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Title:Uporaba rastnih funkcij v gozdarstvu
Authors:ID Vadnal, Alojzij (Author)
ID Kotar, Marijan (Author)
ID Zadnik Stirn, Lidija (Author)
ID Gašperšič, Franc (Author)
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MD5: 5B9D215528FA6181350B6760EA66232D
PID: 20.500.12556/dirros/8ec0e9ca-1974-4261-aef0-314c9efdade4
Typology:1.01 - Original Scientific Article
Organization:Logo SciVie - Slovenian Forestry Institute
Abstract:Rastne funkcije so nepogrešljiv pripomoček pri sestavi donosnih tablic in postavitvi različnih modelov gospodarjenja. Rastna funkcija mora biti prilagodljiva,to pomeni, da mora kar se da najboljše ponazarjati dejansko rast sestojev, istočasno pa mora biti v takšni obliki, da vrednosti njenih parametrov neposredno podajajo karakteristične točke rasti sestoja in rastišča. V prispevku je podana tudi nova oblika rastne funkcije, ki dobro izpolnjuje pogoje, ki jih mora imeti tovrstna funkcija.
Keywords:matematika, operacijsko raziskovanje, dinamično programiranje, gozdarstvo, rastne funkcije, metoda najmanjših kvadratov
Publication status:Published
Publication version:Version of Record
Year of publishing:1983
Number of pages:str. 147-178
Numbering:Vol. 23
PID:20.500.12556/DiRROS-7952 New window
ISSN on article:0351-3114
COBISS.SI-ID:7524441 New window
Publication date in DiRROS:12.07.2017
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Record is a part of a journal

Title:Zbornik gozdarstva in lesarstva. forest and wood science & technology
Shortened title:Zb. gozd. lesar.
Publisher:Gozdarski inštitut Slovenije, Biotehniška fakulteta, Oddelek za gozdarstvo in obnovljive gozdne vire, Biotehniška fakulteta, Oddelek za lesarstvo
COBISS.SI-ID:6206978 New window

Secondary language

Abstract:Growth functions are an indispensable resource for making tablets and setting different models of management. The growth function has to be adaptable which means that it has to present as best as possible the actual growth of stands and at the same time to be in such a form, that the values of its parametres directly present the characteristical points of stand and site growth. The new form of growth funstion which fulfills well the conditions which a function of this kind has to have, is also presented in the paper.
Keywords:mathematics, operations research, dynamic programming, forestry, dynamic programming, forestry, growth functions, least squares method.


This document is a part of these collections:
  1. Acta Silvae et Ligni
