Title: | Degradirana gozdna tla in vegetacija |
Authors: | ID Sušin, Jože (Author) |
Files: | PDF - Presentation file, download (1,93 MB) MD5: 3E064146521128BE9D7E8E7F647572FC PID: 20.500.12556/dirros/54abdb76-ff7b-48dd-86d2-f38fd1a1f0ed
Language: | Slovenian |
Typology: | 2.12 - Final Research Report |
Organization: | SciVie - Slovenian Forestry Institute
Keywords: | gozdarstvo, gozd, tla, streljarjenje, degradacija tal, talni tipi, dušik, kemične lastnosti tal, onesnaženje, tla, fluor |
Place of publishing: | Ljubljana |
Place of performance: | Ljubljana |
Publisher: | Inštitut za gozdno in lesno gospodarstvo pri Biotehniški fakulteti v Ljubljani |
Year of publishing: | 1979 |
Year of performance: | 1979 |
Number of pages: | 46 str. |
PID: | 20.500.12556/DiRROS-7493 |
UDC: | 630*114 |
COBISS.SI-ID: | 12265984 |
Note: | Številka pogodbe: H-404-8247-78;
Publication date in DiRROS: | 12.07.2017 |
Views: | 3647 |
Downloads: | 809 |
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