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Naslov:Forest genetics research in the mediterranean basin : bibliometric analysis, knowledge gaps, and perspectives
Avtorji:ID Fady, Bruno (Avtor)
ID Esposito, Edoardo (Avtor)
ID Abulaila, Khaled (Avtor)
ID Aleksic, Jelena M. (Avtor)
ID Alía, Ricardo (Avtor)
ID Alizoti, Paraskevi (Avtor)
ID Apostol, Ecaterina-Nicoleta (Avtor)
ID Aravanopoulos, Filipos (Avtor)
ID Ballian, Dalibor (Avtor)
ID Bou Dagher Kharrat, Magda (Avtor)
ID Kraigher, Hojka (Avtor)
ID Westergren, Marjana (Avtor)
Datoteke:URL URL - Izvorni URL, za dostop obiščite
.pdf PDF - Predstavitvena datoteka, prenos (2,16 MB)
MD5: D932BCAE0194946CA81C1D8717304892
Jezik:Angleški jezik
Tipologija:1.01 - Izvirni znanstveni članek
Organizacija:Logo SciVie - Gozdarski inštitut Slovenije
Povzetek:Purpose of Review Recognizing that in the context of global change, tree genetic diversity represents a crucial resource for future forest adaptation, we review and highlight the major forest genetics research achievements of the past decades in biodiversity-rich countries of the Mediterranean region. For this, we conducted a bibliometric analysis of the scientific literature spanning the past thirty years (1991–2020). Putting together the representative regionwide expertise of our co-authorship, we propose research perspectives for the next decade. Recent Findings Forest genetics research in Mediterranean countries is organized into three different scientific domains of unequal importance. The domain “Population diversity and Differentiation” related to over 62% of all publications of the period, the domain “Environmental conditions, growth and stress response” to almost 23%, and the domain “Phylogeography” to almost 15%. Citation rate was trending the opposite way, indicating a strong and sustained interest in phylogeography and a rising interest for genetics research related to climate change and drought resistance. The share of publications from Asia and Africa to the total within the Mediterranean increased significantly during the 30-year period analyzed, reaching just below 30% during the last decade. Summary Describing poorly known species and populations, including marginal populations, using the full potential of genomic methods, testing adaptation in common gardens, and modeling adaptive capacity to build reliable scenarios for forest management remain strategic research priorities. Delineating areas of high and low genetic diversity, for conservation and restoration, respectively, is needed. Joining forces between forest management and forest research, sharing data, experience, and knowledge within and among countries will have to progress significantly, e.g., to assess the potential of Mediterranean genetic resources as assisted migration material worldwide.
Ključne besede:conservation ·, forest genetic resources, genetic diversity, global change, Mediterranean, sustainable management
Verzija publikacije:Objavljena publikacija
Datum objave:01.01.2022
Leto izida:2022
Št. strani:str. 277–298
Številčenje:Vol. 8
PID:20.500.12556/DiRROS-15895 Novo okno
ISSN pri članku:2198-6436
DOI:10.1007/s40725-022-00169-8 Novo okno
COBISS.SI-ID:117439747 Novo okno
Opomba:Nasl. z nasl. zaslona; Opis vira z dne 4. 8. 2022; Skupno št. avtorjev: 38;
Datum objave v DiRROS:09.12.2022
Število ogledov:723
Število prenosov:407
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Gradivo je del revije

Naslov:Current forestry reports
Skrajšan naslov:Current forestry rep.
Založnik:Springer International Publishing
COBISS.SI-ID:526520345 Novo okno

Gradivo je financirano iz projekta

Financer:EC - European Commission
Program financ.:European Commission
Številka projekta:676876
Naslov:Optimising the management and sustainable use of forest genetic resources in Europe

Financer:Drugi - Drug financer ali več financerjev
Program financ.:European Cooperation in Science and Technology
Številka projekta:FP1202
Naslov:Strengthening conservation: a key issue for adaptation of marginal/peripheral populations of forest trees to climate change in Europe


Licenca:CC BY 4.0, Creative Commons Priznanje avtorstva 4.0 Mednarodna
Opis:To je standardna licenca Creative Commons, ki daje uporabnikom največ možnosti za nadaljnjo uporabo dela, pri čemer morajo navesti avtorja.

Sekundarni jezik

Jezik:Slovenski jezik
Ključne besede:gozdni genski viri, varovanje, genetska pestrost, globalne spremembe, Mediteran, trajnostno gospodarjenje
