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Title:Bulk proton conduction in films from a truncated reflectin variant
Authors:ID Pratakshya, Preeta (Author)
ID Kwansa, Albert L. (Author)
ID Kovačič, Matic (Author)
ID Kaimal, Nikhil (Author)
ID Panteleev, Arsenii (Author)
ID Chatterjee, Atrouli (Author)
ID Tolouei, Nadia E. (Author)
ID Kautz, Rylan (Author)
ID Naughton, Kyle L. (Author)
ID Plavec, Janez (Author), et al.
Files:URL URL - Source URL, visit
.pdf PDF - Presentation file, download (7,44 MB)
MD5: 40346491F6B69513BD660F2F98A70DCB
Typology:1.01 - Original Scientific Article
Organization:Logo KI - National Institute of Chemistry
Publication status:Published
Publication version:Version of Record
Publication date:01.11.2024
Publisher:AIP Publishing
Year of publishing:2024
Number of pages:str. 1-8
Numbering:ǂVol.ǂ12, iss. 10, [article no.] 101113
Source:APL materials
PID:20.500.12556/DiRROS-20889 New window
ISSN on article:2166-532X
DOI:10.1063/5.0214285 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:216566019 New window
Copyright:© Author(s) 2024
Note:Nasl. z nasl. zaslona; Opis vira z dne 26. 11. 2024;
Publication date in DiRROS:27.11.2024
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Record is a part of a journal

Title:APL materials
Publisher:AIP Publishing
COBISS.SI-ID:20267784 New window

Document is financed by a project

Funder:Other - Other funder or multiple funders
Funding programme:Air Force Office of Scientific Research
Project number:FA9550-17-1-0024

Funder:Other - Other funder or multiple funders
Funding programme:Office of Naval Research
Project number:N00014-20-1-2265

Funder:Other - Other funder or multiple funders
Funding programme:Army Research Office
Project number:W911NF-23-1-0052

Funder:ARIS - Slovenian Research and Innovation Agency
Project number:P1-0242
Name:Kemija in struktura bioloških učinkovin


License:CC BY 4.0, Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International
Description:This is the standard Creative Commons license that gives others maximum freedom to do what they want with the work as long as they credit the author.

Secondary language

Keywords:kemijska tehnologija, biomateriali, beljakovine, peptidi, biokemija, bioelektronika
