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The influence of abiotic and biotic disturbances on the protective effect of alpine forests against avalanches and rockfalls
Domen Oven, Barbara Žabota, Milan Kobal, 2020, review article

Abstract: Abiotic and biotic disturbances in alpine forests can reduce forest cover or change the structure of the forest and consequently reduce the protective effect of forest against natural hazards such as avalanches and rockfalls. In this review article, the effect of the main abiotic (forest fire, windthrow, ice break, snow break, avalanche and rockfall) and biotic (insects and pathogens) disturbances in protection forests are presented along with their potential influence on the protective effect of forest against avalanches and rockfalls. In general, natural disturbances negatively affect the protective effect of forest, especially in the case of large-scale and severe events, which in alpine areas are mostly caused by storms, bark beetle outbreaks, avalanches and forest fires. Climate change induced interactions between disturbances are expected to present challenges in the management of protection forests in the future.
Keywords: natural disturbances, natural hazards, abiotic disturbances, biotic disturbances, protection forests, protective effect, stand parameters, rockfall, avalanche
Published in DiRROS: 01.04.2020; Views: 4429; Downloads: 3332
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Reconstruction of landslide activity using dendrogeomorphological analysis in the Karavanke mountains in NW Slovenia
Domen Oven, Tom Levanič, Jernej Jež, Milan Kobal, 2019, original scientific article

Abstract: Tree ring eccentricity was used to reconstruct landslide activity in the last 138 years in the Urbas landslide located at Potoška planina in the NW part of the Karavanke Mountains, Slovenia. The research was based on the dendrochronological sampling of Norway spruce (Picea abies (L.) Karst.) in areas of varying landslide intensity. Analysis of a sudden change in the eccentricity index of 82 curved trees concluded that there were 139 growth disturbances and 16 landslide reactivations between 1880 and 2015, with a landslide return period of 8.5 years. Using lidar data, changes in the surface of the digital terrain model (DTM) were compared with changes in the eccentricity index of trees at the same location in the period 2014-2017. On the basis of temporal changes in the eccentricity index and by using spatial interpolation, landslide activity was reconstructed for the period 1943%2015. During this period, landslide intensity increased in the central part of the landslide. Although categorization into seven categories of different stem curvature was proposed, no distinction between categories with respect to their eccentricity index was found.
Keywords: landslide activity, dendrogeomorphology, tree ring eccentricity, eccentricity index, digital terrain model, spatial interpolation
Published in DiRROS: 20.02.2020; Views: 2063; Downloads: 1445
.pdf Full text (9,35 MB)
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Daljinsko zaznavanje invazivnih rastlin
Domen Oven, 2018, review article

Abstract: Razmah satelitske tehnologije, laserskega skeniranja in računalniške zmogljivosti v zadnjih desetletjih omogočajo uporabo novih metod za prepoznavanje invazivnih rastlinskih vrst. Slednje vplivajo na ohranjenost ekosistemov, saj podirajo vzorce obnašanja med organizmi, zmanjšujejo biodiverziteto in hkrati povzročajo ekonomsko škodo. Tehnologije daljinskega pridobivanja podatkov (ortofoto, multispektralni, hiperspektralni posnetki in lidarski podatki) omogočajo proučevanje vegetacije na večji prostorski ravni ter so tako uporabni za prepoznavanje invazivnih rastlin in za izdelavo napovednih modelov njihovega razširjanja. Invazivne rastline od domorodnih lahko ločimo na podlagi fenoloških, spektralnih in strukturnih lastnosti. Metode strojnega učenja so ene izmed pogostejših metod, ki so v rabi za prepoznavanje invazivnih rastlin na podlagi daljinsko zajetih podatkov. Uspešno prepoznavanje je v največji meri odvisno od lastnosti posnetkov in opazovanih rastlin. Daljinsko pridobljeni podatki omogočajo spremljanje časovne in prostorske dinamike razširjanja invazivnih organizmov, kar je ključno pri ocenjevanju potencialnega prostorskega širjenja posameznih invazivnih vrst in pri njihovem upravljanju ter posledično za sprejemanje odločitev načrtovalcev in okoljevarstvenikov. V članku so predstavljane najpogostejše lesnate invazivke in njihova razširjenost v Sloveniji, metode klasifikacij daljinskega zaznavanja invazivk, uspešnost prepoznavanja posameznih metod ter prednosti in slabosti daljinskega zaznavanja invazivnih rastlin.
Keywords: daljinsko zaznavanje, invazivne rastline, satelitski posnetki, multispektralni posnetki, lasersko skeniranje
Published in DiRROS: 16.04.2018; Views: 4778; Downloads: 902
.pdf Full text (302,96 KB)

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