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Presejanje za raka debelega črevesa in danke pri asimptomatski populaciji v starosti 50 do 69 let
Dominika Novak-Mlakar, Jožica Maučec Zakotnik, 2006, not set

Abstract: Izhodišča. Pojavnost raka debelega črevesa in danke je v zadnjih desetletjih v razvitih deželah v porastu. V Sloveniji predstavlja drugi najpogostejši vzrok smrti zaradi raka. Po podatkih Registra raka je bila leta 2002 incidenca pri moških 68,5/100.000 prebivalcev, pri ženskah 49,8/100.000. Kljub vzpodbudnemu dejstvu, da se relativno 5-letno preživetje bolnikov s to boleznijo v zadnjem obdobju daljša, odkrijemo še vedno mnogo bolnikov, ko je bolezen že v napredovalem stadiju, z lokalnimi in oddaljenimi zasevki in je prognoza ter preživetje kljub kombiniranim oblikam zdravljenja slaba. Bolezen je ozdravljiva le, če jo ugotovimo in kirurško odstranimo v zgodnji razvojni stopnji. Zaključki. Rak črevesa predstavlja ozdravljivo bolezen, če preprečimo njeno preobrazbo iz premalignih adenomov ali ga odkrijemo in kirurško odstranimo v lokalno omejeni obliki. Za dolgoročen uspeh bo potrebna primerna ozaveščenost prebivalstva in udejanjanje priporočil.
Keywords: rak (medicina), debelo črevo, danka, novotvorbe, diagnostika, preprečevanje, Slovenija, presejalni testi
Published in DiRROS: 05.12.2023; Views: 421; Downloads: 146
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International consensus on lung function testing during COVID-19 pandemic and beyond
Aisling McGowan, Pierantonio Laveneziana, Sam Bayat, Nicole Beydon, Piotr Boros, Felip Burgos, Matjaž Fležar, Monika Franczuk, Maria-Alejandra Galarza, Adrian H. Kendrick, Frans de Jongh, 2021, original scientific article

Abstract: COVID-19 has negatively affected the delivery of respiratory diagnostic services across the world due to the potential risk of disease transmission during lung function testing. Community prevalence, reoccurrence of COVID-19 surges, and the emergence of different variants of the SARS-CoV-2 virus have impeded attempts to restore services. Finding consensus on how to deliver safe lung function services for both patients attending and for staff performing the tests are of paramount importance. This international statement presents the consensus opinion of 23 experts in the field of lung function and respiratory physiology balanced with evidence from the reviewed literature. It describes a robust roadmap for restoration and continuity of lung function testing services during the COVID-19 pandemic and beyond. Important strategies presented in this consensus statement relate to the patient journey when attending for lung function tests. We discuss appointment preparation, operational and environmental issues, testing room requirements including mitigation strategies for transmission risk, requirement for improved ventilation, maintaining physical distance, and use of personal protection equipment. We also provide consensus opinion on precautions relating to specific tests, filters, management of special patient groups, and alternative options to testing in hospitals. The pandemic has highlighted how vulnerable lung function services are and forces us to re-think how long term mitigation strategies can protect our services during this and any possible future pandemic. This statement aspires to address the safety concerns that exist and provide strategies to make lung function tests and the testing environment safer when tests are required.
Keywords: Covid-19, testi pljučne funkcije - organizacija in vodenje, zagotavljanje varnosti -metode, soglasje
Published in DiRROS: 10.01.2022; Views: 1180; Downloads: 781
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Vloga triažnega testa HPV in kolposkopije v programu ZORA
Urška Ivanuš, Maja Primic-Žakelj, 2015, published scientific conference contribution

Keywords: rak materničnega vratu, HPV, test HPV, presejalni testi, program ZORA, kolposkopija
Published in DiRROS: 26.05.2020; Views: 1730; Downloads: 548
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Breme raka materničnega vratu in javnozdravstveni ukrepi, ki ga zmanjšujejo
Urška Ivanuš, 2018, published scientific conference contribution

Keywords: presejanje, presejalni testi, javno zdravstvo, rak materničnega vratu
Published in DiRROS: 08.05.2020; Views: 1768; Downloads: 529
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Urška Ivanuš, 2018, preface, editorial, afterword

Keywords: rak materničnega vratu, presejalni programi, presejalni testi
Published in DiRROS: 10.04.2020; Views: 1813; Downloads: 441
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Program Dora v letu 2018
Katja Jarm, Cveto Šval, Mateja Krajc, Mateja Kurir-Borovčić, Maksimiljan Kadivec, Kristijana Hertl, Janez Žgajnar, Vesna Škrbec Murn, 2018, published scientific conference contribution

Keywords: rak dojke, presejalni programi, presejalni testi
Published in DiRROS: 10.04.2020; Views: 2229; Downloads: 668
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Petnajst let državnega programa Zora
Maja Primic-Žakelj, Mojca Florjančič, Urška Ivanuš, 2018, published scientific conference contribution

Keywords: rak materničnega vratu, presejalni programi, presejalni testi
Published in DiRROS: 10.04.2020; Views: 1641; Downloads: 497
.pdf Full text (560,09 KB)

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