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Query: "author" (Ana Brglez) .

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Drought stress can induce the pathogenicity of Cryptostroma corticale, the causal agent of sooty bark disease of sycamore maple
Nikica Ogris, Ana Brglez, Barbara Piškur, 2021, original scientific article

Abstract: Reports of sooty bark disease of maples caused by the fungus Cryptostroma corticale have recently been emerging from across Europe. The aims of our study were to describe the first report of sooty bark disease in Slovenia, to determine the pathogenicity of C. corticale, to confirm the optimum temperature for the growth of the fungus, and to determine the mass loss of Acer pseudoplatanus wood inoculated by C. corticale. We confirmed the presence of C. corticale on A. pseudoplatanus via morphological and molecular analysis. The optimal growth of C. corticale was measured in vitro on potato dextrose agar and was determined to occur at 25 °C. Pathogenicity tests were performed on 30 saplings of A. pseudoplatanus under two treatments, humid and drought stress, and the fungus was pathogenic in both treatments. The mean length of bark lesions and wood discoloration of the drought-stressed saplings was significantly greater than that in the humid treatment. Re-isolations of C. corticale were successful from all inoculated saplings, and thus Koch%s postulates were confirmed. The mass loss of A. pseudoplatanus wood was determined by mini-block test in a period of 10 weeks and was observed as minimal. Based on the results, we conclude that C. corticale is a weak and opportunistic pathogen that most likely expresses itself intensively under hot and dry conditions.
Keywords: pathogenicity, drought stress, optimal growth, climate change, mass loss, mini-block test, wood rot, opportunistic pathogen, saprophyte, endophyte
Published in DiRROS: 23.03.2021; Views: 1249; Downloads: 945
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Orehov rak (Ophiognomonia clavigignentijuglandacearum)
Ana Brglez, 2020, professional article

Keywords: varstvo gozdov, karantenski organizmi, Orehov rak, Ophiognomonia clavigignentijuglandacearum)
Published in DiRROS: 14.11.2020; Views: 1473; Downloads: 393
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Pomen biovarnosti za zdravje gozdov : pregled izkušenj iz tujine in predlogi za Slovenijo
Ana Brglez, Peter Smolnikar, Barbara Piškur, 2020, professional article

Abstract: V letu 2020 obeležujemo mednarodno leto zdravja rastlin. V kmetijstvu in vrtnarstvu je pojem zdravja rastlin dobro znan, medtem ko se za naravno okolje vse premalokrat omenja. Gozdove ogrožajo številni domači in tujerodni organizmi, ki jim naša dejavnost v okolju omogoča vse lažje in hitrejše širjenje v prostoru. Za preprečitev oz. omejevanje širjenja je ključno delovanje fitosanitarnih inšpekcij in nadzora na mejah ob vstopu tujega blaga, na lokalnem nivoju pa ozaveščenost strokovnih služb, lastnikov zemljišč ter vseh obiskovalcev narave, da upoštevajo osnovne ti. biovarnostne ukrepe. Biovarnost je skupek ukrepov, ki zmanjšajo ali v celoti preprečijo vnos in prenos škodljivih organizmov z ene lokacije na drugo. Po navadi ukrepi zajemajo čiščenje oblačil, obutve, vozil in opreme vseh organskih ostankov rastlin in zemlje ter pregled notranjosti vozila glede prisotnosti žuželk. V prispevku predstavljamo kot primer dobre prakse ozaveščanja o pomenu biovarnosti v gozdovih obširno akcijo Združenega kraljestva Keep it clean ter iščemo ovire in priložnosti za rabo pri nas. V Sloveniji je pojem biovarnosti uveljavljen v kmetijstvu (npr. v prašičjereji in hmeljarstvu), v gozdarstvu pa je dokaj neznan. Z zakonsko dovoljenim prostim dostopom v gozd, gosto mrežo gozdnih cest in v zadnjem času povečanim obiskom gozdov je ob morebitni prisotnosti škodljivih organizmov potencial za njihovo hitro razširjenje izjemno velik. Vendar pa je tudi prostora za izboljšanje sedanje situacije še veliko. Med priložnostmi lahko izpostavimo ozaveščanje v smeri higiene in ukrepov, ki so potrebni za preprečitev vnosa in prenosa škodljivih organizmov, posodobitev veljavne zakonodaje na področju zdravja rastlin in gozdarstva, njuno uskladitev z veljavno evropsko zakonodajo ter nadzor nad njihovim izvajanjem. Nikakor pa ne smemo pozabiti na največjo priložnost vsakega izmed nas, da se vede odgovorno do okolja, v katerem živimo.
Keywords: biovarnost, biovarnostni ukrepi, zdravje gozdov, varstvo gozdov, škodljivi organizmi
Published in DiRROS: 14.11.2020; Views: 1946; Downloads: 527
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In vitro interactions between Eutypella parasitica and some frequently isolated fungi from the wood of the dead branches of young Sycamore Maple (Acer pseudoplatanus)
Ana Brglez, Barbara Piškur, Nikica Ogris, 2020, original scientific article

Abstract: The ten most frequently isolated fungi from the wood of the dead branches of Acer pseudoplatanus L. were tested in dual cultures to evaluate their in vitro antagonistic activity against Eutypella parasitica R.W. Davidson and R.C. Lorenz, the causative agent of a destructive disease of maples in Europe and North America. The tested fungi, treated also as challenge isolates, were Diaporthe sp., Eutypa sp., Eu. maura, E. parasitica, Fusarium avenaceum, Neocucurbitaria acerina, Neonectria sp., Peniophora incarnata, Petrakia irregularis, and Phomopsis pustulata. The antagonistic ability of each challenge isolate was evaluated by calculating an index of antagonism (AI) based on the interaction type in the dual cultures. The results of competition between the fungal isolates were quantified after re-isolations from the interaction zone (s). The dual cultures revealed two main types of competitive interactions: Deadlock, consisting of mutual inhibition after mycelial contact or at a distance, and replacement, reflecting in the inhibition of E. parasitica, followed by partial overgrowth by the replacing fungus. Statistical analysis showed significant differences in average AI and s of challenge isolates between different dual culture assays. Based on the results of the antagonism index, Eutypa sp., Eu. maura, Neonectria sp., and P. incarnata had the highest inhibitory effect on E. parasitica growth and were recognized as the most promising candidates for further biocontrol studies of E. parasitica. The mycelium of E. parasitica at the interaction zones remained mostly viable, except in dual cultures with Eutypa sp., F. avenaceum, and Neonectria sp., where re-isolations did not yield any colony of the E. parasitica isolate. Based on the results, we assume that E. parasitica is a weak competitor, which invests less energy in direct mycelial competition. We discuss the potential of the observed antagonists as a possible biocontrol of Eutypella canker of maple. Nevertheless, additional experiments should be performed for a solid conclusion about competitive ability of E. parasitica and usefulness of antagonists as biocontrol.
Keywords: Eutypella parasitica, dual culture, hyphal interaction, deadlock, replacement, competition, antagonism, inhibition, re-isolation, biocontrol
Published in DiRROS: 19.10.2020; Views: 1437; Downloads: 946
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Ameriška pritlikava omela (Arceuthobium americanum)
Ana Brglez, 2020, professional article

Keywords: varstvo gozdov, karantenski organizmi, cvetnice
Published in DiRROS: 10.10.2020; Views: 1475; Downloads: 415
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