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Evidence-based exercise recommendations to improve functional mobility in older adults - A study protocol for living systematic review and meta-analysis
Bettina Wollesen, Tamar Yellon, Antoine Langeard, Vera Belkin, Anna Wunderlich, Eleftheria Giannouli, Guoping Qian, Rafael A. Bernades, Zbigniew Ossowski, Uroš Marušič, Rajesh Sighdel, Claudia Voelcker-Rehage, 2025, original scientific article

Abstract: Background and objectives This is a protocol for a living systematic review and meta-analysis. This review will assess the effects of state-of-the-art exercise interventions designed to promote functional mobility. Therefore, after identifying all potential interventions, we will use the F.I.T.T. principles (frequency, intensity, time, type) as well as the physical and health status of the participants as moderators to analyse the mechanisms for the positive benefits of exercise interventions. The main research questions are: Which exercise types are most beneficial for improving functional mobility in various populations of older adults? Which physical exercise characteristics in terms of frequency, intensity, time and duration will achieve the greatest benefit in terms of the defined outcomes, i.e, the functional mobility of older adults? Methods The systematic literature research according to PRISMA guidelines will search databases like MEDLINE, APA Psych-Info and Web of Science. Inclusion criteria are: healthy older people ≥ 50 years, randomized-controlled trials including exercise intervention and a walking or mobility assessments (eg., TUG, SPPB) as an outcome measure. A preliminary search revealed more than 33,000 hits that will be screened by pairs of independent reviewers. The results will be summarized according to the effects regarding functional mobility and potential dose-response relations via respective meta-analysis. Conclusion The systematic review will comprise the knowledge of the existing literature with regards to the effects of the physical activity interventions compared to an active or inactive control group. We will summarize the effects with respect to the F.I.T.T.. They provide a foundation for structuring an optimal exercise training program. If possible, we will also compare interventions from the different categories (eg. cardiovascular, resistance, motor-coordinative, multicomponent or mind-body exercise) as a network analysis and report the influence of moderator variables. Based on the results evidence-based guidelines following GRADE for physical exercise interventions to improve functional mobility in older adults will be provided. Functional mobility of older adults is a crucial determinant of health and independence. Mobility can reverse or delay age-related health issues and promote independence, while immobility or limitations in mobility (such as difficulty rising from a chair, balance problems, or reduced walking capacity) can cause or increase dependency. This underscores the significance of fostering mobility among the growing population of older adults. The development of tailored exercise programs targeting the independence of older adults is one of the motivators for the improvement of crucial policy action areas described by WHO in the Equity Policy Tool, namely ʻliving conditionsʼ and ʻsocial and human capitalʼ (WHO, 2019). The key outcomes related to functional mobility in older age include gait, walking capacity, and balance. Additionally, aspects of life-space mobility, such as the overall walking distance within the environment, are significant factors that characterize mobility in older adults. Exercise can be seen as a preventive measure, so that, without adequate physical activity levels, the ageing process may be associated with premature development of disease and dysfunction. However, different training types will enhance outcomes of functional mobility via specific pathways. For example, walking capacity has an endurance and a strength component. Accordingly, aerobic training will improve walking capacity by enhancing cardio-respiratory fitness, as shown within different clinical trials with older patient cohorts. Resistance training helps to increase muscle strength in the lower limb, which increases gait stability. However, recent literature reviews showed that a combination of both interventions might be more sufficient to gain most benefits on walking capacity. This review will systematically assess the effects of state-of-the-art exercise interventions designed to promote mobility. The ultimate aim is to provide evidence-based guidelines for the optimal type and dose of exercise to preserve and enhance functional mobility in diverse populations of older adults
Keywords: functional mobility, older adults, exercise programs, systematic review
Published in DiRROS: 10.03.2025; Views: 25; Downloads: 17
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Missionaries as museum suppliers : Peter Baptist Turk (OFM) and his collection in the Rudolfinum Museum in Ljubljana
Helena Motoh, 2024, independent scientific component part or a chapter in a monograph

Keywords: collections, collecting, museums, missionaries
Published in DiRROS: 10.03.2025; Views: 25; Downloads: 16
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Odprte objave
Miro Pušnik, 2024, other monographs and other completed works

Keywords: odprti podatki, odprte objave, pravne podlage, institucionalni repozitoriji, projekt Spoznaj, načela odprte znanosti, raziskovalni podatki, uporabljanje podatkov
Published in DiRROS: 07.03.2025; Views: 80; Downloads: 13
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Javne politike odprte znanosti
Miro Pušnik, 2024, other monographs and other completed works

Keywords: odprti podatki, odprta znanost, javne politike, institucionalni repozitoriji, projekt Spoznaj, načela odprte znanosti, raziskovalni podatki, uporabljanje podatkov
Published in DiRROS: 07.03.2025; Views: 64; Downloads: 13
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Splošen uvod v odprto znanost
Miro Pušnik, 2024, other monographs and other completed works

Keywords: odprti podatki, odprta znanost, raziskovalno delo, institucionalni repozitoriji, projekt Spoznaj, načela odprte znanosti, raziskovalni podatki, uporabljanje podatkov
Published in DiRROS: 07.03.2025; Views: 79; Downloads: 28
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Induced matching vs edge open packing: trees and product graphs
Boštjan Brešar, Tanja Dravec, Jaka Hedžet, Babak Samadi, 2025, original scientific article

Abstract: Given a graph G, the maximum size of an induced subgraph of G each component of which is a star is called the edge open packing number, ρoe(G), of G. Similarly, the maximum size of an induced subgraph of G each component of which is the star K1,1 is the induced matching number, νI(G), of G. While the inequality ρoe(G)νI(G) clearly holds for all graphs G, we provide a structural characterization of those trees that attain the equality. We prove that the induced matching number of the lexicographic product GH of arbitrary two graphs G and H equals α(G)νI(H). By similar techniques, we prove sharp lower and upper bounds on the edge open packing number of the lexicographic product of graphs, which in particular lead to NP-hardness results in triangular graphs for both invariants studied in this paper. For the direct product G×H of two graphs we provide lower bounds on νI(G×H) and ρoe(G×H), both of which are widely sharp. We also present sharp lower bounds for both invariants in the Cartesian and the strong product of two graphs. Finally, we consider the edge open packing number in hypercubes establishing the exact values of ρoe(Qn) when n is a power of 2, and present a closed formula for the induced matching number of the rooted product of arbitrary two graphs over an arbitrary root vertex.
Keywords: induced matching, edge open packing, graph product, independent set, trees
Published in DiRROS: 07.03.2025; Views: 93; Downloads: 39
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