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Title:Odziv gozdnega drevja na globalno segrevanje
Authors:ID Levanič, Tom (Author)
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MD5: F951FA9559DB00AC3E12830F0FA982EC
PID: 20.500.12556/dirros/4c6e0a6c-e6c6-425b-b200-fcd98b8ac272
Typology:1.03 - Other scientific articles
Organization:Logo ZGDS - Zveza gozdarskih društev Slovenije
Abstract:Globalno segrevanje vpliva na gozdne ekosisteme, kar je mogoče opaziti v vedno večjem odmiranju dreves in sušenju večjih predelov gozdov. Vzrok za globalno segrevanje je dvigovanje koncentracij toplogrednih plinov v atmosferi, kar je posledica pretirane porabe fosilnih goriv, izsekavanja gozda, kurjenja z biomaso, intenzivnega kmetijstva in prometa. Odziv dreves na globalno segrevanje smo z dendrokronološkimi metodami proučili na rastiščih na zgornji gozdni meji in v nižinah JZ Balkana in ugotovili, da so prvi znaki vpliva globalnega segrevanja na rast dreves že vidni. Na zgornji gozdni meji, kjer ima temperatura ključno vlogo na rast, je odziv sprva pozitiven, v nižinah pa imajo ključno vlogo padavine; zmanjševanje količine padavin negativno vpliva na rast in je vzrok za hitro povečevanje odmiranja v nižinskih gozdovih.
Keywords:globalne spremembe, odzivi dreves, dendroklimatologija, Balkan, rekonstrukcija klime
Year of publishing:2017
Number of pages:str. 192-198, 203
Numbering:Letn. 75, št. 4
PID:20.500.12556/DiRROS-6351 New window
ISSN on article:0017-2723
COBISS.SI-ID:4772262 New window
Publication date in DiRROS:11.05.2017
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Record is a part of a journal

Title:Gozdarski vestnik : slovenska strokovna revija za gozdarstvo
Shortened title:Gozd. vestn.
Publisher:Zveza gozdarskih društev Slovenije
COBISS.SI-ID:3736834 New window

Secondary language

Title:Forest tree response to global warming
Abstract:Global warming affects forest ecosystems, which can be observed in increased mortality of trees and drying of increasingly larger forest areas. The cause of global warming is an increase of greenhouse gas concentration in the atmosphere, which is a consequence of excessive fossil fuels, deforestation, burning of biomass, intensive agriculture, and traffic. We studied tree response to global warming with the use of dendrochronological methods on sites at the upper forest boundary and in the lowlands of SW Balkan and we have found out, that the first signs of global warming impact on tree growth are already noticeable. At the upper forest boundary, where the temperature has a key impact on the growth, the response is positive at first, in the lowlands, where the key role is played by precipitation, the reduction of precipitation negatively affects the growth and represents the cause for a quick increase in mortality in lowland forests.
Keywords:global change, tree response, climate reconstruction, Balkan, dendroclimatology


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  1. Gozdarski vestnik
