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CXCR4 antagonists as stem cell mobilizers and therapy sensitizers for acute myeloid leukemia and glioblastoma?
Vashendriya V. V. Hira, Cornelis J. F. van Noorden, Remco J. Molenaar, 2020

Opis: Glioblastoma is the most aggressive and malignant primary brain tumor in adults and has a poor patient survival of only 20 months after diagnosis. This poor patient survival is at least partly caused by glioblastoma stem cells (GSCs), which are slowly-dividing and therefore therapy-resistant. GSCs are localized in protective hypoxic peri-arteriolar niches where these aforementioned stemness properties are maintained. We previously showed that hypoxic peri-arteriolar GSC niches in human glioblastoma are functionally similar to hypoxic peri-arteriolar hematopoietic stem cell (HSC) niches in human bone marrow. GSCs and HSCs express the receptor C-X-C receptor type 4 (CXCR4), which binds to the chemoattractant stromal-derived factor-1α (SDF-1α), which is highly expressed in GSC niches in glioblastoma and HSC niches in bone marrow. This receptor–ligand interaction retains the GSCs/HSCs in their niches and thereby maintains their slowly-dividing state. In acute myeloid leukemia (AML), leukemic cells use the SDF-1α–CXCR4 interaction to migrate to HSC niches and become slowly-dividing and therapy-resistant leukemic stem cells (LSCs). In this communication, we aim to elucidate how disruption of the SDF-1α–CXCR4 interaction using the FDA-approved CXCR4 inhibitor plerixafor (AMD3100) may be used to force slowly-dividing cancer stem cells out of their niches in glioblastoma and AML. Ultimately, this strategy aims to induce GSC and LSC differentiation and their sensitization to therapy.
Ključne besede: glioblastoma, glioblastoma stem cells, niches, acute myeloid leukemia, hematopoietic stem cells, bone marrow, C-X-C receptor type 4, stromal-derived factor-1 ▫$[alpha]$▫, plerixafor
Objavljeno: 06.08.2024; Ogledov: 301; Prenosov: 396
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Prenosov v mesecu: 111

Forestry and the 40th anniversary of IALE
Janez Pirnat, 2022

Opis: In this paper we evaluated key forestry related topics in the journal Landscape Ecology in the period 1987-2021 using keyword analysis to highlight which forestry topics have been relevant for landscape ecologists from the inception of the IALE organisation until present. Our analysis has shown that forests have far too often been just a framework for research focusing on management interventions in the forest. The three key words with the highest frequencies were forest/wood fragmentation, forest management and forest(s). Until now, however, we have not made sufficient use of the opportunity to study the field of forest ecosystem functionning at the landscape level. Suggestions for future reserch are therefore given.
Ključne besede: forest, anniversaries, IALE, key words analysis, forest fragmentation
Objavljeno: 28.10.2022; Ogledov: 1962; Prenosov: 889
.pdf Celotno besedilo (847,42 KB)
Prenosov v mesecu: 84

Equality and diversity in forestry: changing the image of forestry

Objavljeno: 05.11.2024; Ogledov: 151; Prenosov: 71
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Prenosov v mesecu: 71

Between source and sea
Shirra Freeman, Andy M. Booth, Isam Sabbah, Rachel Tiller, Jan Dierking, Katja Klun, Ana Rotter, Eric Ben David, Jamileh Javidpour, Dror Angel, 2020

Opis: Wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs) are a focal point for the removal of microplastic (MP) particles before they are discharged into aquatic environments. WWTPs are capable of removing substantial quantities of larger MP particles but are inefficient in removing particles with any one dimension of less than 100 μm, with influents and effluents tending to have similar quantities of these smaller particles. As a single WWTP may release >100 billion MP particles annually, collectively WWTPs are significant contributors to the problem of MP pollution of global surface waters. Currently, there are no policies or regulations requiring the removal of MPs during wastewater treatment, but as concern about MP pollution grows, the potential for wastewater technologies to capture particles before they reach surface waters has begun to attract attention. There are promising technologies in various stages of development that may improve the removal of MP particles from wastewater. Better incentivization could speed up the research, development and adoption of innovative practices. This paper describes the current state of knowledge regarding MPs, wastewater and relevant policies that could influence the development and deployment of new technologies within WWTPs. We review existing technologies for capturing very small MP particles and examine new developments that may have the potential to overcome the shortcomings of existing methods. The types of collaborations needed to encourage and incentivize innovation within the wastewater sector are also discussed, specifically strong partnerships among scientific and engineering researchers, industry stakeholders, and policy decision makers.
Ključne besede: wastewater, microplastic, particle removal, innovation, policy, jellyfish mucus
Objavljeno: 06.08.2024; Ogledov: 358; Prenosov: 603
.pdf Celotno besedilo (1,05 MB)
Prenosov v mesecu: 67

Gozd in podnebne spremembe

Objavljeno: 05.07.2024; Ogledov: 405; Prenosov: 307
.pdf Celotno besedilo (27,73 MB)
Prenosov v mesecu: 67

Pestrost in pojavljanje domačih in tujerodnih drevesnih in grmovnih vrst na ploskvah nacionalne gozdne inventure v Sloveniji
Anže Martin Pintar, Andreja Ferreira, Luka Krajnc, Gal Kušar, Mitja Skudnik, 2024

Opis: V Sloveniji spremljamo stanje in razvoj gozdov na nacionalni ravni z Nacionalno gozdno inventuro (NGI). V prispevku smo analizirali pestrost pojavljanja drevesnih in grmovnih vrst ter preverili pojavljanje tujerodnih drevesnih vrst v slovenskih gozdovih. Glede na literaturo v Sloveniji uspeva 71 avtohtonih drevesnih vrst, od katerih jih je bilo 60 zaznanih med merskimi drevesi na mreži ploskev NGI gostote 2 x 2 km. Največje povprečno število merskih dreves in grmov, kot tudi Shannon-Wienerjev indeks vrstne pestrosti, smo ugotovili na vzorčnih ploskvah v Predalpski ekološki regiji (H' = 0,85), najmanjše pa v Alpski ekološki regiji (H' = 0,58). Lesna zaloga merskih dreves in grmov v celotni Sloveniji dosega 330,7 m3/ha ± 2,1 %, lesna zaloga podmerskih dreves in grmov (prsni premer do 10 cm) pa 9,7 m3/ha ± 5,9 %. V lesni zalogi merskih drevesnih in grmovnih vrst prevladujeta bukev (Fagus sylvatica) (31,9 %) in smreka (Picea abies) (28,2 %), med merskimi grmovnimi vrstami je največ navadne leske (Corylus avellana) (85,0 %). Na ploskvah NGI je bilo zabeleženih 10 različnih tujerodnih drevesnih vrst na 138 ploskvah, največkrat so bile popisane v Submediteranski in Predpanonski ekološki regiji. V lesni zalogi tujerodnih drevesnih vrst prevladuje robinija (Robinia pseudoacacia). V lesni zalogi podmerskega drevja z 32,4 % prevladuje bukev, več kot 10,0 % lesne zaloge prispevata še navadna smreka in mali jesen (Fraxinus ornus). V lesni zalogi popisanih podmerskih grmovnih vrst prevladuje leska z 78,3 %, več kot 2 % dosegajo še rumeni dren (Cornus mas), navadni srobot (Clematis vitalba) in črni bezeg (Sambucus nigra). Predstavljeni rezultati kažejo, da je kombinacija panelnega sistema, večjega števila vzorčnih ploskev (3027) in izboljšanega šifranta omogočila prvo celostno objektivno ovrednotenje pestrosti pojavljanja drevesnih in grmovnih vrst ter prisotnosti tujerodnih vrst v slovenskih gozdovih.
Ključne besede: nacionalna gozdna inventura, Slovenija, vrstna pestrost, drevesne vrste, grmovne vrste, tujerodne vrste, lesna zaloga
Objavljeno: 29.10.2024; Ogledov: 184; Prenosov: 56
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Prenosov v mesecu: 56

Modelling photocatalytic ▫$N_2$▫ reduction
Taja Žibert, Blaž Likozar, Matej Huš, 2024

Objavljeno: 25.07.2024; Ogledov: 275; Prenosov: 340
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Prenosov v mesecu: 54
