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Investigations of chemical element distributions in soil, North Macedonia—a review
Trajče Stafilov, Robert Šajn, Jasminka Alijagić, 2024, original scientific article

Abstract: This review article considers the following aspects: naturally distributed chemical elements and their enrichments, and the increased occurrence of PTEs due to anthropogenic and urban activities, as well as due to the geochemical uniqueness of certain geochemical landscapes, depending on the lithological environment. The review article is the result of many years of successful cooperation between the Geological Survey of Slovenia and the Faculty of Natural Sciences in Skopje, Ss. Cyril and Methodius University in Skopje, as well as several other institutions from North Macedonia, Russia and Romania but, also, through the voluntary and enthusiastic work of Prof. Trajče Stafilov’s PhD and Master’s students. To create the Geochemical Atlas, the territory of North Macedonia was covered with 995 sampling locations, but 16 separate areas with soil contamination were additionally sampled. The total sum of all collected soil samples was 3983 from 2449 different sampling sites in the period from 2006 to 2017. The analyses were performed at the Institute of Chemistry, Faculty of Natural Sciences in Skopje, at the Ss. Cyril and Methodius University in Skopje, North Macedonia, at the Research Institute for Analytical Instrumentation (ICIA), Cluj-Napoca, Romania, at the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research in Dubna, Moscow Region, Russia, and at Acme Labs in Vancouver, Canada. The sum of all analysed soil samples in all four mentioned laboratories was 7991 from 2006 to 2017. Using advanced mathematical methods such as multivariate statistical methods (HCA, FA, PCA) and artificial neural networks–multilayer perceptron (ANN-MP), predictions were made about the concentrations of potentially toxic elements (PTEs) and their distribution in real space. In less than two decades (2007–2023) of fruitful collaboration, a large number of scientific works have been published: 188 scientific publications, 8 geochemical atlases and 23 chapters in monographs.
Keywords: chemical elements, distribution, pollution, soil, North Macedonia
Published in DiRROS: 25.03.2024; Views: 605; Downloads: 274
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Contaminant trends in urban groundwater: case study from Ljubljana (central Slovenia)
Janja Svetina, Joerg Prestor, Brigita Jamnik, Primož Auersperger, Mihael Brenčič, 2024, original scientific article

Abstract: Urban areas can significantly alter the quality status of aquifers if appropriate strategies to prevent and detect groundwater contamination are not implemented in time. The prevention of groundwater contamination should be a priority due to its potential long-term impact on the environment and the high cost of remediation. For effective and sustainable groundwater management, it is crucial to proactively monitor a wide range of compounds to prevent their spread, progression and increasing concentrations. This study is one of the few to analyse the trends of various urban groundwater contaminants (nitrate, sulphate, hexavalent chromium, pesticides, PCE and TCE) from a groundwater management perspective. Characteristic trends are assessed using linear regression and the Mann–Kendall method, while significant changes in trends are determined using the Darken and Pettitt tests. The time span of the analysed trends covers the transition period before and after the implementation of the Water Framework Directive (2000/60/EC) and the Groundwater Directive (2000/60/EC). This study confirms the effectiveness of enforcement measures to protect groundwater quality, as evidenced by several statistically significant decreasing trends. On the other hand, this study emphasises the importance of intervention-targeted sampling campaigns and the reporting of raw analytical values according to the ISO 11843 series of standards. This approach is essential to detect upward trends in emerging contaminants at an early stage and prevent them from reaching levels that could negatively impact the economy or even jeopardise the safety of drinking water supplies.
Keywords: groundwater contamination, contaminant trends, groundwater management, urban aquifer, Ljubljansko polje
Published in DiRROS: 25.03.2024; Views: 451; Downloads: 181
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Međuodnos svojstava rasta i kvalitete drva na pokusnoj plohi ariša
Mirzeta Memišević Hodžić, Sulejman Sinanović, Dalibor Ballian, 2023, original scientific article

Abstract: Larch (Larix decidua) showed good growth and adaptability to ecological conditions in Bosnia and Herzegovina. The research aims to determine the variability of the morphological traits of larch in the seed stand near Kakanj, the variability at the beginning of heartwood formation, and correlations among these properties.In the larch seed stand, established by seedlings 2+0 in 1979, an area of 0,45 hectares was set aside. The heights and breast height diameters of the trees were on that area were measured in 2002 and 2020, and the basal area and volume were calculated. In 2020, the trees were drilled at breast height with a Presler drill to measure the proportion of heartwood. Average values of all properties for 2002 and 2020 were calculated. The ten, five and one best trees were selected according to the properties of breast height diameter, height, basal area, volume, and the intensities of selection for these traits were calculated. The Pearson correlation coefficient among all investigated traits were calculated. The average breast height diameter of 41-year-old trees was 24,6 cm, average height 21,8 m, basal area 0.0499m2 and volume 0.3745 m3 (table 1), while in 2002. the average breast height diameter was 15,5 cm, height 18,2 m, basal area 0,020 m2, and volume 0,128 m3 (table 1). Between 2002 and 2020, there was an overtaking of trees in breast height diameter and height and thus the base and volume (table 2). The average larch tree starts heartwood formation at the age of 14 years (table 1). The earliest heart-wood formation occurs in the sixth year (tree 495) and the latest in the 32nd year (table 4). Pearson coefficient showed a high positive correlation between breast height diameter and height in 2002 (ta-ble 9), which means that trees with a good height increase also have a good thickness increase. As a result, the correlation between breast height diameter and basal area and breast height diameter and volume, height and basal area, height and volume, and basal area and volume are statistically signifi-cant. Pearson’s correlation coefficient for the year 2020 showed a negative correlation between the be-ginning of heartwood formation and all other traits (table 10), i.e., trees that formed heartwood earlier have higher values of growth traits.The results will be used in the selection processes of larch individuals with good height and thickness growth and early heartwood formation.
Keywords: European larch, morphological properties, core formation, selection
Published in DiRROS: 25.03.2024; Views: 463; Downloads: 283
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Can a forest tree species progeny trial serve as an ex situ collection? : A case study on Alnus glutinosa
Rita Verbylaite, Filipos Aravanopoulos, Virgilijus Baliuckas, Aušra Juškauskaite, Dalibor Ballian, 2023, original scientific article

Abstract: Scientifically informed decisions for the long-term conservation of extant genetic diversity should combine in situ and ex situ conservation methods. The aim of the present study was to assess if a progeny plantation consisting of several open pollinated (OP) families and established for breeding purposes can also serve as an ex situ conservation plantation, using the case study of a Lithuanian progeny trial of Alnus glutinosa, a keystone species of riparian ecosystems that warrants priority conservation actions. We employed 17 nuclear microsatellite (Simple Sequence Repeat) markers and compared the genetic diversity and copy number of the captured alleles of 22 OP progeny families from this plantation, with 10 wild A. glutinosa populations, originating from the two provenance regions of the species in Lithuania. We conclude that the progeny plantation could be used as an ex situ plantation for the A. glutinosa populations from the first provenance region (represented by eight genetic conservation units (GCU)). Based on the present study’s results, we can expect that the A. glutinosa progeny plantation harbors enough genetic diversity of wild A. glutinosa populations from the first provenance region. This progeny plantation can serve as a robust ex situ collection containing local alleles present in at least one wild population with at least 0.05 frequency with 25 replications.
Keywords: black alder, genetic diversity, allele pattern, microsatellite genotypes, ex situ collection
Published in DiRROS: 25.03.2024; Views: 486; Downloads: 203
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Pedunculate oak (Quercus robur L.) in Bosnia and Herzegovina - state and perspectives
Mirzeta Memišević Hodžić, Dalibor Ballian, 2023, original scientific article

Abstract: Bosnia and Herzegovina is located in Southeast Europe, and more than half its area of 51.129 km² belongs to forests and forest lands. 93% of the forests of Bosnia and Herzegovina are natural forests and have many plant species, many of which are endemic. There are eight oak species growing in Bosnia and Herzegovina. The most important ones are Quercus robur (despite being almost extinct due to overexploitation during the late XIX and early XX century), and Quercus petraea. Pedunculate oak in Bosnia and Herzegovina is found in mixed stands with common hornbeam and in pure stands under exceptional conditions, with a total area of about 30,000 ha. In this paper, the data of the studies carried out in the pedunculate oak forests of Bosnia and Herzegovina were compiled and a general evaluation was made. The results of phenological observation in pedunculate oak provenance test in Bosnia and Herzegovina through the years showed statistically significant differences among provenances in the beginning, end and duration of individual phenological phases. Researches on growth showed overtaking of provenances through the years, and best results in provenance Jelah for the most of investigated years. The research results on showed a significant positive correlation between the height and root collar diameter in provenance test and most of the investigated .The remaining pedunculate oak populations in Bosnia and Herzegovina have a good genetic structure and can be used as a seed stands for collecting seed material and producing seedlings for afforestation with this species
Keywords: Pedunculate oak, Bosnia and Herzegovina, afforestation
Published in DiRROS: 25.03.2024; Views: 433; Downloads: 237
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How does day-to-day stress appraisal relate to coping among office workers in academia? : an ecological momentary assessment study
Stephanie Hulin, Larissa Bolliger, Junoš Lukan, Anneleen Caluwaerts, Rosalie De Neve, Mitja Luštrek, Dirk De Bacquer, Els Clays, 2023, original scientific article

Abstract: Existing literature indicates that academic staff experience increasing levels of work stress. This study investigated associations between day-to-day threat and challenge appraisal and day-to-day problem-focused coping, emotion-focused coping, and seeking social support among academic office workers. This study is based on an Ecological Momentary Assessment (EMA) design with a 15-working day data collection period utilising our self-developed STRAW smartphone application. A total of 55 office workers from academic institutions in Belgium (n = 29) and Slovenia (n = 26) were included and 3665 item measurements were analysed. Participants were asked approximately every 90 min about their appraisal of stressful events (experienced during the working day) and their coping styles. For data analysis, we used an unstructured covariance matrix in our linear mixed models. Challenge appraisal predicted problem-focused coping and threat appraisal predicted emotion-focused coping. Our findings suggest an association between threat appraisal as well as challenge appraisal and seeking social support. Younger and female workers chose social support more often as a coping style. While working from home, participants were less likely to seek social support. The findings of our EMA study confirm previous research on the relationship between stress appraisal and coping with stress. Participants reported seeking social support less while working from home compared to working at the office, making the work location an aspect that deserves further research.
Keywords: academic setting, coping, work stress
Published in DiRROS: 25.03.2024; Views: 406; Downloads: 60
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Hardware–software co-design of an audio feature extraction pipeline for machine learning applications
Jure Vreča, Ratko Pilipović, Anton Biasizzo, 2024, original scientific article

Abstract: Keyword spotting is an important part of modern speech recognition pipelines. Typical contemporary keyword-spotting systems are based on Mel-Frequency Cepstral Coefficient (MFCC) audio features, which are relatively complex to compute. Considering the always-on nature of many keyword-spotting systems, it is prudent to optimize this part of the detection pipeline. We explore the simplifications of the MFCC audio features and derive a simplified version that can be more easily used in embedded applications. Additionally, we implement a hardware generator that generates an appropriate hardware pipeline for the simplified audio feature extraction. Using Chisel4ml framework, we integrate hardware generators into Python-based Keras framework, which facilitates the training process of the machine learning models using our simplified audio features.
Keywords: FPGA, MFCC, keyword spotting, chisel
Published in DiRROS: 25.03.2024; Views: 520; Downloads: 473
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Comparing algorithm selection approaches on black-box optimization problems
Ana Kostovska, Anja Janković, Diederick Vermetten, Sašo Džeroski, Tome Eftimov, 2023, published scientific conference contribution

Published in DiRROS: 25.03.2024; Views: 331; Downloads: 114
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