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oVERFLOw project : Vulnerability assessment of embankments and bridges exposed to flooding hazards : Deliverable 6.4
Valentina Bau', Mirko Kosič, Andrej Anžlin, Mario Bacic, 2022, končno poročilo o rezultatih raziskav

Povzetek: This deliverable is a report on the development of a strategy for adaptation measures to flood events for the embankments, riverbanks and bridges, which can afterwards be used for the case study areas considered in the Overflow project. The deliverable presents a comprehensive approach that enables the choice of the best adaptation measures to overcome the vulnerability of critical infrastructure to flooding events. The most suitable countermeasures can therefore be selected based on the outcomes of the vulnerability assessment and risk forecasting tool. Such a strategy will be essential for the relevant authorities and IMs. The strategy proposes optimal adaptation measures depending on areas specificities, incorporating socio-economic and environmental multi-objective optimization.
Ključne besede: adaptation measures, countermeasures, vulnerability, flooding, resilience, embankments, bridges
Objavljeno v DiRROS: 29.07.2024; Ogledov: 211; Prenosov: 131
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Assisted tree migration can preserve the European forest carbon sink under climate change
Debojyoti Chakraborty, Albert Ciceu, Dalibor Ballian, Marta Benito Garzón, Andreas Bolte, Gregor Božič, Rafael Buchacher, Jaroslav Čepl, Eva Cremer, Alexis Ducousso, 2024, izvirni znanstveni članek

Povzetek: Climate change threatens the role of European forests as a long-term carbon sink. Assisted migration aims to increase the resilience of forest tree populations to climate change, using species-specific climatic limits and local adaptations through transferring seed provenances. We modelled assisted migration scenarios for seven main European tree species and analysed the effects of species and seed provenance selection, accounting for environmental and genetic variations, on the annual above-ground carbon sink of regrowing juvenile forests. To increase forest resilience, coniferous trees need to be replaced by deciduous species over large parts of their distribution. If local seed provenances are used, this would result in a decrease of the current carbon sink (40 TgC yr−1) by 34–41% by 2061–2080. However, if seed provenances adapted to future climates are used, current sinks could be maintained or even increased to 48–60 TgC yr−1.
Ključne besede: forest resilience, forest, Europe, carbon sink, climate change, assisted migration, transferring seed provenances
Objavljeno v DiRROS: 25.07.2024; Ogledov: 200; Prenosov: 174
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A new approach towards a user-driven coastal climate service to enhance climate resilience in European cities
Roberta Paranunzio, Iulia Anton, Elisa Adirosi, Tasneem Ahmed, Luca Baldini, Carlo Brandini, Filippo Giannetti, Cécil J. W. Meulenberg, Alberto Ortolani, Francesco Pilla, 2024, izvirni znanstveni članek

Povzetek: Coastal climate services play a crucial role in developing customised climate information for diverse end-users and stakeholders. To build climate-resilient societies, decision-makers should be empowered through easy access to powerful tools that enable timely adaptation to future and ongoing hazards. For this reason, fit-for-purpose climate services are needed to conduct accurate historical characterisation and projections for interpretative studies on climate- and water-related risks at the local coastal scale. The EU-funded SCORE project (Smart Control of Climate Resilience in European Coastal Cities) utilises climate and marine services for the development of smart technologies that support nature-based solutions to address specific concerns, including rising sea levels, coastal erosion, and coastal flooding due to extreme weather events. As part of the SCORE project, decision-makers will be able to address climate change-related coastal effects in their own cities through novel participatory approaches (Coastal City Living Labs—CCLLs). As part of this framework, this work (i) discusses the main requirements for the identification of fit-for-purpose coastal climate services for local-scale impact studies in European coastal cities based on CCLL requests and prior knowledge and (ii) provides relevant parameters and features that fulfil the users’ needs.
Ključne besede: ecosystem, ecosystem services, climate change adaptation, coastal climate service, urban areas, climate resilience, coastal hazards
Objavljeno v DiRROS: 05.01.2024; Ogledov: 582; Prenosov: 239
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Local site conditions reduce interspecific differences in climate sensitivity between native and non-native pines
Marcin Miroslav Klisz, Radosław Puchałka, Marcin Jakubowski, M. Koprowski, Maksym Netsvetov, Yulia Prokopuk, Jernej Jevšenak, 2023, izvirni znanstveni članek

Povzetek: Two European pine species, Pinus sylvestris and Pinus nigra, are experiencing dieback as a result of the increasing frequency and intensity of extreme climatic events. Recent species distribution models predicted shrinkage of ecological niches in the near future and shifted their habitat range towards the northeast. Consequently, P. sylvestris may contract its range and P. nigra may expand in Central Europe. To test whether native pine species have an advantage over introduced pine species in acclimation to a novel climate in Central Europe, we investigated the climate sensitivity and vitality of P. sylvestris, P. nigra and P. rigida. We sampled mature stands of each pine species at three sites in Central Europe, for which we determined climate–growth relationships: temporal stability of temperature and precipitation correlations with tree-ring width and resilience indices. Based on remote sensing data, we assessed differences in surface reflectance and photosynthetic activity obtained from the normalised difference vegetation index (NDVI). Our analyses revealed that the climate sensitivity and surface reflectance of pines are not due to their nativeness in Central Europe but better explained by local site conditions. The specificity and variability of drought events may determine both the homogeneous and diverse susceptibility of species to a negative water balance. Therefore, the character of future climatic extremes seems to be the key to understanding the acclimation of native and non-native pine species in Central Europe. Because our study do not provide evidence of the superiority of non-native pine species over P. sylvestris, and the potential impacts of introduced species on local habitats seem poorly understood in the face of climate change, we urge particular caution in introducing species with unrecognized invasive potential.
Ključne besede: Pinus sylvestris, Pinus nigra, Pinus rigida, acclimation, climate sensitivity, drought resilience
Objavljeno v DiRROS: 18.09.2023; Ogledov: 775; Prenosov: 152
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Deformable polyurethane joints and fibre grids for resilient seismic performance of reinforced concrete frames with orthoblock brick infills
Theodoros Rousakis, Alper Ilki, Arkadiusz Kwiecień, Alberto Viskovic, Matija Gams, Petra Triller, Bahman Ghiassi, Andrea Benedetti, Zoran Rakicevic, Camilla Colla, Omer Faruk Halici, BogusŁaw Zając, Łukasz Hojdys, Piotr Krajewski, Fabio Rizzo, Vachan Vanian, Anastasios Sapalidis, Efthimia Papadouli, Aleksandra Bogdanovic, 2020, izvirni znanstveni članek

Povzetek: The behaviour of reinforced concrete frames with masonry wall infills is influenced a lot by the stiffness and strength difference between the frame and the infill, causing early detrimental damage to the infill or to the critical concrete columns. The paper reports the results from shake table seismic tests on a full-scale reinforced concrete (RC) frame building with modified hollow clay block (orthoblock brick) infill walls, within INMASPOL SERA Horizon 2020 project. The building received innovative resilient protection using Polyurethane Flexible Joints (PUFJs) made of polyurethane resin (PU), applied at the frame-infill interface in different schemes. Further, PUs were used for bonding of glass fibre grids to the weak masonry substrate to form Fibre Reinforced Polyurethanes (FRPUs) as an emergency repair intervention. The test results showed enhancement in the in-plane and out-of-plane infill performance under seismic excitations. The results confirmed remarkable delay of significant infill damages at very high RC frame inter-story drifts as a consequence of the use of PUFJs. Further, the PUFJ protection enabled the resilient repair of the infill even after very high inter-story drift of the structure up to 3.7%. The applied glass FRPU system efficiently protected the damaged infills against collapse under out-of-plane excitation while they restored large part of their in-plane stiffness.
Ključne besede: polyurethane, flexible joint, RC column, brick infill, shake table, resilience
Objavljeno v DiRROS: 05.09.2023; Ogledov: 561; Prenosov: 228
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Analysis of the response of a roadway bridge under extreme flooding-related events: Scour and debris-loading
Mirko Kosič, Luke J. Prendergast, Andrej Anžlin, 2023, izvirni znanstveni članek

Povzetek: Hydraulic actions on bridges are a leading cause of failure, especially due to the occurrence of scour erosion. Due to climate change, flooding and scour risks are exacerbating for bridges worldwide, leading to a significant stress burden on asset management agencies. Assessing structures for scour has received significant attention in recent years, however, there are few studies which investigate the influence of scour on the components of a bridge to understand how various elements interact. Moreover, the presence of debris loading, which can occur due to flooding causing debris to become lodged at structures, has not received significant attention. Debris can worsen scour conditions and increase hydraulic loading on a bridge. In this paper, an analysis of the response of various components of a roadway bridge when exposed to extreme flooding is conducted. The influence of scour and debris on hydraulic loading, internal forces, modal periods, and utilization ratios of various bridge components is ascertained. A numerical model is developed using OpenSees employing two different methods to model the soil-structure interaction. Results for several flooding scenarios show how the various bridge elements are influenced by variations in water height and velocity, scour depth, and presence of debris.
Ključne besede: local scour, wood debris, flooding, resilience, soil-structure interaction, bridges, open access
Objavljeno v DiRROS: 29.05.2023; Ogledov: 585; Prenosov: 467
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Early-warning signals of individual tree mortality based on annual radial growth
Maxime Cailleret, Vasilis Dakos, Steven Jansen, Elisabeth M.R. Robert, Tuomas Aakala, Mariano M. Amoroso, Joe A. Antos, Christof Bigler, Harald Bugmann, Marco Caccianaga, Katarina Čufar, Tom Levanič, 2019, izvirni znanstveni članek

Povzetek: Tree mortality is a key driver of forest dynamics and its occurrence is projected to increase in the future due to climate change. Despite recent advances in our understanding of the physiological mechanisms leading to death, we still lack robust indicators of mortality risk that could be applied at the individual tree scale. Here, we build on a previous contribution exploring the differences in growth level between trees that died and survived a given mortality event to assess whether changes in temporal autocorrelation, variance, and synchrony in time-series of annual radial growth data can be used as early warning signals of mortality risk. Taking advantage of a unique global ring-width database of 3065 dead trees and 4389 living trees growing together at 198 sites (belonging to 36 gymnosperm and angiosperm species), we analyzed temporal changes in autocorrelation, variance, and synchrony before tree death (diachronic analysis), and also compared these metrics between trees that died and trees that survived a given mortality event (synchronic analysis). Changes in autocorrelation were a poor indicator of mortality risk. However, we found a gradual increase in interannual growth variability and a decrease in growth synchrony in the last %20 years before mortality of gymnosperms, irrespective of the cause of mortality. These changes could be associated with drought-induced alterations in carbon economy and allocation patterns. In angiosperms, we did not find any consistent changes in any metric. Such lack of any signal might be explained by the relatively high capacity of angiosperms to recover after a stress-induced growth decline. Our analysis provides a robust method for estimating early-warning signals of tree mortality based on annual growth data. In addition to the frequently reported decrease in growth rates, an increase in inter-annual growth variability and a decrease in growth synchrony may be powerful predictors of gymnosperm mortality risk, but not necessarily so for angiosperms.
Ključne besede: tree mortality, ring-width, forest, growth, resilience indicators, drought, biotic agents, variance
Objavljeno v DiRROS: 20.07.2022; Ogledov: 941; Prenosov: 570
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Surprising drought tolerance of Fir (Abies) species between past climatic adaptation and future projections reveals new chances for adaptive forest management
Csaba Mátyás, František Beran, Jaroslav Dostál, Jiří Čáp, Martin Fulín, Monika Vejpustková, Gregor Božič, Pál Balázs, Josef Frýdl, 2021, izvirni znanstveni članek

Povzetek: esearch Highlights: Data of advanced-age provenance tests were reanalyzed applying a new approach, to directly estimate the growth of populations at their original sites under individually generated future climates. The results revealed the high resilience potential of fir species. Background and Objectives: The growth and survival of silver fir under future climatic scenarios are insufficiently investigated at the xeric limits. The selective signature of past climate determining the current and projected growth was investigated to analyze the prospects of adaptive silviculture and assisted transfer of silver fir populations, and the introduction of non-autochthonous species. Materials and Methods: Hargreaves% climatic moisture deficit was selected to model height responses of adult populations. Climatic transfer distance was used to assess the relative drought stress of populations at the test site, relating these to the past conditions to which the populations had adapted. ClimateEU and ClimateWNA pathway RCP8.5 data served to determine individually past, current, and future moisture deficit conditions. Besides silver fir, other fir species from South Europe and the American Northwest were also tested. Results: Drought tolerance profiles explained the responses of transferred provenances and predicted their future performance and survival. Silver fir displayed significant within-species differentiation regarding drought stress response. Applying the assumed drought tolerance limit of 100 mm relative moisture deficit, most of the tested silver fir populations seem to survive their projected climate at their origin until the end of the century. Survival is likely also for transferred Balkan fir species and for grand fir populations, but not for the Mediterranean species. Conclusions: The projections are less dramatic than provided by usual inventory assessments, considering also the resilience of populations. The method fills the existing gap between experimentally determined adaptive response and the predictions needed for management decisions. It also underscores the unique potential of provenance tests.
Ključne besede: climate change, common garden, provenance test, silver fir, grand fir, Balkan firs, drought stress, resilience, climate transfer distance, adaptation
Objavljeno v DiRROS: 05.07.2021; Ogledov: 1225; Prenosov: 735
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