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Soil microbiome along the carpathian mountains
Nejc Suban, Olivera Maksimović, Nataša Šibanc, Tijana Martinović, Eva Dařenová, Matjaž Čater, Tine Grebenc, 2024, objavljeni povzetek znanstvenega prispevka na konferenci

Ključne besede: soil microbiome, next-generation sequencing, climate change, forest soil, fungi, bacteria
Objavljeno v DiRROS: 02.09.2024; Ogledov: 132; Prenosov: 46
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Calamities : a chance to increase proportion of silver fir
Antonín Martiník, Marie Matoušková, Josef Urban, 2024, objavljeni povzetek znanstvenega prispevka na konferenci

Ključne besede: isturbance, pioneer species, nurse crop, forest trees
Objavljeno v DiRROS: 02.09.2024; Ogledov: 116; Prenosov: 31
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Metrological evaluation of DNA extraction method effects on the bacterial microbiome and resistome in sputum
Aleksander Benčič, Nataša Toplak, Simon Koren, Alexandra Bogožalec Košir, Mojca Milavec, Viktorija Tomič, Dane Lužnik, Tanja Dreo, 2024, izvirni znanstveni članek

Povzetek: Targeted high-throughput sequencing (HTS) has revolutionized the way we look at bacterial communities. It can be used for the species-specific detection of bacteria as well as for the determination of the microbiome and resistome and can be applied to samples from almost any environment. However, the results of targeted HTS can be influenced by many factors, which poses a major challenge for its use in clinical diagnostics. In this study, we investigated the impact of the DNA extraction method on the determination of the bacterial microbiome and resistome by targeted HTS using principles from metrology and diagnostics such as repeatability and analytical sensitivity. Sputum samples spiked with Acinetobacter baumannii, Klebsiella pneumoniae, and Pseudomonas aeruginosa at three different concentrations (103–106 cells/mL) were used. DNA was extracted from each sample on 2 separate days in three replicates each using three different extraction methods based on cetrimonium bromide, magnetic beads, and silica membranes. All three spiked bacteria were detected in sputum, and the DNA extraction method had no significant effect on detection. However, the DNA extraction method had significant effects on the composition of the microbiome and the resistome. The sequencing results were repeatable in the majority of cases. The silica membrane-based DNA extraction kit provided the most repeatable results and the highest diversity of the microbiome and resistome. Targeted HTS has been shown to be a reliable tool for determining the microbiome and resistome; however, the method of DNA extraction should be carefully selected to minimize its impact on the results.
Ključne besede: targeted high-throughput sequencing, bacterial microbiome, resistome, bacteria detection, DNA extraction, metrology, diagnostics, repeatability
Objavljeno v DiRROS: 30.08.2024; Ogledov: 134; Prenosov: 86
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Dynamic balance and gait impairments in Parkinson’s disease : novel cholinergic patterns
Nicolaas I. Bohnen, Uroš Marušič, Stiven Roytman, Rebecca Paalanen, Fotini Michalakis, Taylor Brown, Peter J. H. Scott, Giulia Carli, Roger Albin, Prabesh Kanel, 2024, izvirni znanstveni članek

Povzetek: The cholinergic system has been implicated in postural deficits, in particular falls, in Parkinson’s disease. Falls and freezing of gait typically occur during dynamic and challenging balance and gait conditions, such as when initiating gait, experiencing postural perturbations, or making turns. However, the precise cholinergic neural substrate underlying dynamic postural and gait changes remains poorly understood. The aim of this study was to investigate whether brain vesicular acetylcholine transporter binding, as measured with [18F]-fluoroethoxybenzovesamicolbinding PET, correlates with dynamic gait and balance impairments in 125 patients with Parkinson’s disease (mean age 66.89±7.71 years) using the abbreviated Balance Evaluation Systems Test total and its four functional domain sub-scores (anticipatory postural control, reactive postural control, dynamic gait, and sensory integration). Whole brain false discoverycorrected (P < 0.05) correlations for total abbreviated Balance Evaluation Systems Test scores included the following bilateral or asymmetric hemispheric regions: gyrus rectus, orbitofrontal cortex, anterior part of the dorsomedial prefrontal cortex, dorsolateral prefrontal cortex, cingulum, frontotemporal opercula, insula, fimbria, right temporal pole, mesiotemporal, parietal and visual cortices, caudate nucleus, lateral and medial geniculate bodies, thalamus, lingual gyrus, cerebellar hemisphere lobule VI, left cerebellar crus I, superior cerebellar peduncles, flocculus, and nodulus. No significant correlations were found for the putamen or anteroventral putamen. The four domain-specific sub-scores demonstrated overlapping cholinergic topography in the metathalamus, fimbria, thalamus proper, and prefrontal cortices but also showed distinct topographic variations. For example, reactive postural control functions involved the right flocculus but not the upper brainstem regions. The anterior cingulum associated with reactive postural control whereas the posterior cingulum correlated with anticipatory control. The spatial extent of associated cholinergic system changes were least for dynamic gait and sensory orientation functional domains compared to the anticipatory and reactive postural control functions. We conclude that specific aspects of dynamic balance and gait deficits in Parkinson’s disease associate with overlapping but also distinct patterns of cerebral cholinergic system changes in numerous brain regions. Our study also presents novel evidence of cholinergic topography involved in dynamic balance and gait in Parkinson’s disease that have not been typically associated with mobility disturbances, such as the right anterior temporal pole, right anterior part of the dorsomedial prefrontal cortex, gyrus rectus, fimbria, lingual gyrus, flocculus, nodulus and right cerebellar hemisphere lobules VI and left crus I.
Ključne besede: Parkinson’s disease, dynamic balance, cholinergic, PET
Objavljeno v DiRROS: 30.08.2024; Ogledov: 120; Prenosov: 434
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Chemical composition and egg production capacity throughout bloom development of ctenophore Mnemiopsis leidyi in the northern Adriatic Sea
Kevin Rečnik, Katja Klun, Lovrenc Lipej, Alenka Malej, Tinkara Tinta, 2024, izvirni znanstveni članek

Povzetek: High abundances of gelatinous zooplankton (GZ) can significantly impact marine ecosystem by acting as both sink and source of organic matter (OM) and nutrients. The decay of GZ bloom can introduce significant amount of OM to the ocean interior, with its variability influenced by GZ life traits and environmental factors, impacting microbial communities vital to marine biogeochemical cycles. The invasive ctenophores Mnemiopsis leidyi has formed massive blooms in the northern Adriatic Sea since 2016. However, the variability in the chemical composition and egg production of blooming populations, as well as the role of environmental factors in governing this variability, remains largely unknown. Our analysis of biometry, chemical composition, and fecundity of M. leidyi sampled in the Gulf of Trieste in 2021 revealed stable carbon and nitrogen content throughout bloom development, with no significant correlation with seawater temperature, salinity, oxygen, and chlorophyll a concentration. Although the studied population exhibited homogeneity in terms of biometry and chemical composition, the number of produced eggs varied substantially, showing no clear correlation with environmental variables and being somewhat lower than previously reported for the study area and other Mediterranean areas. We observed a positive correlation between the wet weight of individuals and the percentage of hatched eggs, as well as a significant positive correlation between the percentage of hatched eggs and ambient seawater temperature. Additionally, we noted that the speed of hatching decreased with decreasing seawater temperature in autumn, corresponding to the end of M. leidyi bloom.
Ključne besede: ctenophore, biogeochemistry, egg production capacity, invasive species, chemical composition, marine ecology
Objavljeno v DiRROS: 29.08.2024; Ogledov: 124; Prenosov: 556
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The StPti5 ethylene response factor acts as a susceptibility factorby negatively regulating the potato immune responseto pathogens
Anna Coll Rius, Tjaša Lukan, Katja Stare, Maja Zagorščak, Tjaša Mahkovec Povalej, Špela Baebler, Salomé Prat, Núria Sánchez Coll, Marc Valls, Marko Petek, Kristina Gruden, 2024, izvirni znanstveni članek

Povzetek: Ethylene response factors (ERFs) have been associated with biotic stress in Arabidopsis, while their function in non-model plants is still poorly understood. Here we investigated the role of potato ERF StPti5 in plant immunity. We show that StPti5 acts as a susceptibility factor. It negatively regulates potato immunity against potato virus Y and Ralstonia solanacearum, pathogens with completely different modes of action, and thereby has a different role than its orthologue in tomato. Remarkably, StPti5 is destabilised in healthy plants via the autophagy pathway and accumulates exclusively in the nucleus upon infection. We demonstrate that StEIN3 and StEIL1 directly bind the StPti5 promoter and activate its expression, while synergistic activity of the ethylene and salicylic acid pathways is required for regulated StPti expression. To gain further insight into the mode of StPti5 action in attenuating potato defence responses, we investigated transcriptional changes in salicylic acid deficient potato lines with silenced StPti5 expression. We show that StPti5 regulates the expression of other ERFs and downregulates the ubiquitin-proteasome pathway as well as several proteases involved in directed proteolysis. This study adds a novel element to the complex puzzle of immune regulation, by deciphering a two-level regulation of ERF transcription factor activity in response to pathogens.
Ključne besede: ethylene response factor, immune signalling, potato virus Y, Pti5, Ralstonia solanacearum, Solanum tuberosum, susceptibility factor
Objavljeno v DiRROS: 29.08.2024; Ogledov: 137; Prenosov: 589
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Razporeditev vodnih makrofitov v dveh vodotokih kraške reke Ljubljanice, Obrh in Rak
Marija Kravanja, Mateja Germ, 2024, izvirni znanstveni članek

Povzetek: Rivers are spatially and temporally heterogeneous systems that are susceptible to changes due to anthropogenic influences. These can significantly alter water quality and river communities, including macrophytes, which are involved in nutrient cycling, energy flow and sedimentation processes, and provide habitats for other organisms. The presence, abundance, and distribution of macrophytes can thus serve as indicators of the state of aquatic ecosystems. Rivers that flow (partially) underground are particularly susceptible to (human) impacts from the hinterland due to their lower self-purification capacity. Using a modified RCE (a Riparian, Channel, and Environmental Inventory) method, we classified the Rak River as first or second RCE quality class, and the Obrh River as second or third RCE quality class. According to the River Macrophyte Index (RMI), the ecological status of both rivers was moderate, good or very good, except for the first section of the Obrh, the status of which was assessed as poor. The ecomorphological preservation of both rivers and suitable conditions for macrophyte growth contribute to the high species diversity observed in both rivers: a total of 36 taxa were recorded in the Obrh and 38 in the Rak. In the latter, the presence of Myriophyllum verticillatum L. was recorded for the first time at the time of our sampling. Almost one third of the species in each of the rivers are listed on the Slovenian Red list of threatened pteridophytes and seed plants, supporting the evidence of their high naturalness and emphasizing the importance of appropriate management of karst watercourses.
Ključne besede: karst, macrophytes, RCE method
Objavljeno v DiRROS: 29.08.2024; Ogledov: 126; Prenosov: 166
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