1451. Stabilization of fish protein‐based adhesive by reduction of its hygroscopicityBranka Mušič, Jaka Gašper Pečnik, Andreja Pondelak, 2024, original scientific article Abstract: Protein-based fish adhesives have historically been used in various bonding applications; however, due to the protein’s high affinity for water absorption, these adhesives become destabilized in high-moisture environments, resulting in reduced bondline strength and early failure. This limitation makes them unsuitable for industrial applications with higher demands. To address this issue, water-insoluble raw powder materials such as iron, copper, or zeolite were incorporated into natural fish adhesives. In this study, the hygroscopicity, dry matter content, thermal analysis (TGA/DSC), FT-IR spectroscopy, surface tension measurements, vapour permeability, and scanning electron microscope (SEM) of the modified adhesives were determined. In addition, the bonding properties of the modified adhesives were evaluated by the tensile shear strength of the lap joints, and mould growth was visually inspected. The resulting modified protein-based adhesives demonstrated improved stability in high humidity environments. Enhancing the hygroscopic properties of protein-based fish adhesives has the potential to unlock new opportunities and applications, providing a healthier and more environmentally sustainable alternative to petroleum-based adhesives. Keywords: protein‐based adhesive, polymer stabilization, hygroscopicity, fish adhesive modification, fish industry waste, circular economy, bonding properties Published in DiRROS: 12.08.2024; Views: 549; Downloads: 422
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1453. Toolkit for handling and admissibility of electronic evidence : empowering legal practitioners to critically review electronic evidence from the procedural rights perspectiveBenjamin Flander, Anže Erbežnik, 2024, scientific monograph Abstract: This Toolkit was created by the Law Institute of the Science and Research Centre of Koper, Slovenia, as a deliverable of the Innocent project funded by the European Commission under the JUST Programme and coordinated by the Law and Internet Foundation, Bulgaria. It aims at enhancing the application of the presumption of innocence when handling electronic evidence (e-evidence) in criminal proceedings and empowering legal practitioners to critically review e-evidence from procedural rights perspective. It is designed to enhance understanding of the legal and practical challenges encountered by judges, prosecutors and defence lawyers (particularly those operating in Central and Eastern Europe) in the acquisition of e-evidence by law enforcement agencies, evaluation of admissibility of e-evidence by judges, and cross-border access to and exchange of e-evidence.
Exploring the different stages in the ‘life cycle’ of e-evidence, this Toolkit concerns data and evidence stored in various electronic devices and online information systems, including computers, smartphones, tablets, smartwatches, electronic appliances, portable media (e.g., USB sticks, external hard drives) and clouds, associated with individuals suspected or accused of criminal offenses, as well as those in the possession of other individuals. It also concerns electronic data and evidence held by telecommunication and internet service providers registered in domestic or foreign jurisdictions. However, it does not address legal and/or practical considerations related to interception and obtaining real-time electronic data and evidence from telecommunications operators and refrains from exploring issues concerning the collection of electronic data (and evidence) through techniques of mass surveillance, as well as strategies like “predictive risk-assessment” or other similar approaches aimed at preventing crime and enhancing law enforcement capabilities. Published in DiRROS: 09.08.2024; Views: 508; Downloads: 278
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1454. Phylogenomic, biogeographic, and evolutionary research trends in arachnologyscientific monograph Abstract: This book focuses on systematics, biogeography, and evolution of arachnids, a group of ancient chelicerate lineages that have taken on terrestrial lifestyles. The book opens with the questions of what arachnology represents, and where the field should go in the future. Twelve original contributions then dissect the current state-of-the-art in arachnological research. These papers provide innovative phylogenomic, evolutionary and biogeographic analyses and interpretations of new data and/or synthesize our knowledge to offer new directions for the future of arachnology. Keywords: biogeography, phylogeny, systematics, evolution, arachnology Published in DiRROS: 09.08.2024; Views: 379; Downloads: 255
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1455. The ecosystem of science communication in the post-truth era : perspectives, contexts, dynamics2024, scientific monograph Abstract: The chapters in this volume provide rich evidence of the increasing variety and cultural diversity of science communication practices across the world (Bucchi & Trench, 2021). Collectively, the science communication initiatives described here exemplify a range of progressive approaches, including dialogue, active engagement, learning-by-doing, and co-construction of knowledge, that in various ways reflect re-inventions or re-imaginings of science communication. In addition, this collection of work points to the inevitable conclusion that dialogue is necessary not just between science and society but also between science communication practitioners and researchers from different ecologies – countries, cultures, institutions and practices. We thus see this volume as a contribution to longitudinal studies of science communication across contexts, disciplines, purposes, and formats. Only in this way can the ecosystem of science communication continue to grow more diverse and self-reflective. Published in DiRROS: 09.08.2024; Views: 457; Downloads: 292
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1456. Visokogorska jezera v vzhodnem delu Julijskih Alp2002, scientific monograph Abstract: V knjigi, ki prinaša celovito predstavitev naših visokogorskih jezer, oceno njihovega ekološkega stanja in razlago dogajanj v njih skozi zgodovino, so zbrani rezultati več kot desetletnih raziskav 18 avtorjev. V delu je podan geografski opis in nastanek visokogorskih jezer, hidrološke povezave med njimi ter fizikalne in kemijske lastnosti jezerske vode. Opisano je življenje v njih in spremembe, ki so jih jezera doživela v zadnjih stoletjih, opozorjeno pa je tudi na problem onesnaževanja visokogorja.
Keywords: fizična geografija, hidrologija, rastlinstvo, živalstvo, onesnaževanje voda Published in DiRROS: 09.08.2024; Views: 633; Downloads: 297
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1458. Geografija stika Slovenske Istre in Tržaškega zaliva2018, scientific monograph Abstract: Znanstvena monografija na celosten način obravnava geografsko območje stika med kopnim, Slovensko Istro in morjem, Tržaškim zalivom. Stika med kopnim in morjem ne obravnava samo z vidika analize pokrajinotvornih prvin, loteva se tudi vpliva stika na fizično- in družbenogeografske pojave in procese in izpostavlja nekatere glavne izzive prebivalstvenega in gospodarskega razvoja, ob hkratnem upoštevanju ranljivosti obravnavane pokrajine, reševanja problematike obremenjevanja in onesnaževanja okolja ter širše rabe trajnostnega razvoja. Keywords: slovenska Istra, Tržaški zaliv, regionalna geografija Published in DiRROS: 08.08.2024; Views: 411; Downloads: 372
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1459. Izzivi razvoja ribištva v SlovenijiAlex Mavrič, Štefan Bojnec, Andreja Ramšak, 2021, scientific monograph Abstract: Raziskava prinaša nova spoznanja in izzive s področij ribištva v Sloveniji in z njim povezanih panog. Z intervjuji smo pridobili primarne podatke za raziskovanje, ki je vključevalo različne vidike in segmente ribiškega trga v Sloveniji, s poudarkom na socio-ekonomskih dejavnikih. Preučevali smo ribolov in vzrejo školjk ter rib v morju in v celinskih vodah, povezovanje ribištva s turizmom, predelavo ribiških izdelkov, zlorabe na ribiškem trgu in sorodne teme kakortudi možnosti za trajnostni razvoj ribištva v slovenskem morju in v celinskih vodah. Rezultati intervjujev so nam dali vpogled v vrsto težav in v možne rešitve, kot so jih predvideli različni deležniki, povezani s trgom rib. V zaključku raziskave so predstavljeni ugotovitve o trgu rib, možne smeri in vplivi na razvoj trga rib. Glede na ugotovljene težave smo podali tudi predloge, ki bi lahko izboljšali stanje v ribištvu in na trgu rib v Sloveniji. Raziskava je prinesla nekaj pomembnih ugotovitev, kot so: slovenski potrošniki pojedo mnogo manj rib v primerjavi z ostalimi članicami Evropske unije, slabo so ozaveščeni o ribolovnih izdelkih in ozaveščanje je preveč kratkoročno usmerjeno, da bi dosegli spremembe. V vseh dejavnostih, povezanih s trgom rib, je potrebno zmanjšati vplive na okolje, kar bo pomagalo ohranjati ribolovne vire v naravnih vodah. Keywords: prehranska varnost, ribolov, ribogojstvo, akvakultura, trajnostni razvoj, zakonodaja, kvaliteta, trženje, razvojne perspektive, elektronske knjige Published in DiRROS: 08.08.2024; Views: 428; Downloads: 284
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1460. Thermal lensing and photoacoustics as potential tools for nanomaterial characterization : a reviewMohanachandran Nair Sindhu Swapna, S. Sreejyothi, Dorota Korte, 2024, review article Abstract: This comprehensive review highlights the versatile applications of photothermal techniques, particularly thermal lens spectrometry (TLS) and photoacoustic spectrometry (PAS), in the field of nanomaterials characterization. TLS is an effective technique in the trace detection of different compounds in liquid samples, photodegradation studies, and analysis of photocatalytic reaction rate, as well as the study of molecular dynamics, impacting both environmental and catalytical research. It enables the optimization of thermal diffusivity in soot nanofluids and offers insights into seed germination and plant yield enhancement in nanobiophotonics. The review also explores the thermal and elastic characterization of Fe2O3 polymorphs by photoacoustic spectroscopy (PAS). Investigating the metal mirror demonstrates PAS’s efficacy in determining its reflection coefficient and thermal diffusivity. ZnO nanoparticles’ strong absorption on diatomite surfaces is revealed through PAS, emphasizing their effectiveness in light absorption enhancement. Furthermore, PA techniques address working frequency limitations in studying silicon-based nanomaterials. Thus, thermal lens and photoacoustic spectroscopy assume pivotal roles in unveiling the nuanced attributes of various nanostructured materials, thereby propelling advancements in the realms of science and technology. Keywords: material characterization, thermal lens spectrometry, photoacoustic spectrometry Published in DiRROS: 07.08.2024; Views: 473; Downloads: 418
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