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Query: "author" (Korošec Peter) .

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Sensitivity analysis of RF+clust for leave-one-problem-out performance prediction
Ana Nikolikj, Michal Pluhacek, Carola Doerr, Peter Korošec, Tome Eftimov, 2023, published scientific conference contribution

Keywords: automated performance prediction, autoML, single-objective black-box optimization, zero-shot learning
Published in DiRROS: 13.11.2023; Views: 314; Downloads: 187
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Algorithm instance footprint : separating easily solvable and challenging problem instances
Ana Nikolikj, Sašo Džeroski, Mario Andrés Muñoz, Carola Doerr, Peter Korošec, Tome Eftimov, 2023, published scientific conference contribution

Keywords: black-box optimization, algorithms, problem instances, machine learning
Published in DiRROS: 15.09.2023; Views: 274; Downloads: 181
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Assessing the generalizability of a performance predictive model
Ana Nikolikj, Gjorgjina Cenikj, Gordana Ispirova, Diederick Vermetten, Ryan Dieter Lang, Andries Petrus Engelbrecht, Carola Doerr, Peter Korošec, Tome Eftimov, 2023, published scientific conference contribution

Keywords: algorithms, predictive models, machine learning
Published in DiRROS: 15.09.2023; Views: 291; Downloads: 191
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Vloga radioterapije pri oligometastatskih gastrointestinalnih rakih
Peter Korošec, 2022, published scientific conference contribution

Abstract: Zdravljenje s stereotaktično radioterapijo (SBRT) se je v zadnjih letih tudi pri oligometastatskem gastrointestinalnem raku izkazalo za eno izmed pomembnejših možnosti lokalnega ablativnega zdravljenja, ki izboljšuje tako lokalno kontrolo, preživetje brez bolezni, kot tudi celokupno preživetje. Ob tem pa se je stereotaktično obsevanje izkazalo za varno metodo. Glede na lokacijo zasevkov so najpogosteje obsevani zasevki v jetrih in pljučih. Zaradi višje radiorezistentence zasevkov je potrebna večja izsevana doza (BED ≥ 100 Gy). Za čim manj stranskih učinkov pa je potrebna uporaba sistemov, ki zmanjšujejo gibanje tarče in povečujejo natančnost obsevanja. Večina dokazov do sedaj sicer temelji na retrospektivnih analizah in manjših prospektivnih študijah faze I in II. Rezultati prospektivnih študij faze III pa nam bodo v prihodnosti potrdili kdaj in kateri pacienti bodo imeli od zdravljenja z obsevanjem največjo korist.
Keywords: gastrointestinalni rak, radioterapija, rak prebavil
Published in DiRROS: 13.01.2023; Views: 432; Downloads: 112
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Kolorektalni rak
Peter Korošec, 2022, published professional conference contribution

Keywords: oligometastatski raki, onkološki bolniki, obsevanje, sistemsko zdravljenje
Published in DiRROS: 14.12.2022; Views: 470; Downloads: 109
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Oligometastatski rak
Ivica Ratoša, Karmen Stanič, Tanja Ovčariček, Ajra Šečerov Ermenc, Janka Čarman, Blaž Grošelj, Staša Jelerčič, Peter Korošec, Manja Šešek, Marko Kokalj, Gaber Plavc, Miha Oražem, Helena Barbara Zobec Logar, 2022, review article

Abstract: Oligometastatska bolezen (OMB) predstavlja vmesno stanje med lokalno napredovalo boleznijo in obsežnejšo metastatsko boleznijo. Zaenkrat ne poznamo specifičnih biomarkerjev, ki bi nam pomagali opredeliti bolnike z majhnim bremenom bolezni, zato diagnoza OMB temelji na slikovni diagnostiki. V zadnjih letih narašča zanimanje za optimizacijo zdravljenja OMB predvsem zaradi obetavnih rezultatov dodatka lokalnega k obstoječemu sistemskemu zdravljenju. S takšnim načinom zdravljenja se je prvič pokazala možnost doseganja dolgotrajnih zazdravitev ali redko celo ozdravitev teh bolnikov. Razlikovanje posameznih vrst OMB in njihovo enotno poimenovanje je pomembno zlasti v kliničnih raziskavah, saj nam omogoča medsebojno primerjavo rezultatov različnih raziskav.
Keywords: klasifikacija, oligometastatska bolezen, sistemsko zdravljenje, onkologija
Published in DiRROS: 06.12.2022; Views: 496; Downloads: 132
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Art v 1 IgE epitopes of patients and humanized mice are conformational
Maja Zabel, Milena Weber, Bernhard Kratzer, Cordula Köhler, Beatrice Jahn-Schmid, Gabriele Gadermaier, Pia Gattinger, Urška Bidovec, Peter Korošec, Ursula Smole, Rudolf Valenta, Winfried F. Pickl, 2022, original scientific article

Abstract: Background: Worldwide, pollen of the weed mugwort (Artemisia vulgaris) is a major cause of severe respiratory allergy, with its major allergen, Art v 1, being the key pathogenic molecule for millions of patients. Humanized mice transgenic for a human T-cell receptor specific for the major Art v 1 T-cell epitope and the corresponding HLA have been made. Objective: We sought to characterize IgE epitopes of Art v 1–sensitized patients and humanized mice for molecular immunotherapy of mugwort allergy. Methods: Four overlapping peptides incorporating surface-exposed amino acids representing the full-length Art v 1 sequence were synthesized and used to search for IgE reactivity to sequential epitopes. For indirect mapping, peptide-specific rabbit antibodies were raised to block IgE against surface-exposed epitopes on folded Art v 1. IgE reactivity and basophil activation studies were performed in clinically defined mugwort-allergic patients. Secondary structure of recombinant (r) Art v 1 and peptides was determined by circular dichroism spectroscopy. Results: Mugwort-allergic patients and humanized mice sensitized by allergen inhalation showed IgE reactivity and/or basophil activation mainly to folded, complete Art v 1 but not to unfolded, sequential peptide epitopes. Blocking of allergic patients’ IgE with peptide-specific rabbit antisera identified a hitherto unknown major conformational IgE binding site in the C-terminal Art v 1 domain. Conclusions: Identification of the new major conformational IgE binding site on Art v 1, which can be blocked with IgG raised against non-IgE reactive Art v 1 peptides, is an important basis for the development of a hypoallergenic peptide vaccine for mugwort allergy.
Keywords: mugwort pollen allergy, IgE epitope, allergen-specific immunotherapy
Published in DiRROS: 31.08.2022; Views: 520; Downloads: 208
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