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Title:Vloga gozdov pri ohranjanju biotske pestrosti na krajinski ravni - nekatera izhodišča za krajinskoekološko tipizacijo
Authors:ID Anko, Boštjan (Author)
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PID: 20.500.12556/dirros/4558d313-ef7d-4833-8377-cf92c909a71a
Typology:1.02 - Review Article
Organization:Logo SciVie - Slovenian Forestry Institute
Abstract:Koncept biotske pestrosti v naravoslovju ni nov. Tudi v gozdarstvu je prisoten`e toliko ~asa, da je v~asih potreben redefiniranja. Jasne definicije so pogoj za u~inkovito integracijo ideje biotske pestrosti v sodobno gozdarstvo. Kot kulturna krajina je tudi ve~ina biotske pestrosti dinami~na, antropogena tvorba - od genske do ekosistemske in vi{jih ravni. Gozdarstvo je doslej posve~alo pozornost vrstni, delno genski pestrosti, nekoliko zanemarilopa je vi{je ravni, ki jih v novej{em ~asu odkriva ideja krajinskega gozdarstva. To dokazuje tudi vrsta mednarodnih dokumentov - od helsin{kih do lizbonskih resolucij. Vendar moramo sprejeti dejstvo, da so ravni biotske pestrosti in njihovo ohranjanje nelo~ljivo povezane. Tipizacijo gozdnih in gozdnatih krajin lahko obravnavamo tudi kot sredstvo ohranjanja na gozd vezanebiotske pestrosti. Za razliko od dosedanjih taka tipizacija ne temelji zgolj na fizi~ni prisotnosti gozda (koli~ini, razporedu), ampak predvsem na lastnostih gozda, ki so biotski pestrosti prijazne in omogo~ajo komuniciranje organizmov - od genske ravni do migracijskih gibanj. Za novo paradigmo trajnostnega gospodarjenja za biotsko pestrost se bo moralo gozdarstvo aktivnovklju~iti v izpolnjevanje teh mednarodnih dokumentov.
Keywords:biotska pestrost, vrstna raznolikost, mnogonamensko gozdarstvo, krajinsko gozdarstvo, večnamenska vloga gozda, biodiverziteta, trajnost donosa
Publication status:Published
Publication version:Version of Record
Year of publishing:2000
Number of pages:str. 183-198
Numbering:Vol. 63
PID:20.500.12556/DiRROS-7404 New window
ISSN on article:0351-3114
COBISS.SI-ID:791974 New window
Publication date in DiRROS:12.07.2017
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Record is a part of a journal

Title:Zbornik gozdarstva in lesarstva. forest and wood science & technology
Shortened title:Zb. gozd. lesar.
Publisher:Gozdarski inštitut Slovenije, Biotehniška fakulteta, Oddelek za gozdarstvo in obnovljive gozdne vire, Biotehniška fakulteta, Oddelek za lesarstvo
COBISS.SI-ID:6206978 New window

Secondary language

Title:The role of forests in biodiversity conservation on the landscape level - some starting points for landscape ecological typifying
Abstract:The concept of biodiversity is not new to the natural sciences. In forestry, too, it has been present for such a long time that it sometimes requires redefining. Clear definitions are prerequisite for an efficient integration ofthe idea of biodiversity into contemporary forestry. As in the case of cultural landscapes the majority of biodiversity is a dynamic anthropogenic category - from gene to ecosystem and higher levels. Until now, forestry has primarily paid attention to the species, partly gene biodiversity. It neglected somehow higher biodiversity levels, recently being discovered by theidea of landscape forestry. This can be proven by a series of internationaldocuments - from the Helsinki to Lisbon resolutions. Nevertheless, the fact has to be accepted that all biodiversity levels and conservation thereof are inseparably connected. Typifying forest landscapes can be considered as one of the means of forest related biodiversity conservation. Contrary to previous cases such typifying is not based solely onthe physical presence of the forest (area, distribution patterns). It is based primarily on forest properties that are biodiversity friendly and renderpossible communications of organisms - from gene level to migratory movements. The new paradigm of sustainable forest management for biodiversity will require that forestry actively take part in complying with many obligations related to international documents.
Keywords:biodiversity, species diversity, sustainability, multiple use forestry, landscape forestry


This document is a part of these collections:
  1. Acta Silvae et Ligni
