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973. Poročilo o preskusu št.: LVG 2024-147 : vzorec št. 2024/00769Nikica Ogris, Špela Hočevar, Patricija Podkrajšek, Barbara Piškur, 2024, expertise, arbitration decision Keywords: varstvo gozdov, morfološke analize, program preiskav, Fusarium circinatum, Pinus, borov smolasti rak, PCR, Diplodia pinea Published in DiRROS: 27.09.2024; Views: 253; Downloads: 0 This document has many files! More... |
974. Priročnik S4Q za proizvajalce pelet : (osnutek V4)Peter Prislan, Nike Krajnc, Mitja Piškur, Matevž Triplat, dictionary, encyclopaedia, lexicon, manual, atlas, map Keywords: proizvodnja pelet Published in DiRROS: 27.09.2024; Views: 222; Downloads: 77
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975. Zakaj pa ne branje v gozdu?Maja Peteh, 2024, published professional conference contribution Abstract: Prispevek prinaša kratek oris pismenosti in njenega pomena, stanje bralne pismenosti in bralne kulture v Sloveniji, s poudarkom na visoko izobraženem deležu prebivalstva. Predstavlja aktualne programe spodbujanja bralne pismenosti in povabilom k sodelovanju pri akciji 'Beremo v gozdnih knjižnicah', ki povezuje branje, gozdni prostor, turizem in gozdarstvo. Keywords: bralna pismenost, bralne navade, gozdna knjižnica, promocija branja Published in DiRROS: 27.09.2024; Views: 223; Downloads: 116
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976. Sočasno poučevanje jezika in književnosti ob kanonski mladinski literaturi v drugem triletju osnovne šoleVesna Mikolič, Diana Košir, 2024, original scientific article Abstract: V prispevku na primeru črtice Ivana Cankarja Pehar suhih hrušk v drugem triletju osnovne šole pred-stavljamo uporabo sočasnega poučevanja književnosti in jezika. Odmaknemo se od tradicionalnega pristopa, usmerjenega na avtorja in njegov psihološki odnos z materjo, in se usmerimo na literarno besedilo in njegovo recepcijo. Interpretacija dela je opravljena s hermenevtično metodo in analizo po-sameznih (jezikovnih, slogovnih, motivno-tematskih idr.) elementov in celote v družbeno-kulturnem kontekstu. Na ta način so učenci bolje motivirani tako za učenje književnosti kot jezika in sočasno razvijajo recepcijske, (meta)jezikovne zmožnosti, literarno zmožnost, komunikacijske veščine in kri-tično mišljenje. Keywords: Pehar suhih hrušk, didaktika slovenščine, učni model TILKA, literarna zmožnost, nenasilna komunikacija Published in DiRROS: 27.09.2024; Views: 204; Downloads: 140
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977. Prispevek različnih urbanih gozdov k zagotavljanju hidrološke funkcijeUrša Vilhar, 2024, published scientific conference contribution Abstract: Gozdovi pomembno prispevajo k zagotavljanju hidrološke funkcije, kar je še posebej pomembno v urbanih okoljih. V prispevku predstavljamo metodologijo za ugotavljanje dveh kazalnikov za hidrološko funkcijo gozda: a) razmerje med odtokom in padavinami (Q/P) in b) razmerje med evapotranspiracijo in padavinami (ETP/P) v štirih izbranih urbanih gozdovih z različno drevesno sestavo in sestojno zgradbo v letih od 2007 do 2022. Evapotranspiracijo in odtok v podtalje smo simulirali s hidrološkim modelom Brook90, ki smo ga umerili in preverili z merjenimi vrednostmi prepuščenih padavin in vsebnosti vlage v tleh. Model Brook90 se je izkazal kot primeren model za oceno evapotranspiracije in odtoka v podtalje za urbane gozdove. Najmanjša sposobnost uravnavanja vodnega režima ter s tem zagotavljanja hidrološke funkcije v obravnavanih letih je bila v poplavnem gozdu listavcev v Gameljnah (Q / P = 0,75; ETP / P = 0,26), največja pa v mešanem gozdu na Rožniku (Q / P = 0,41; ETP / P = 0,59). Keywords: urbani gozd, evapotranspiracija, odtok, hidrološki model Brook90, hidrološka funkcija Published in DiRROS: 27.09.2024; Views: 205; Downloads: 108
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979. A transdisciplinary co-conceptualisation of marine identityP. M. Buchan, L. D. Glithero, E. McKinley, M. Strand, G. Champion, Vesna Flander-Putrle, 2024, original scientific article Abstract: 1. Challenge 10 of the United Nations Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development (2021–2030) calls for the restoration of society's relationship with the ocean. Research suggests that the relationship people have with marine environments can influence their depth of engagement in marine citizenship action, and the important role for ‘marine identity’ in driving that action. Although identity is well-researched, marine identity is a concept novel to academia and a baseline understanding is required, both to grasp the scope of the concept, and to support research into its role in transforming the human-ocean relationship.
2. Here, a transdisciplinary study, endorsed as a UN Ocean Decade Activity and by the EU Mission Ocean & Waters, brought together a multinational community of marine researchers and practitioners to co-produce a baseline conceptualisation of marine identity, drawing on photovoice and deliberative methodology. This paper presents the findings of the co-production process and offers a first introduction in the literature of the multiple variations and formations of marine identity.
3. We find marine identity to be a complex and multidimensional concept, suffused with individual experiences and understandings of the marine environment, based on social and cultural understandings of the ocean, contemporarily and historically. We present real-world examples of marine identity to illustrate key themes that were developed through co-production.
4. Policy implications: We propose marine identity as a catalyst for understanding existing multifaceted and caring relationships with the ocean, as well as the restoration of society's relationship with the ocean. Marine identity research should, therefore, be prioritised in research seeking to contribute to the UN Ocean Decade Challenge 10, as this will support integration of non-material values of the ocean into marine planning processes and policy making, enabling effective responses to Challenge 10's emphasis on integrating traditional/cultural ways of knowing and valuing the marine environment, through diverse marine identities. We welcome research efforts that will further develop the marine identity concept and empirically investigate the relationships between marine identity, marine citizenship, and people's relationships with the ocean. Keywords: marine identity, ocean relationship, marine citizenship, transdisciplinary study, photovoice, deliberative methodology, co-production, multinational community, policy implications, non-material values Published in DiRROS: 26.09.2024; Views: 247; Downloads: 295
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980. Dasysiphoniaadriatica sp. nov. (Delesseriaceae, Rhodophyta), a new red algal species from the North Adriatic Sea (Mediterranean Sea)Marion Adelheid Wolf, Katia Sciuto, Alessandro Buosi, Martina Orlando-Bonaca, Ana Fortič, Adriano Sfriso, 2024, original scientific article Abstract: Dasysiphonia is a genus of the family Delesseriaceae (Rhodophyta) including 9 taxonomically accepted species, among which only the non-indigenous Dasysiphonia japonica has been documented from the Adriatic Sea (Mediterranean). This invasive spe-cies is native to Hokkaido Island (Japan) and was introduced to Europe and the Mediterranean Sea through imports of the com-mercial Pacific oyster Magallana gigas. In this study, we describe a new species belonging to the genus Dasysiphonia, collected in the Mediterranean Sea. This new taxon was sampled in Slovenian coastal waters; its thalli were analysed using both molecular and morphological approaches and it was compared with the other known species. Moreover, samples of the invasive D. japonicawere collected from different Venice Lagoon (Italy) sites and used for comparison with the new taxon. The phylogenetic recon-struction, based on the plastid rbcL gene, clearly distinguished the new Slovenian entity from all the known Dasysiphonia species, including the ones recently transferred from the sister genus Dasya. These results indicate that the Slovenian samples represent a new species, hereby named Dasysiphonia adriatica sp. nov. Keywords: new macroalgal species, rbcL, North Adriatic Sea, Mediterranean Sea Published in DiRROS: 26.09.2024; Views: 306; Downloads: 286
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