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Title:Cene gozdarskih storitev v Sloveniji - marec 2021 : naloga v okviru aktivnosti javne gozdarske službe GIS 5/1.1 : sistem spremljanja stroškov del v gozdarstvu
Authors:ID Stare, Darja (Author)
Files:.pdf PDF - Presentation file, download (399,35 KB)
MD5: 3809AADED4D21D2AB8234C67FBF200FE
Typology:2.13 - Treatise, Preliminary Study, Study
Organization:Logo SciVie - Slovenian Forestry Institute
Keywords:gozdarstvo, gozdarske storitve, sečnja, spravilo lesa, prevoz okroglega lesa, cene v Sloveniji
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Place of performance:Ljubljana
Publisher:Gozdarski inštitut Slovenije
Year of publishing:2021
Year of performance:2021
Number of pages:1 spletni vir (1 datoteka PDF (8 str.))
PID:20.500.12556/DiRROS-14143 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:67628803 New window
Note:Nasl. iz nasl. zaslona; Opis vira z dne 21. 6. 2021;
Publication date in DiRROS:21.06.2021
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Keywords:forestry, forestry services, logging, harvesting, transport of round wood, prices in Slovenija
