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Insights into diversity, host-range, and temporal stability of Bacteroides and Phocaeicola prophages
Nejc Stopnišek, Stina Hedžet, Tomaž Accetto, Maja Rupnik, 2025, original scientific article

Abstract: Background Phages are critical components of the gut microbiome, influencing bacterial composition and function as predators, parasites, and modulators of bacterial phenotypes. Prophages, integrated forms of these phages, are prevalent in many bacterial genomes and play a role in bacterial adaptation and evolution. However, the diversity and stability of prophages within gut commensals, particularly in the genera Bacteroides and Phocaeicola, remain underexplored. This study aims to screen and characterize prophages in these genera, providing insights into their diversity, host range, and temporal dynamics in the human gut. Results Using a combination of three bioinformatic tools—Cenote-Taker 3, Vibrant, and PHASTER—we conducted a comprehensive analysis of prophages in Bacteroides and Phocaeicola. Cenote-Taker 3 identified the most diverse set of prophages, with significant overlaps observed between the tools. After clustering high-quality prophages, we identified 22 unique viral operational taxonomic units (vOTUs). Notably, comparisons between prophages identified in isolated bacterial genomes, metaviromes, and large public gut virome databases revealed a broader host range than initially observed in single isolates. Certain prophages were consistent across time points and individuals, suggesting temporal stability. All identified prophages belonged to the Caudoviricetes class and contained genes related to antibiotic resistance, toxin production, and metabolic processes. Conclusions The combined use of multiple prophage detection tools allowed for a more comprehensive assessment of prophage diversity in Bacteroides and Phocaeicola. The identified prophages were not only prevalent but also exhibited broad host ranges and temporal stability. The presence of antibiotic resistance and toxin genes suggests that these prophages may significantly influence bacterial community structure and function in the gut, with potential implications for human health. These findings highlight the importance of using diverse detection tools to accurately assess prophage diversity and dynamics.
Keywords: prophage detection, Bacteroides, Phocaeicola, gut microbiome, prophage diversity, Caudoviricetes, antibiotic resistance, phage-bacteria interactions, temporal stability
Published in DiRROS: 06.03.2025; Views: 85; Downloads: 86
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Addressing the paradox of rest with innovative technologies
Rado Pišot, Uroš Marušič, Luka Šlosar, 2025, other scientific articles

Abstract: The paradox of rest lies in its dual nature: essential for recovery yet potentially harmful when prolonged. Prolonged physical inactivity (PI) significantly contributes to non-communicable diseases (NCDs). Studies show nearly a third of adults worldwide were insufficiently active in 2022, with the economic costs of PI projected to reach INT$520 billion by 2030. Bedrest models have illuminated the rapid onset of insulin resistance, general functional decline and muscle atrophy associated with PI, particularly in hospitalised older adults. Innovative technologies, such as extended reality (XR), offer promising solutions for mitigating the effects of PI and can enhance non-physical rehabilitation techniques such as motor imagery and action observation. These technologies provide immersive, personalised therapeutic experiences that engage multiple senses, transforming passive recovery into an active process and addressing both the physical and cognitive consequences of inactivity. Results of bedrest study showed significant preservation of muscle mass, improved strength and enhanced insulin sensitivity in the intervention group compared to controls. These findings highlight the potential of XRbased strategies in addressing structural and functional declines during inactivity. As part of the Interreg VI-A Italia-Slovenija project, advanced XR-equipped active rooms were developed to aid post-stroke rehabilitation in acute care settings. XR technologies, particularly VR, have shown promise in providing dynamic and adaptable therapeutic environments that facilitate early and targeted interventions. Future advancements focus on integrating XR with brain-computer interfaces (BCIs) and synchronised visual-haptic neurofeedback, enhancing sensorimotor cortical activation and improving rehabilitation outcomes. Comprehensive multimodal approaches, including nutritional, physical and non-physical interventions, are emerging as effective strategies to personalise and optimise patient recovery.
Keywords: physical inactivity, functional and cognitive decline, rehabilitation, extended reality, multimodal interventions
Published in DiRROS: 05.03.2025; Views: 77; Downloads: 29
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Changes in cuticle structure during growth in two terrestrial isopods (Crustacea: Isopoda: Oniscidea)
Miloš Vittori, Katarina Vodnik, Andrej Blejec, 2020, original scientific article

Abstract: Terrestrial isopods are a successful group of terrestrial crustaceans. Their exoskeletal cuticle has been studied in several species. However, it is not known whether the cuticle of these animals becomes thicker or how its structure changes as the animals grow. We aimed to determine the principles of upscaling of the exoskeletal cuticle during growth in the terrestrial isopods Armadillidium vulgare (Latreille, 1804) and Porcellio scaber Latreille, 1804 with scanning electron microscopy. The tergal cuticle becomes thicker with increasing body length. In A. vulgare, which rolls into a ball in defense against predators, the rate of increase of tergite thickness was greater than in P. scaber, which clings to the substrate when threatened. As the cuticles of both species become thicker, the proportion of the endocuticle in the cuticle increases. There is a strong correlation between cuticle thickness and the thickness of endocuticular lamellae. This indicates that in thicker cuticles, chitin-protein fibers in sequential layers change their orientation by a smaller angle. We found no significant differences in morphometric parameters between the cuticles of A. vulgare and P. scaber when controlling for cuticle thickness. This suggests that known differences in cuticle structure and composition between these two species may result from differences in cuticle thickness.
Keywords: development, exoskeleton, morphometry, ultrastructure, woodlice
Published in DiRROS: 04.03.2025; Views: 260; Downloads: 47
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Prva potrditev pojavljanja obalnega murna Pseudomogoplistes squamiger (Fischer, 1853) (Orthoptera: Mogoplistidae) v Sloveniji
Matjaž Bedjanič, 2021, original scientific article

Abstract: Pojavljanje obalnega murna v Sloveniji je bilo prvič nedvoumno potrjeno z opazovanjem samcev, samic in ličink dne 25. 9. 2021 v slovenski Istri, na morskem nabrežju pod Belvederom pri Izoli in v Fiesi pri Piranu, zahodna Slovenija. Razširjenost in biologija te specializirane vrste, vezane na le ozek pas primernega obalnega habitata, sta nepopolno poznani. Zaradi pretekle degradacije in še vedno trajajočih različnih pritiskov na obalo slovenskega morja je vrsta ogrožena, za podrobnejšo oceno velikosti in ogroženosti njenih populacij v Sloveniji pa so potrebne nadaljnje terenske raziskave.
Published in DiRROS: 04.03.2025; Views: 242; Downloads: 38
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Pollinators communities differ across years and crops
Danilo Bevk, Janez Prešern, 2021, original scientific article

Abstract: Insect pollination is one of the most important ecosystem services. Pollinator communities are rarely studied across years and crops in the same location. The aim of this study was to investigate the pollinator community structure on five different fruit crops, as well as the activity of different pollinator groups during the day and their temperature preferences. Pollinator activity was observed across two years on apple trees and blueberry, strawberry, blackcurrant and raspberry bushes. Pollinator community structure varied by plant and year. Honeybees were the most numerous pollinators on all plants except blueberry bushes (39-95% of visits). Bumblebee numbers were high on blackcurrant (up to 28%) and blueberry bushes (up to 61%). Solitary bees visited all plants except blueberries. Honeybees, solitary bees, and hoverflies were most active in the middle of the day, while bumblebees became active earlier in the morning and remained active later in the evening. Pollinators also differed greatly in their temperature preferences. This knowledge gained is necessary for less harmful pesticide application management and the development of more sustainable agriculture to maintain pollinator diversity and thus reliable pollination in extreme weather conditions.
Keywords: fruit pollination, agroecology, biodiversity, wild bees, conservation
Published in DiRROS: 04.03.2025; Views: 241; Downloads: 49
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Ecophysiological responses of two closely related epigean and hypogean Niphargus species to hypoxia and increased temperature : Do they differ?
Tatjana Simčič, Boris Sket, 2021, original scientific article

Abstract: Ecological performance of animals depends on physiological and biochemical processes that are adjusted to the environment. The responses to hypoxia or anoxia have been frequently studied in subterranean aquatic organisms in order to find potential adaptations to restrict oxygen conditions occurring in the underground habitats. However, some previous studies have compared phylogenetic distant epigean and hypogean species or the epigean and hypogean populations of the same species due to little chance to compare closely related epigean and hypogean species. Therefore, in this study, we compared the effects of exposure to hypoxia, followed by reoxygenation, and increased temperature on oxygen consumption, potential metabolic activity, and antioxidant activities in closely related epigean and hypogean species: Niphargus zagrebensis and N. stygius. Oxygen consumption of N. stygius increased similarly during post-hypoxic recovery at 10 and 20°C (approx. 5-times), while N. zagrebensis increased its oxygen consumption for 9.7 and 4.4-times at 10 and 20°C, respectively. We observed higher exploitation of metabolic potential for current oxygen consumption during reoxygenation in N. zagrebensis than N. stygius. Exposure to hypoxia and subsequent reoxygenation at 20°C increased catalase (CAT) activity in N. stygius, but not in N. zagrebensis. We observed increased glutathione reductase activity in both Niphargus species. We concluded that respiratory and antioxidant responses to severe hypoxia and increased temperature differed between closely related epigean and hypogean Niphargus species. Hypogean Niphargus species possess physiological and biochemical characteristics that are advantageous in temperature stable subterranean environments which support inhabiting of species that have low energetic demands, while epigean Niphargus species can successfully inhabit specific surface habitats.
Published in DiRROS: 04.03.2025; Views: 238; Downloads: 37
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Favna kačjih pastirjev (Odonata) okolice Hotunj pri Ponikvi (vzhodna Slovenija)
Matjaž Bedjanič, 2022, original scientific article

Abstract: Za raziskovano območje podajam seznam 35 vrst kačjih pastirjev, opazovanih med majem in septembrom 2022, s pripadajočimi favnističnimi podatki. Na nacionalni rdeči seznam je uvrščenih šest vrst, medtem ko sta koščični škratec Coenagrion ornatum in veliki studenčar Cordulegaster heros zavarovana in uvrščena na dodatke Direktive o habitatih EU. Tudi najdbe prodnega paškratca Erythromma lindenii, deviškega pastirja Aeshna isoceles in črnega ploščca Libellula fulva so zanimive iz favnističnega vidika in jih predstavljam v širšem kontekstu njihove razširjenosti v Sloveniji. Na izbranih popisnih transektih vzdolž melioracijskih jarkov na ožjem raziskovanem območju severno od Hotunj sem zabeležil 32 vrst. Prikazana je dinamika števila vrst po posameznih popisih med sezono in pripadajoča dinamika naraščanja kumulativnega števila zabeleženih vrst. Za razmeroma majhno območje v okolici Hotunj je doslej skupno znanih 37 vrst kačjih pastirjev. Na širšem območju med Ponikvo in Dramljami so potrebne dodatne favnistične raziskave, saj je poznavanje biodiverzitete in naravovarstvenega pomena območja še zelo pomanjkljivo.
Keywords: Zygoptera, Anisoptera, razširjenost, ogroženost, melioracijski jarki, sezonska dinamika, kačji pastirji, favna, zoogeografija
Published in DiRROS: 04.03.2025; Views: 244; Downloads: 44
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An updated checklist of the extant freshwater ostracods (Podocopida, Ostracoda, Crustacea) of Slovenia
Nataša Mori, Ali Šalamun, 2022, original scientific article

Abstract: The article presents an updated checklist of the extant freshwater ostracods in Slovenia. The data were obtained from the published scientific literature up to 2012 and from field collections after 2012, mainly from springs and groundwaters and, to a lesser extent, from ponds and other surface waters. The erroneous and invalid species names cited in the existing literature are listed to avoid further misquotations. The updated checklist contains a total of 70 valid species names. The species belong to 3 superfamilies, 9 families and 32 genera. The species-richest is the family Candonidae (36 species), followed by the family Cyprididae (22 species). Further field samplings are needed to complete the species list, with the focus on the eastern and southeastern parts of Slovenia, and on the sampling of surface waters. Additionally, more in-depth literature investigations and examinations of old museum collections across Europe need to be carried out to obtain all existing data. Moreover, many stygobiotic species (i.e., species inhabiting exclusively subterranean waters), new for science, collected over the last 20 years, need to be scientifically described. Lastly, the Slovenian National Red list on ostracods needs to be urgently updated.
Keywords: Ostracoda, species, distribution, freshwater, groundwater, non-marine
Published in DiRROS: 04.03.2025; Views: 245; Downloads: 47
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