane arabska in muslimanska. podsaharski migranti, ki v velikem številu prihajajo v Tunizijo, so temnopolti. Številni med njimi so tudi kristjani. Tunizijski primer rasizacije migrantov je podoben dinamiki sistemskega rasizma v evropskih državah. Naša teza je, da je rasizacija del kompleksnejše dinamike, ki jo določa kapitalistični način produkcije, ki zaradi svojih notranjih protislovij hkrati zahteva in izloča človeško delovno silo. Trdimo, da so trajno izločeni presežno prebivalstvo, ki zaradi tega, ker ga kapitalistični trgi ne disciplinirajo, velja za nevarno, zato spada pod policijsko pristojnost. Ta proces policijskega obvladovanja presežnih populacij predstavlja sodobni sistemski rasizem kot poseben način državne politike, pri čemer je »rasa« rezultat omenjenega procesa ter ni določena s svojimi biološkimi, verskimi, etničnimi ali kulturnimi značilnostmi. Svojo tezo podpremo s terensko študijo. Sestavljajo jo kvalitativni intervjuji s tunizijskimi strokovnjaki in trije osebni pripovedni intervjuji s podsaharskimi migranti iz Kameruna. Keywords: religija, religijska raznolikost, kristjani, podsaharski Afričani, presežno prebivalstvo, sistemski rasizem, migracije, begunci, tunizijski primer Published in DiRROS: 12.02.2025; Views: 81; Downloads: 44
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97. Nephila spider male aggregation : preference for optimal female size and web clusteringMatjaž Kuntner, Maj Kuntner, Eva Kuntner, Irena Kuntner, Jana Faganeli Pucer, Erik Štrumbelj, Daiqin Li, 2024, original scientific article Abstract: Sexual size dimorphism theory predicts biased operational sex ratios (OSRs) and an uneven distribution of males among certain females. We studied this phenomenon through a field census of the giant wood spider Nephila pilipes (family Nephilidae) in Singapore, a species where females are, on average, 6.9 times larger than males. Specifically, we tested two hypotheses concerning male distribution, given their tendency to aggregate in certain female webs. The optimal female size hypothesis predicts that males would predominantly occupy webs of intermediate-sized females. The web clustering hypothesis posits that more males would be found in webs closer together compared to those farther apart. Our snapshot census revealed a female-biased OSR (females: males = 1.85) with an uneven distribution of males in female webs. Most males were found in webs of intermediate-sized females aligning with the optimal female size hypothesis. Proximity among female webs was indicative of male presence, lending support to the web clustering hypothesis. While our study's limited sample size warrants caution, we conclude that in N. pilipes, male occupation of female webs is facilitated by the clustering of webs, and males prefer to cohabit with optimally sized, receptive females. Keywords: sexual size dimorphism, operational sex ratios (OSRs), male distribution, optimal female size hypothesis, web clustering hypothesis, female-biased OSR, intermediate-sized females, proximity of webs, male aggregation, arachnology, behavioral ecology, environmental zoology Published in DiRROS: 12.02.2025; Views: 111; Downloads: 35
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98. Women’s environmental peacebuilding – from the lense of post-colonial theological ecofeminismNadja Furlan-Štante, 2024, original scientific article Abstract: In a broader context, this paper focuses on the need to address environmen-tal issues and include women’s voices and actions in the context of interreligious dialogue – more specifically, to create a venue for women’s engagement in enviro-nmental peacebuilding through interreligious encounters and dialogue. First, the phenomenon of religious environmental peacebuilding is introduced as an emer-ging field that views conflicts over environmental resources (environmental inju-stice) as an opportunity for the conflicting parties to cooperate with one another and ultimately work toward a lasting and sustainable peace. A brief overview of two examples of good practices of women’s movements for environmental peace-building (Navdanya and the green Belt Movement) and their contributions are briefly analyzed. From this perspective, the question arises: is Western Christian ecotheology listening to the ecotheological perspectives and practices of the global South? Furthermore, it addresses the importance of including women’s voices and actions (from the global South and the global North for mutual enrichment), which are often left out of interreligious dialogue, but could also find their place in religious (environmental) peacebuilding. This paper follows the ecofeminist thesis that the exploitation of the earth (ecological crisis) is closely linked to the margi-nalization, exploitation, and abuse of women. From this perspective, perceptions and critical perspectives of environmental injustice and the importance of women’s engagement in environmental interreligious peacebuilding are brought together Keywords: interreligious dialogue, ecofeminism, ecological justice, environmental peacebuilding Published in DiRROS: 11.02.2025; Views: 90; Downloads: 46
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99. Deus Ex Machina : exploring theological implications of AI in video game narrativesTijana Rupčić, 2024, original scientific article Abstract: The study of artificial intelligence (aI) and religion, particularly the concept of god within video games, is a rich field that explores how digital spaces can reflect and shape philosophical and theological discourses. Ever since their first introduc-tion to the public, video games have often been a unique medium for exploring complex narratives and are tied to the different expressions of religion and spiri-tuality. The integration of aI characters or deities into video games challenges the traditional understanding of divinity and intelligence. This article examines the imaginaries of aI and god in two video games, Ga-lerians (1999) and I Have No Mouth, and I Must Scream (1995), focusing on how these elements are used to construct narrative worlds and reflect cultural percep-tions of technology and the divine. In these games, the aI characters that gained consciousness started embodying god-like characteristics, such as omnipotence, omniscience, and omnipresence, raising questions about free will, predestination, and the nature of consciousness. These representations draw from existing religio-us traditions while also pushing the boundaries of theological thought, suggesting new interpretations of divinity in the context of advanced technology. The article will also closely examine the concepts of emotions that aIs in Galerians and I Have No Mouth, and I Must Scream “experience.”The author relies on a game-immanent approach through detailed analysis of the aforementioned games in order to explore how the imaginaries of aI and god converge, offering insights into the evolving relationship between humanity, te-chnology, and spirituality. Keywords: artificial intelligence, videogames, spirituality, Galerians, I have no mouth, and i must scream Published in DiRROS: 11.02.2025; Views: 77; Downloads: 40
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100. How Is TikTok #interreligious? : an inductive thematic analysisAída Velasco Morla, 2024, original scientific article Abstract: This study analyzes how TikTok allows users to make interreligious practices visible and share them, highlighting the coexistence between different religious traditions. Through the platform, creators showcase scenes of daily coexistence, interreligious events, and mixed ceremonies, while also denouncing the discrimi-nation and disapproval associated with interreligious relationships. Three main themes were developed using inductive thematic analysis: Interreligious Sentimen-tal Relationships (67.9%), Interreligious Experiences (21.8%), and Interreligious Facts and Information (10.3%). The study suggests that TikTok acts as a space for self-representation and in-terreligious connection through the hashtags #interreligious and #interfaith, over-coming echo chambers and increasing the visibility of interreligious content. The creation of religious content on TikTok materializes faith and expands the indivi-dual-group-Sacred interaction to a global environment, where religious practices are shared and reinterpreted Keywords: interreligious, interfaith, TikTok, thematic analysis, diversity Published in DiRROS: 11.02.2025; Views: 87; Downloads: 70
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