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Naslov:National biosafety framework for Slovenia
Avtorji:ID Strel, Biserka (Urednik)
ID Stanič, Darja (Urednik)
ID Gasparič, Aleš (Z enoto povezano ime)
Datoteke:.pdf PDF - Predstavitvena datoteka, prenos (821,97 KB)
MD5: 6330980BA29387BE2C5032D8428E8552
URL URL - Izvorni URL, za dostop obiščite
Jezik:Angleški jezik
Tipologija:2.25 - Druge monografije in druga zaključena dela
Organizacija:Logo NIB - Nacionalni inštitut za biologijo
Povzetek:Modern biotechnology raises different types of issues which should be addressed at the appropriate time and level in accordance with the subsidiary principle. Strengthening and/or developing adequate mechanisms and authorities concerns should base on sound scientific data and clear correct facts. Such biosafety framework has also to be capable of safeguarding the environment, biodiversity, the multifuctionality of our agriculture, and allowing consumer to choose if they wish between the products of genetically modified organisms (GMOs), conventional or organic agriculture. It should enables our industry to seize the opportunity that these technology offers, for the ultimate benefit as society at large. Potential risk assessment of GMOs involves technical and regulatory procedures to work best with public involvement and dissemination of information, and with respect to the legislation of GMOs and their products. Consequently, the establishment of a national biosafety system is a common need. It is important that each element of it presents unique management challenges and resources requirements, which should be review during the national case studies, and working group exercises. We should not transfer biosafety schemes from others without being critical. From a global perspective, the implementation of such system can also be mutually supportive and should provide a sound international framework in order to promote the safe development of modern biotechnology, its acceptability and its use in Slovenia. The Government has defined modern biotechnology as one of the priority area of research and technological development, where Slovenia has comparative advantage and critical mass of knowledge and strengthening is given to the importance of the investment in national research, in order to create conditions for scientists to work effectively and transfer skills to industry where necessary. In view of the above, the support in form of the UNEP/GEF project ìDevelopment of National Biosafety Framework for Sloveniaî was extremely valuable to ensure effective and efficient system with respect to the adopted legislation. This document serves as a basic guide to the implementation of the biosafety system. The involvement of different ministries and several stakeholders in the preparation of this document ensures that different views were taken into account when developing effective and efficient system to enable safe use of GMOs in Slovenia.
Status publikacije:Objavljeno
Verzija publikacije:Objavljena publikacija
Datum objave:01.10.2003
Kraj izida:Geneva
Kraj izvedbe:Geneva
Založnik:United Nations Environment Program, Global Environment Facillities, ǂThe ǂMinistry of Environment, Spatial Planning and Energy, National Institute of Biology
Leto izida:2003
Leto izvedbe:2003
UDK:504.06(497.4 Ljubljana)
COBISS.SI-ID:126869248 Novo okno
Datum objave v DiRROS:04.09.2024
Število ogledov:21
Število prenosov:7
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