phpoai2 Data Provider

This is an implementation for an OAI-PMH 2.0 Data Provider, written in PHP.

This implementation completely complies to OAI-PMH 2.0, including the support of on-the-fly output compression which may significantly reduce the amount of data being transfered.

Database support is supported through PEAR (PHP Extension and Application Repository, included in the PHP distribution), so almost any popular SQL-database can be used without any changes in the code.

The repository can be quite easily configured by just editing oai2/oaidp-config.php, most possible values and options are explained. For requirements and instructions to install, please see the README file.

Once you have setup your Data Provider, you can the easiliy check the generated answers (it will be XML) of your Data Provider by clicking on the test links below.

For simple visual tests set $SHOW_QUERY_ERROR to TRUE and $CONTENT_TYPE to text/plain, so you can easily read the generated XML-answers in your browser.

Simple Documentation
Example Tables
OAI Records (mysql)
OAI Records (pgsql)
Query and check your Data-Provider

Format / set: /
GetRecord with ID:

For detailed tests use the Repository Explorer.

Any comments or questions are welcome.

Heinrich Stamerjohanns
Institute for Science Networking