551. Letna in sezonska debelinska rast dreves na ploskvah intenzivnega monitoringa v SlovenijiTom Levanič, Matej Rupel, Andreja Vedenik, 2024, original scientific article Abstract: V okviru intenzivnega monitoringa gozdnih ekosistemov že od leta 2009 s pomočjo ročnih dendrometrov spremljamo de- belinsko priraščanje dreves na letnem nivoju. Gre za dopolnilni podatek o debelinskem priraščanju dreves, ki ga pridobimo v okviru petletnih inventur na ploskvah intenzivnega monitoringa. Letno dinamiko debelinskega priraščanja spremljamo z dvema tipoma ročnih dendrometrov : plastičnimi, nemškega proizvajalca, in nerjavnimi, češkega proizvajalca. S spremljanjem debelinske rasti z ročnimi dendrometri želimo ugotoviti vpliv okoljskih in podnebnih dejavnikov na rast dreves med dvema petletnima inventurama. Tako dobimo bistveno boljše podatke o stanju priraščanja dreves kot s petletnimi inventurami, kjer ekstremni dogodki izginejo v povprečju. V letu 2022 smo dodatno na vse ploskve namestili tudi elektronske dendrometre z visoko frekvenco spremljanja spreminjanja debelinskega prirastka na ploskvah intenzivnega monitoringa v Sloveniji. Z njimi želimo ugotoviti vplive okoljskih in podnebnih dejavnikov na znotraj sezonsko dinamiko debelinskega priraščanja. To je ključno za razumevanje vpliva negativnih podnebnih dejavnikov na debelinsko priraščanje dreves. Keywords: podnebne spremembe, bukev, Fagus sylvatica, dob, Quercus robur, smreka, Picea abies, ročni dendrometer, elektronski dendrometer Published in DiRROS: 06.12.2024; Views: 188; Downloads: 49
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552. Rezultati dvajsetletnega spremljanja fenoloških faz dreves na ploskvah intenzivnega monitoringa gozdnih ekosistemov v SlovenijiGal Oblišar, Urša Vilhar, 2024, original scientific article Abstract: Fenološka opazovanja dreves v gozdovih so pomemben vir podatkov za ugotavljanje vpliva podnebnih sprememb na gozdove in druge naravne ekosisteme. V naši raziskavi smo analizirali nastop fenoloških faz prvih listov in iglic ter splošnega rumenenja listov za listavce ter dolžino vegetacijskega obdobja na osmih ploskvah intenzivnega monitoringa gozdnih ekosistemov v Sloveniji. Obravnavali smo drevesne vrste bukev, dob, rdeči bor, črni bor in smreko v letih od 2004 do 2023. Ugotavljamo, da je nastop fenološke faze prvih listov na večini ploskev zgodnejši kot pred leti. Značilno zgodnejši nastop fenološke faze prvih iglic med leti smo ugotovili tudi za rdeči bor na ploskvi Brdo in črni bor na ploskvi Gropajski bori. Pri bukvi smo ugotovili značilne razlike med ploskvami. Nastop fenološke faze prvih listov bukve je bil najkasnejši na ploskvah Lontovž in Gorica, medtem ko je bil na ploskvah Fondek in Borovec v povprečju sočasen. Za fenološko fazo splošnega rumenenja listov pri bukvi so razlike med ploskvami manjše kot pri fenološki fazi prvih listov. Naši rezultati na ploskvah Borovec, Fondek in Gorica nakazujejo daljšanje vegetacijskega obdobja, pri čemer je na ploskvi Gorica daljšanje dolžine vegetacijskega obdobja manj izrazito in ni statistično značilno. Keywords: gozdovi, fenologija, gozdna drevesa, intenzivno spremljanje stanja gozdov, Slovenija Published in DiRROS: 06.12.2024; Views: 176; Downloads: 46
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553. Dolgoletno spremljanje kakovosti zraka v gozdnih sestojih Slovenije, s poudarkom na ozonuDaniel Žlindra, 2024, original scientific article Abstract: Ozon je močan oksidant. Njegova prisotnost v stratosferi varuje Zemljo pred ultravijoličnimi žarki. V zraku, ki nas obkroža, pa ni zaželen. V visokih vsebnostih je še bolj kot za ljudi in živali škodljiv za rastline. Ravno zaradi njegovega vpliva na rastline, predvsem drevje, ga na Gozdarskem inštitutu Slovenije spremljamo v gozdnem prostoru s pasivnimi vzorčevalniki že dvajset let. Vsebnost ozona v zraku je odvisna od njegovih prekurzorjev, gibanja zraka in meteoroloških dejavnikov. Ploskev, ki je z njim v rastnih sezonah najbolj obremenjena, je ploskev Borovec pri Kočevski Reki. Najmanj ozona smo zabeležili na raziskovalnih ploskvah, ki se nahajata v nižinskih poplavnih gozdovih. Keywords: ozon, pasivni vzorčevalniki, intenzivni monitoring gozdov, raziskovalne ploskve Published in DiRROS: 06.12.2024; Views: 163; Downloads: 47
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556. Phloem : a missing link in understanding tree growth response in a changing environmentJožica Gričar, 2024, original scientific article Abstract: Although the activities of various tree organs and tissues are under different environmental and internal constraints, they need to be coordinated to ensure whole-tree functioning. Dusart et al. (2024) conducted a heating experiment on branches of Juglans regia saplings during the entire growing season to examine the effect of temperature on primary (bud) and secondary (xylem) growth. They found that primary and secondary meristems responded asynchronously to elevated temperature, which suggests that lack of coordination mechanisms between primary and secondary growth at crown scale could have a potential impact on canopy and tree architecture. Keywords: phloem, wood anatomy, tree growth, angiosperms, bark, meristem, non-structural carbohydrates, primary growth, radial growth, secondary growth, temperature, xylem Published in DiRROS: 05.12.2024; Views: 143; Downloads: 88
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558. Post-physical therapy 4-month in-home dynamic standing protocol maintains physical therapy gains and improves mobility, balance confidence, fear of falling and quality of life in Parkinson’s disease : a randomized controlled examiner-blinded feasibility clinical trialMiriam van Emde Boas, Chatkaew Pongmala, Abigail M. Biddix, Alexis Griggs, Austin T. Luker, Giulia Carli, Uroš Marušič, Nicolaas I. Bohnen, 2024, original scientific article Abstract: Objective: Parkinson’s patients will experience mobility disturbances with disease progression. Beneficial effects of physical therapy are short-lasting. Novel interventions are needed to maintain these benefits. Methods: Fourteen Parkinson’s patients (71±4.08 years) participated in a randomized controlled examiner-blinded feasibility clinical trial. After 12 physical therapy sessions, the intervention group received a height-adjustable desk that facilitates stepping while standing, for 4 months. Explorative outcome measures included MDS-UPDRS II, III, TUG, 8.5m walking test, PDQ-39, sABC, sFES, DEXA scans, and lower extremity strength. Results: Post-physical-therapy, everyone significantly improved on the MDS-UPDRS II, III, TUG, and 8.5m walking test, and PDQ-39. (p<0.05) After 4 months, the control group regressed towards pre-physical-therapy values. In the intervention group, sedentary behavior decreased beyond desk use, indicating a carry-over effect. MDS-UPDRS II, PDQ-39, sFES, sABC, TUG, 8.5m walking test, activity time, sitting time, hip strength all improved with clinically relevant effect sizes. Conclusion: Postphysical therapy in-home reduction of sedentary behavior was associated with maintenance of physical benefits and additional improvements in mobility, activity time, balance and quality of life Keywords: Parkinson’s disease, physical therapy, sedentarism, sarcopenia, quality of life Published in DiRROS: 05.12.2024; Views: 172; Downloads: 84
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559. Marine cosmetics and the blue bioeconomy : from sourcing to success storiesAna Rotter, Despoina Varamogianni-Mamatsi, Alenka Zvonar Pobirk, Mirjam Gosenca Matjaž, Mercedes Cueto, Ana R. Díaz Marrero, Maja Berden Zrimec, Ernesta Grigalionyte-Bembič, Katja Klun, Luen Zidar, Špela Baebler, Lada Lukić-Bilela, 2024, original scientific article Abstract: As the global population continues to grow, so does the demand for longer, healthier lives and environmentally responsible choices. Consumers are increasingly drawn to naturally sourced products with proven health and wellbeing benefits. The marine environment presents a promising yet underexplored resource for the cosmetics industry, offering bioactive compounds with the potential for safe and biocompatible ingredients. This manuscript provides a comprehensive overview of the potential of marine organisms for cosmetics production, highlighting marine-derived compounds and their applications in skin/hair/oral-care products, cosmeceuticals and more. It also lays down critical safety considerations and addresses the methodologies for sourcing marine compounds, including harvesting, the biorefinery concept, use of systems biology for enhanced product development, and the relevant regulatory landscape. The review is enriched by three case studies: design of macroalgal skincare products in Iceland, establishment of a microalgal cosmetics spin-off in Italy, and the utilization of marine proteins for cosmeceutical applications. Keywords: bioactive compounds, cosmeceuticals, marine organisms, naturally sourced, biorefinery, cosmetics, marine biotechnology, natural product chemistry Published in DiRROS: 04.12.2024; Views: 175; Downloads: 1288
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560. More than stridulation : signal interaction and constraint in the complex vibroacoustic courtship of a cricketNataša Stritih Peljhan, Alenka Žunič Kosi, 2024, original scientific article Abstract: Field crickets (Gryllidae) produce sounds by tegminal stridulation, well-studied for its role in female attraction and choice. However, understanding female preferences for their courtship song remains elusive, despite considering additional chemical, visual, and thermal signals. Beyond stridulation, crickets also display vibrational courtship behaviours that remain largely unexplored. Using Acheta domesticus as a model, we conduct the first comprehensive analysis of the entirety of vibroacoustic courtship signals in crickets, including their interaction. Employing audio recording, laser vibrometry, and videorecording, we unveil a complex signal involving simultaneous wing stridulation, body tremulation, and leg drumming against the substrate in a prolonged display, unique among insects. We identify robust correlations, coupling, and coordination between these signal components. We show the tightest coupling between the two types of stridulation pulses, and between tremulation and drumming signals, while drumming-stridulation coupling is less consistent, revealing a constraint on drumming performance. This constraint in the expression of one signal component, without a trade-off, represents a specific case within complex dynamic signalling. In addition, we find no correlation between drumming rate and its accuracy relative to stridulation, challenging common expectations. Our findings indicate that the information conveyed by the complex courtship display in A. domesticus is not simply proportional to that in the song, shedding light on previous ambiguities surrounding its function. Spectral-intensity analysis indicates the closest perceptual connection between stridulation and drumming signals, likely commonly influencing female choice, while proposing another function for tremulation. Further research should delve deeper into the function of this intricate signal. Keywords: male quality, substrate vibration, sound, complex signal, dynamic signal, insects, zoology, biology Published in DiRROS: 04.12.2024; Views: 160; Downloads: 970
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