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Title:Potek in prognoza raka dojk
Authors:ID Čufer, Tanja (Author)
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Typology:1.02 - Review Article
Organization:Logo OI - Institute of Oncology
Abstract:Rak dojk je napogostejša vrsta raka pri ženskah. Medtem ko je bila bolezen še v začetku tega stoletja neozdravljiva, danes s kombinacijo kirurškega, obsevalnega in sistemskega zdravljenja ozdravimo več kot polovico bolnic. Na prognozo in potek raka dojk značilno vpliva razširjenost oziroma stadij bolezni ob začetku zdravljenja. Bolnice z večjimi tumorji in še zlasti bolnices prizadetimi pazdušnimi bezgavkami imajo slabši izid bolezni. Na potekbolezni in prognozo vplivajo še druge lastnosti tumorja, na primer patohistološka vrsta s stopnjo malignosti, navzočnost hormonskih receptorjev, poliferativna sposobnost celic in drugo. Na potek in izid bolezni značilno vpliva tudi zdravljenje. Sodobne kirurške tehnike, ki jih kombiniramo z obsevanjem, omogočajo boljšo lokalno kontrolo bolezni ob manj obsežnih kirurških posegih. Pri več kot polovici bolnic je danes mogoče ohraniti dojko.Dopolnilna sistemska terapija ob lokalnem zdravljenju omogoča boljšo sistemsko kontrolo bolezni in značilno izboljša preživetje bolnic z operabilnim rakom dojk. Metastatski rak dojk je danes še vedno neozdravljiva bilezen, vendar pa je bolezen mogoče zazdraviti za daljše časovno obdobje. Pričakujemo, da bosta uvedba novih, učinkovitejših načinov zdravljenja in odkrivanje bolezni v zgodnejših stadijih še naprej izboljševala prognozo bolnic z rakom dojk.
Publication status:Published
Publication version:Version of Record
Publication date:01.01.1998
Publisher:Slovenian Medical Society - Section of Radiology ; Croatian Medical Association - Croatian Society of Radiology
Year of publishing:1998
Number of pages:str. S113-S117
Numbering:Letn. 32, suppl. 7
PID:20.500.12556/DiRROS-17353 New window
ISSN on article:1318-2099
COBISS.SI-ID:8026073 New window
Copyright:by Authors
Note:Rener M, Vargazon T, Kadivec M, editors. Šola mamografske diagnostike. Ljubljana: Onkološki inštitut; BSDOCID39828;
Publication date in DiRROS:24.11.2023
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Record is a part of a journal

Title:Radiology and oncology
Shortened title:Radiol. oncol.
Publisher:Slovenian Medical Society - Section of Radiology, Croatian Medical Association - Croatian Society of Radiology
COBISS.SI-ID:32649472 New window

Secondary language

Title:Course and prognosis of breast cancer
Abstract:Breast cancer is the most frequent cancer of females. While at the beginning of the 20th century this disease was still considered incurable, presently more than 50% of breast cancer patients can be cured by a combination of surgery, irradiation and chemotherapy. The prognosis and course of breast cancer are significantly influenced by the stage of the disease at the beginning of therapy. Patients with lager tumors, and particularly those with axillary lymph node involvement, have a worse prognosis. The course of diseaseand patient's prognosis are further influenced by other tumor characteristics, such as pathohistological type and grande of malignancy, presence of hormone receptors, proliferative potential of cells and others. Last but not least, the course and outcome of the disease are also significantly influenced by therapy. Advanced surgical techniques in combination with radiotherapy enable a better local control of the disease to be achieved by less extensive surgery. Nowadays, breast preservation is feasible on more than a half of all patients. Adjuvant chemotherapy together with local treatment enables a better systemic control of the disease and significantly improves the survival of patients with operable breast cancer. So far, metastatic breast cancer is still considered incurable, however, the disease can be succesfully held under control for a longer period of time. It is expected that the prognosis of breast cancer patients will be furthere improved by new, more effective treatment modalities, as well as by organized screening associated with the earlier breast cancer detection.
