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Title:The Achievements of the Politics of Friendship : Jacques Derrida's Upcoming Community
Authors:ID Paić, Žarko (Author)
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MD5: CBBDA7B68481FCEE4E8A066A8CE21E11
Typology:1.01 - Original Scientific Article
Organization:Logo INR - Institute Nova Revija for the Humanities
Abstract:The problem with the disappearance of absolute sovereignty from Bodin to Schmitt, as Derrida views it within his late (ethical-political) deconstruction, is that there no longer exists a sufficient reason for any effectiveness of representing the Other. Reasons are reducible to this or that form of violence. Everything must be dismantled and disassembled. What remains of sovereignty becomes contingency and singularity of the space between power and freedom. In this space, Derrida begins with the view of the Other and unconditional hospitality as a deconstruction of previous metaphysical politics of hospitality. The Other must be emancipated from the perspective of the subject’s metaphysics and its inherent violence. In the discourse of politics of friendship lies the ground for democracy to come as a final soteriological solution for other headings of history.
Keywords:politics of friendship, upcoming community, Jacques Derrida, deconstruction of sovereignty, violence, the Other
Publication status:Published
Publication version:Version of Record
Publication date:26.12.2023
Year of publishing:2023
Number of pages:str. 185-213
Numbering:Letn. 32, št. 126/127
PID:20.500.12556/DiRROS-20599 New window
UDC:1 Derrida J.
ISSN on article:1318-3362
DOI:10.32022/PHI32.2023.126-127.9 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:179332867 New window
Publication date in DiRROS:23.10.2024
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Record is a part of a journal

Title:Phainomena : [glasilo Fenomenološkega društva v Ljubljani
Shortened title:Phainomena
Publisher:Fenomenološko društvo [etc.], Fenomenološko društvo [etc.], Nova revija, Inštitut Nove revije - Zavod za humanistiko
COBISS.SI-ID:29705216 New window


License:CC BY 4.0, Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International
Description:This is the standard Creative Commons license that gives others maximum freedom to do what they want with the work as long as they credit the author.

Secondary language

Title:Dosežki politike prijateljstva : Prihajajoča skupnost pri Jacquesu Derridaju
Abstract:Problem izginotja absolutne suverenosti od Bodina do Schmitta, kakor ga Derrida vidi znotraj svoje pozne (etično-politične) dekonstrukcije, leži v tem, da ni več nikakršnega zadostnega razloga za učinkovitost reprezentiranja Drugega. Razloge je mogoče zvesti na takšno ali drugačno obliko nasilja. Vse je potrebno razdejati in razgraditi. Od suverenosti preostaneta samo kontingenca in singularnost prostora med močjo in svobodo. Znotraj tega prostora se Derrida obrne k Drugemu in k brezpogojni gostoljubnosti kot dekonstrukciji nekdanje metafizične politike gostoljubja. Drugega je potrebno emancipirati od perspektive subjektove metafizike in njenega inherentnega nasilja. Diskurz politike prijateljstva ponuja temelj za demokracijo, ki naj bi prišla kot konča soteriološka rešitev za druge smeri zgodovine.
Keywords:politika prijateljstva, prihajajoča skupnost, Jacques Derrida, dekonstrukcija suverenosti, nasilje, Drugi
