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Evaluation of thermal conductivity estimation models with laboratory-measured thermal conductivities of sediments
Simona Adrinek, Rao Martand Singh, Mitja Janža, Mateusz Żeruń, Grzegorz Ryżyński, 2022, izvirni znanstveni članek

Povzetek: Thermal conductivity is one of the key parameters for estimating low-temperature geothermal potential. In addition to field techniques, it can be determined based on physical parameters of the sediment measured in the laboratory. Following the methodology for cohesive and non-cohesive sample preparation, laboratory measurements were carried out on 30 samples of sediments. Density, porosity and water content of samples were measured and used in thermal conductivity estimation models (TCEM). The bulk thermal conductivity (λb) calculated with six TCEMs was compared with the measured λb to evaluate the predictive capacity of the analytical methods used. The results show that the empirical TCEMs are suitable to predict the λb of the analysed sediment types, with the standard deviation of the residuals (RMSE) ranging from 0.11 to 0.35 Wm−1 K−1. To improve the fit, this study provides a new modified parameterisation of two empirical TCEMs (Kersten and Côté&Konrad model) and, therefore, suggests the most suitable TCEMs for specific sample conditions. The RMSE ranges from 0.11 to 0.29 Wm−1 K−1. Mixing TCEM showed an RMSE of up to 2.00 Wm−1 K−1, meaning they are not suitable for predicting sediment λb. The study provides an insight into the analytical determination of thermal conductivity based on the physical properties of sediments. The results can help to estimate the low-temperature geothermal potential more quickly and easily and promote the sustainable use of this renewable energy source, which has applications in environmental and engineering science.
Ključne besede: thermal conductivity, non-cohesive sediment, cohesive sediment, estimation model
Objavljeno v DiRROS: 25.08.2022; Ogledov: 851; Prenosov: 384
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Patch testing with the European baseline series and 10 added allergens : single centre study of 748 patients
Mojca Bizjak, Katja Adamič, Nisera Bajrović, Renato Eržen, Maja Jošt, Peter Kopač, Mitja Košnik, Nika Lalek, Mihaela Zidarn, Dejan Dinevski, 2022, izvirni znanstveni članek

Povzetek: Background. The European baseline series (EBS) of contact allergens is subject to change. An allergen is considered for inclusion when routine patch testing of patients with suspected contact dermatitis results in ≥ 0.5% prevalence rate. Objectives. We aimed to determine the frequency of sensitizations to 30 EBS allergens and 10 locally added allergens. Additionally, we assessed the strength and evolution of reactions to all tested allergens and co-reactivity of additional allergens. Methods. Patch testing with our baseline series of 40 allergens was done in 748 consecutive adults. Tests were applied to the upper back and removed by patients after 48 hours. Readings were done on day 3 (D3) and D6 or D7 (D6/7). Positive reactions fulfilled the criteria of at least one plus (+) reaction. Retrospective analysis was done. Results. Eight allergens not listed in the EBS had ≥ 0.5% prevalence rate (i.e., cocamidopropyl betaine, thiomersal, disperse blue mix 106/124, 2-bromo-2-nitropropane-1,3-diol, diazolidinyl urea, propylene glycol, Compositae mix II, and dexamethasone-21-phosphate), and 16.6% of positive reactions would have been missed without D6/7 readings. Conclusion. We propose further studies to evaluate whether cocamidopropyl betaine, disperse blue mix 106/124, 2-bromo-2-nitropropane-1,3-diol, diazolidinyl urea, and Compositae mix II need to be added to the EBS.
Ključne besede: allergy and immunology -- diagnosis, hypersensitivity -- diagnosis, skin tests, clinical epidemiology, baseline series, contact sensitization, patch tests, simultaneous reactivity
Objavljeno v DiRROS: 24.06.2022; Ogledov: 873; Prenosov: 308
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Oljka, sušne razmere, tla in deficitno namakanje
Maja Podgornik, Jakob Fantinič, Milena Bučar-Miklavčič, Vasilij Valenčič, Bojan Butinar, Dominik Vodnik, Helena Gramc, Damijana Kastelec, Mitja Ferlan, Marina Pintar, 2022, znanstvena monografija

Povzetek: Monografija obsega pregled znanja na področju prilagoditve oljk na sušne razmere ter pregled tehnologij namakanja oljk. Res je, da je oljka manj zahtevna vrsta, saj lahko uspeva v izjemno skeletnih tleh in je zelo dobro prilagojena na pomanjkanje vode v njih, a kljub fiziološkim prilagoditvam, lahko sušne razmere negativno vplivajo na rast, razvoj in pridelek oljk. Sušni stres lahko pri oljkah blažimo z deficitnim namakanjem. Deficitni način namakanja je oblika nadgradnje namakanja, saj z nadzorovanim primanjkljajem vode zagotovimo kakovost pridelka, obstoj rastline ter hkrati zmanjšamo porabo vode in energije. Deficitni način namakanja, temelji na načelu, da obrok vode dodamo takrat, ko ga rastlina najbolj gospodarno uporabi. Pri tem je ključnega pomena poznavanje rastlinske vrste, njenih anatomskih in morfoloških značilnosti, fizioloških prilagoditev na sušo, biokemijski odziv na stresne dejavnike in s tem vpliv na kakovost plodov in olja. Poleg tega je potrebno tudi poznavanje dejavnikov, ki vplivajo na pridelovalne sposobnosti oljk, kot so lastnosti tal s svojimi vodno zadrževalnimi sposobnostmi ter dostopna voda v tleh. Ob skrbnem upoštevanju potreb rastline in okoljskih razmer z ustreznim delovanjem namakalnega sistema lahko dosežemo usklajeno razmerje med kakovostjo in količino pridelka o hkratnem varovanju potencialov naravnih virov.
Objavljeno v DiRROS: 14.06.2022; Ogledov: 1082; Prenosov: 635
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Artificial neural networks as an alternative method to nonlinear mixed-effects models for tree height predictions
Mitja Skudnik, Jernej Jevšenak, 2022, izvirni znanstveni članek

Povzetek: Tree heights are one of the most important aspects of forest mensuration, but data are often unavailable due to costly and time-consuming field measurements. Therefore, various types of models have been developed for the imputation of tree heights for unmeasured trees, with mixed-effects models being one of the most commonly applied approaches. The disadvantage here is the need of sufficient sample size per tree species for each plot, which is often not met, especially in mixed forests. To avoid this limitation, we used principal component analysis (PCA) for the grouping of similar plots based on the most relevant site descriptors. Next, we compared mixed-effects models with height-diameter models based on artificial neural networks (ANN). In terms of root mean square error (RMSE), mixed-effects models provided the most accurate tree height predictions at the plot level, especially for tree species with a smaller number of tree height measurements. When plots were grouped using the PCA and the number of observations per category increased, ANN predictions improved and became more accurate than those provided by mixed-effects models. The performance of ANN also increased when the competition index was included as an additional explanatory variable. Our results show that in the pursuit of the most accurate modelling approach for tree height predictions, ANN should be seriously considered, especially when the number of tree measurements and their distribution is sufficient.
Ključne besede: height-diameter models, national forest inventory, permanent sample plot, mixed forests, model comparison, principal component analysis
Objavljeno v DiRROS: 08.06.2022; Ogledov: 796; Prenosov: 341
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