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Landscape changes in the Pivka area, Slovenia
Janez Pirnat, Andrej Kobler, 2012, original scientific article

Abstract: Spontaneous afforestation is one of the biosystemic landscape change processes affecting landscape functioning. The process of overgrowing is highly dynamic, and the temporal dimension of changes in landscape structure can be of key importance for evaluating habitat suitability. A detailed study was carried out in the area of 19.52 km2 within the Pivka municipality, where land use is a mixture of traditional farmland, forests, and extended areas of abandoned former farmland with natural re-growth. In addition, this area is highly important for two bird species: the Barred Warbler (Sylvia nisoria) and the Red-backed Shrike (Lanius collurio). Both species are sensitive to forest spreading and prefer a mixture of extensive meadows with shrubs and hedgerows as their most suitable habitat. Digital BW orthophotos from the 1975 - 2000 period and colour digital orthophotos from 2009 have be enused for on screen digitizing of the EUNIS habitat classes. Indicators of landscape changes were derived from temporal based difference in the landscape structure (different structural indicators based on patch size, shape, distances and patch dynamics). All the details obtained were evaluated based on Earth observation data and GIS supported methods. The most valuable parts of the area for both species are, from a biodiversity point of view, the core forest areas and mixture of meadows with shrubs and hedgerows.
Published in DiRROS: 12.07.2017; Views: 4371; Downloads: 1912
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A century long dynamics of Silver fir population in mixed Silver fir-European beech forests
Matija Klopčič, Andrej Bončina, 2012, original scientific article

Published in DiRROS: 12.07.2017; Views: 4277; Downloads: 1890
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Analiza horizontalne zgradbe bukovih sestojev s podatki s stalnih vzorčnih ploskev
Tina Simončič, Aleš Kadunc, Andrej Bončina, 2009, original scientific article

Abstract: Na vzorcu petih izbranih gozdnogospodarskih enot smo po glavnih sestojnih tipih analizirali horizontalno zgradbo bukovih sestojev. Zgradbo smo prikazali z indeksi diverzitete, podrobneje smo obravnavali razmestitev dreves in diferenciacijo njihovega premera. Ugotavljali smo vpliv nekaterih okoljskih dejavnikov ter intenzivnosti poseka na razmestitev. Za analizo smo uporabili podatkovno zbirko stalnih vzorènih ploskev (SVP) Zavoda za gozdove Slovenije. Razmestitev v sestojih se priblizuje naključni enakomerni razmestitvi, opazne so posamezne tendence dreves k sopasti oziroma sistematični razmestitvi. V sestojih prevladuje povprečna diferenciacija premerov, kar kaze na veèjo enomernost. V mlajših razvojnih fazah je nekoliko močneje nakazana sopasta razmestitev, diferenciacija premerov je manjsa. Na manjšo diferenciacijo premera vplivamo z večjo intenziteto poseka, šopasta razmestitev dreves je močneje nakazana na terenih s strmejsimi nakloni. Različne indekse diverzitete lahko izračunamo s podatki s SVP, ki so primerni predvsem za metodo izbranega drevesa in njegovih štirih najbližjih sosedov. Vzorec horizontalne zgradbe omogoča natanènejsi vpogled v sestojno zgradbo, pomemben je pri ocenjevanju mehanske stabilnosti sestojev, biodiverzitete, sestojne gostote in učinkov gospodarjenja.
Keywords: Fagus sylvatica, horizontalna zgradba, indeksi diverzitete, razmestitev dreves, diferenciacija premerov, stalne vzorčne ploskve, sestojni tipi, rastišča, gospodarjenje z gozdovi
Published in DiRROS: 12.07.2017; Views: 4868; Downloads: 2042
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Gospodarjenje z jelko v Sloveniji
Andrej Bončina, Andrej Ficko, Matija Klopčič, Dragan Matijašič, Aleš Poljanec, 2009, original scientific article

Abstract: V prispevku analiziramo strukturo in razvojne značilnosti sestojev z jelko, gospodarjenje in posek jelke po stirih rastiščnih skupinah (A-D) glede na gojitveno ekološke značilnosti jelke na podlagi podatkovnih zbirk Zavoda za gozdove Slovenije. V lesni zalogi jelke prevladuje srednje debelo (d=30-49 cm)in debelo drevje (d=50 cm in veè) (84,9 %). Najveè (45 %) debelih jelk je vdinarskih jelovjih in jelovih bukovjih (skupina B), razvojno najmlajsa je jelka v jelovjih s praprotmi in na drugih jelovih rastiščih na nekarbonatu (skupina C). Analiza debelinske strukture jelke in stevila dreves iz prve in druge izmere na stalnih vzorčnih ploskvah ter naraščanje povprečnega premera posekanih jelk v obdobju zadnjih 14 let nakazujejo staranje in regresijo jelke, ki sta izrazitejša v skupini B. Vraščanje jelke prek meritvenega praga je največje v skupini C (19,2/ha/10 let) in se statistično značilno razlikuje od drugih skupin. Najmanjšo vrast jelke ugotavljamo v skupini B (4,2/ha/10 let), jakost poseka jelke je tu najvišja (22,3 % LZ) z najvišjim povprečnim premerom posekanih jelk (42,5 cm) in 48 % sanitarne sečnje. Za aktivno ohranjanje jelke je pomembno predvsem zmanjšanje vpliva jelenjadi in skrbno ter diferencirano gojitveno ukrepanje z daljšimi parcialnimi pomladitvenimi dobami. Predlagamo tudi nekatere druge ukrepe.
Keywords: jelka, Abies alba Mill., gozdovi, razvoj gozdov, rastlinojeda divjad, divjad, struktura sestojev, rast sestojev, razvoj sestojev, smrekovi gozdovi
Published in DiRROS: 12.07.2017; Views: 4795; Downloads: 2024
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Vpliv podnebnih sprememb na pričakovano prostorsko prerazporeditev tipov gozdne vegetacije
Lado Kutnar, Andrej Kobler, Klemen Bergant, 2009, original scientific article

Abstract: V raziskavi smo simulirali prostorsko prerazporeditev tipov gozdne vegetacije v Sloveniji, do katere bi lahko prišlo ob pričakovanih podnebnih spremembah. Potencialne prostorske spremembe gozdne vegetacije so bile analizirane v GIS okolju s pomočjo empiričnega modela, ki napoveduje prostorsko razporeditev gozdne vegetacije v odvisnosti od podnebnih in drugih parametrov. Rezultati simulacij na osnovi treh podnebnih scenarijev kažejo, da se bo vzorec razporeditve gozdne vegetacije menjal pod vplivom podnebnih sprememb. Po napovedih bi lahko do leta 2070 prišlo do sprememb vegetacijskega tipa na več kot 75 % vseh gozdnih površin. Danes prevladujoči, pretežno bukovi gozdovi bi lahko bili v spremenjenih okoljskih razmerah močno prizadeti. Model napovedujepadec deleža prevladujočih mezofilnih bukovih gozdov s sedanjih 57 %na samo 3 % po pesimističnem scenariju in do 29 % po optimističnem scenariju.V toplejšem podnebju, ki ga predvidevajo vsi trije scenariji, bi se močno razširili različni termofilni gozdovi.
Published in DiRROS: 12.07.2017; Views: 4601; Downloads: 2066
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Razširjenost bukve in strukturne značilnosti bukovih sestojev v Sloveniji
Andrej Ficko, Matija Klopčič, Dragan Matijašič, Aleš Poljanec, Andrej Bončina, 2008, original scientific article

Published in DiRROS: 12.07.2017; Views: 4402; Downloads: 1995
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Bryophyte species diversity of forest ecosystems in Slovenia (intensive monitoring programe)
Lado Kutnar, Andrej Martinčič, 2008, original scientific article

Abstract: As part of the Intensive Monitoring Programme (IM) of Forest Ecosystems in Slovenia, the bryophyte flora and vegetation have been studied on 11 IM plots and 64 vegetation sub-plots (10*10 m). On the IM plots, high species diversityof bryophytes has been assessed. The total number of bryophytes was 109; among them 82 species belonging to the mosses (Bryophyta) and 27 species to the liverworts (Marchantiophyta). The mean number per plot was 27 species, ranging from 13 species on the Brdo plot to 36 species on the Borovec and Draga plots. The most common moss species are Hypnum cupressiforme, Ctenidium molluscum, Tortella tortuosa, Brachythecium velutinum, Isothecium alopecuroides, Dicranum scoparium, Polytrichum formosum, Fissidens taxifolius,F. dubius (Bryophyta); and liverworts are Radula complanata, Chiloscyphus profundus, Plagiochila porelloides and Metzgeria furcata (Marchantiophyta). Regarding the substrate preference, the opportunistic species that inhabit very different substrates are prevalent; and the second main group are bryophytes inhabiting wood material (epiphyte, epixylic species). Using multivariate techniques (cluster analysis, DCA), the bryophytes have proved to be valuable indicator of site conditions (bedrock, surface rockiness, soil type, micro- and regional climate, vegetation) and forest stand conditions (dominant tree species, dead wood).
Published in DiRROS: 12.07.2017; Views: 4326; Downloads: 1912
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Structure, development and growth of selection forests at the Granata research site
Matej Reščič, Andrej Bončina, 2007, original scientific article

Abstract: The Granata research site was established for the study of structure, growth and regeneration of silver fir-European beech single stem selection forest. Three phytocoenological relevés were carried out, all trees ?5 cm diameter at breast height (d.b.h.) were measured by full callipering, tree growth was analysed for sample trees, regeneration of tree species was registered on 63 sampling plots. In addition, historical data from past forest inventories werestudied. In the period from 1952 to 2003, the share of silver fir has decreased from 86% to 26%, the share of Norway spruce increased significantly,whereas the share of beech and sycamore has slightly increased. The current growing stock amounts to 350 m3 ha-1, with large-size diameter trees (d.b.h. ?50 cm) representing 51% of total growing stock. The site is divided into 16 stand patches with significant differences in tree species composition and diameter distribution. Regeneration is sufficient with silver fir prevailing in total number of seedlings (42%). 23% of all seedlings are damaged as a result of game browsing.
Keywords: selection forest, plenterwald, selection system management, stand structure, tree species composition, regeneration, diameter distribution
Published in DiRROS: 12.07.2017; Views: 4865; Downloads: 2067
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Obravnavanje gozdnih sestojev v gozdarskem načrtovanju na primeru gozdnih območij Bohinj in Pohorje
Aleš Poljanec, Andrej Bončina, 2006, original scientific article

Abstract: V raziskavi smo analizirali značilnosti izločanja in obravnavanja sestojev v gozdnogospodarskem načrtovanju na primeru objektov Bohinj (GGO Bled) in Pohorje (GGO Maribor) s skupno površino 29950ha gozdov. Analizo negovalnih enot ter primerjavo negovalnih enot in sestojev smo opravili na sistematično izbranem vzorcu devetindvajsetih oddelkov (9 % površine gozdov) v objektu Bohinj in petindvajsetih oddelkov (10 % površine gozdov) na Pohorju. Povprečna površina izločenih sestojev v Bohinju znaša 1,04 ha (Me = 0,53 ha), na Pohorju pa 2,30 ha (Me= 1,33 ha). Povprečna površina negovalnih enot je 2,00 ha (Me = 0,95 ha) v Bohinju in 1,88 ha (Me = 0,92 ha) na Pohorju. Na velikost izločenih sestojev predvsem značilno vplivajo struktura gozdnih sestojev, popisovalec, rastiščne razmere, gospodarjenje z gozdovi ter tradicija gozdarskega načrtovanja v posameznem območju.
Keywords: sestoji, klasifikacija sestojev, gozdna inventura, gozdnogospodarsko načrtovanje, gozdnogojitveno načrtovanje
Published in DiRROS: 12.07.2017; Views: 4317; Downloads: 1764
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Silver fir (Abies alba Mill.) distribution in Slovenian forests
Andrej Ficko, Andrej Bončina, 2006, original scientific article

Abstract: We analysed the characteristics of silver fir (Abies alba Mill.) occurrence and distribution in Slovenia using databases of the Slovenian Forest Service (SFS). Silver fir is the third most widely distributed tree species in Slovenia, occurring in approximately 40 % of total forest area, but abundantly in less than 10 %. Its share in total growing stock varies between separate forest management regions. It is more abundant in the Dinaric and part of the Pre-alpine phytogeographic regions. The highest share in total growing stock reaches at altitudes between 800 m and 1000 m above sea level, forests with silver fir cover the most extensive surface in the altitude belt from 1000 to 1200 m. Silver fir occurs abundantly in 11 syntaxes. Between them, silver fir-beech forests (Abieti-Fagetum dinaricum TREG. 57, syn.: Omphalodo-Fagetum (TREG.57 corr. PUNC.80) MAR et al. 93) strongly prevail, followed by fir forests with fern (Dryopterido-Abietetum KOŠ.65, syn.: Galio rotundifolii-Abietetum BARTSCH.40). Silver fir diameter distribution considerably varies between separate forest management regions. The regions with the highest share of silver fir (Postojna, Kočevje) dominate also in having large diameter silver fir trees, whereas in other regions (e.g. Nazarje, Kranj, Maribor) small diameter silver fir trees are prevalent. Ddevelopmental stage structure shows that in forest stands with silver fir there is a higher share of timber phase, stands in regeneration, youth stands and selective forests. Considering regeneration we can conclude, that more intensive decreasing trend in silver fir share is expected in the Ddinaric phytogeographic region than in northern parts of Slovenia. Successful regeneration due to lower red deer population and balanced stem diameter structure with higher proportion of small diameter trees promise easier conservation of silver fir in northern parts.
Keywords: forest stand structure, forest vegetation, altitude, Slovenia
Published in DiRROS: 12.07.2017; Views: 4484; Downloads: 1775
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