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2F-3DPrint : D2.1 Specifikacije lastnosti tiskalnika
Lucija Hanžič, Metod Čuk, Boris Jerman, Jurij Hladnik, 2024, project documentation (preliminary design, working design)

Keywords: gradbeništvo, digitalna proizvodnja, ekskurzijski tiskalnik
Published in DiRROS: 12.08.2024; Views: 434; Downloads: 1
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Modeling the ocean and atmosphere during an extreme bora event in northern Adriatic using one-way and two-way atmosphere-ocean coupling
Matjaž Ličer, Peter Smerkol, Anja Fettich, Michalis Ravdas, Alexandros Papapostolou, Anneta Mantziafou, Benedikt Strajnar, Jure Cedilnik, Maja Jeromel, Jure Jerman, Sašo Petan, Vlado Malačič, Sarantis Sofianos, 2016, original scientific article

Abstract: We have studied the performances of (a) a two-way coupled atmosphere%ocean modeling system and (b) one-way coupled ocean model (forced by the atmosphere model), as compared to the available in situ measurements during and after a strong Adriatic bora wind event in February 2012, which led to extreme air%sea interactions. The simulations span the period between January and March 2012. The models used were ALADIN (Aire Limitée Adaptation dynamique Développement InterNational) (4.4 km resolution) on the atmosphere side and an Adriatic setup of Princeton ocean model (POM) (1%=30%1%=30 angular resolution) on the ocean side. The atmosphere%ocean coupling was implemented using the OASIS3-MCT model coupling toolkit. Two-way coupling ocean feedback to the atmosphere is limited to sea surface temperature. We have compared modeled atmosphere%ocean fluxes and sea temperatures from both setups to platform and CTD (conductivity, temperature, and depth) measurements from three locations in the northern Adriatic.We present objective verification of 2m atmosphere temperature forecasts using mean bias and standard deviation of errors scores from 23 meteorological stations in the eastern part of Italy. We show that turbulent fluxes from both setups differ up to 20° during the bora but not significantly before and after the event. When compared to observations, two-way coupling ocean temperatures exhibit a 4 times lower root mean square errors (RMSE) than those from one-way coupled system. Two-way coupling improves sensible heat fluxes at all stations but does not improve latent heat loss. The spatial average of the two-way coupled atmosphere component is up to 0.3 °C colder than the one-way coupled setup, which is an improvement for prognostic lead times up to 20 h. Daily spatial average of the standard deviation of air temperature errors shows 0.15 °C improvement in the case of coupled system compared to the uncoupled. Coupled and uncoupled circulations in the northern Adriatic are predominantly wind-driven and show no significant mesoscale differences.
Keywords: sea, marine water, numerical modeling, physical oceanography, dense water, bora wind, Adriatic sea, Mediterranean sea, Adriatic shelf
Published in DiRROS: 26.07.2024; Views: 231; Downloads: 155
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Diagnostic performance of p16/Ki-67 dual immunostaining at different number of positive cells in cervical smears in women referred for colposcopy
Uršula Salobir Gajšek, Andraž Dovnik, Iztok Takač, Urška Ivanuš, Tine Jerman, Simona Šramek Zatler, Alenka Repše-Fokter, 2021, original scientific article

Abstract: . The aim of the study was to evaluate the diagnostic accuracy of p16/Ki-67 dual immunostaining (p16/ Ki-67 DS) in cervical cytology and the number of positive p16/Ki-67 cells to diagnose high grade cervical intraepithelial neoplasia (CIN2+) in colposcopy population. Subjects and methods. We performed an analysis on a subset cohort of 174 women enrolled within a large-scale randomised controlled human papillomavirus (HPV) self-sampling project organised as part of the population-based Cervical Cancer Screening Programme ZORA in Slovenia. This subset cohort of patients was invited to the colposcopy clinic, underwent p16/Ki-67 DS cervical cytology and had the number of p16/Ki-67 positive cells determined. Results. Among analysed women, 42/174 (24.1%) had histologically confirmed CIN2+. The risk for CIN2+ was increasing with the number of positive cells (p < 0.001). The sensitivity of p16/Ki-67 DS for detection of CIN2+ was 88.1%, specificity was 65.2%, positive predictive value was 44.6% and negative predictive value was 94.5%. Conclusions. Dual p16/Ki-67 immunostaining for the detection of CIN2+ has shown high sensitivity and high negative predictive value in our study, which is comparable to available published data. The number of p16/Ki-67 positive cells was significantly associated with the probability of CIN2+ detection. We observed a statistically significant and clinically relevant increase in specificity if the cut-off for a positive test was shifted from one cell to three cells.
Keywords: cervical cytology, high-grade dysplasia, p16/Ki-67 immunostaining
Published in DiRROS: 22.07.2024; Views: 211; Downloads: 76
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Long term results of follow-up after HPV self-sampling with devices Qvintip and HerSwab in women non-attending cervical screening programme
Teodora Bokan, Urška Ivanuš, Tine Jerman, Iztok Takač, Darja Arko, 2021, original scientific article

Abstract: We are presenting the results of the Slovenian human papillomaviruses (HPV) self-sampling pilot study in colposcopy population of National Cervical Cancer Screening Programme ZORA for the first time. One-year and four-year follow-up results are presented for two different self-sampling devices. Participants and methods. A total of 209 women were enrolled in the study at colposcopy clinic. Prior to the gynaecological examination, all women performed self-collected vaginal swab at the clinic; 111 using Qvintip and 98 using HerSwab self-sampling device. After self-sampling, two cervical smears were taken by a clinician; first for conventional cytology and second for HPV test. After that, all women underwent colposcopy and a cervical biopsy if needed. We compared sensitivity, specificity, and predictive values of cytology (at the cut-off atypical squamous cells of undetermined significance or more [ASC-US+]) and HPV test (on self- and clinician-taken samples) for the detection of cervical intraepithelial neoplasia grade 2 or more (CIN2+) after one and four years of follow-up. Hybrid Capture 2 (HC2) assay was used for all HPV testing. Results. The mean age of 209 women was 37.6 years and HPV positivity rate 67.0% (140/209), 36.9 years and 70.3% (78/111) in the Qvintip group and 38.4 years and 63.3% (62/98) in the HerSwab group, respectively. Overall, percent agreement between self and clinician-taken samples was 81.8% (kappa 0.534) in the Qvintip and 77.1% (kappa 0.456) in the HerSwab group. In the Qvintip group, the longitudinal sensitivity, specificity, positive and negative predictive values were 71.8%, 75.0%, 83.6%, 60.0% for cytology; 83.1%, 51.3%, 75.6% and 62.5% for HPV test of self-taken samples and 94.4%, 57.5%, 79.8% and 85.2% for HPV test on clinician-taken samples. In the HerSwab group, the corresponding results were 71.7%, 46.7%, 61.3%, 58.3% for cytology; 75.0%, 47.7%, 62.9% and 61.8% for HPV test on self-taken samples and 94.3%, 44.4%, 66.7% and 87.0% for clinician-taken samples, respectively. Conclusions. The results confirm that HPV self-sampling is not as accurate as clinician sampling when HC2 is used. All HPV tests showed a higher sensitivity in detecting CIN2+ compared to cytology. Due to non-inferior longitudinal sensitivity of HPV self-sampling compared to cytology, HPV self-sampling might be an option for non-attenders to the National Cancer Screening Programme.
Keywords: HPV self-sampling, cytology, high-grade intraepithelial lesion, screening programmes
Published in DiRROS: 19.07.2024; Views: 214; Downloads: 76
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Integrated sea storm management strategy : the 29 October 2018 event in the Adriatic Sea
Christian Ferrarin, Andrea Valentini, Martin Vodopivec, Dijana Klaric, Giovanni Massaro, Marco Bajo, Francesca De Pascalis, Amedeo Fadini, Michol Ghezzo, Stefano Menegon, Lidia Bressan, Silvia Unguendoli, Anja Fettich, Jure Jerman, Matjaž Ličer, Lidija Fustar, Alvise Papa, Enrico Carraro, 2020, original scientific article

Abstract: Addressing coastal risks related to sea storms requires an integrative approach which combines monitoring stations, forecasting models, early warning systems, and coastal management and planning. Such great effort is sometimes possible only through transnational cooperation, which becomes thus vital to face, effectively and promptly, the marine events which are responsible for damage impacting the environment and citizens' life. Here we present a shared and interoperable system to allow a better exchange of and elaboration on information related to sea storms among countries. The proposed integrated web system (IWS) is a combination of a common data system for sharing ocean observations and forecasts, a multi-model ensemble system, a geoportal, and interactive geo-visualisation tools to make results available to the general public. The multi-model ensemble mean and spread for sea level height and wave characteristics are used to describe three different sea condition scenarios. The IWS is designed to provide sea state information required for issuing coastal risk alerts over the analysed region as well as for being easily integrated into existing local early warning systems. This study describes the application of the developed system to the exceptional storm event of 29 October 2018 that caused severe flooding and damage to coastal infrastructure in the Adriatic Sea. The forecasted ensemble products were successfully compared with in situ observations. The hazards estimated by integrating IWS results in existing early warning systems were confirmed by documented storm impacts along the coast of Slovenia, Emilia-Romagna and the city of Venice. For the investigated event, the most severe simulated scenario results provide a realistic and conservative estimation of the peak storm conditions to be used in coastal risk management.
Keywords: sea storms, integrated web system (IWS)
Published in DiRROS: 19.07.2024; Views: 199; Downloads: 152
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Evaluation of the training program for p16/ Ki-67 dual immunocytochemical staining interpretation for laboratory staff without experience in cervical cytology and immunocytochemistry
Veronika Kloboves-Prevodnik, Živa Pohar-Marinšek, Janja Zalar, Hermina Rozina, Nika Kotnik, Tine Jerman, Jerneja Varl, Urška Ivanuš, 2020, original scientific article

Abstract: ackground p16/Ki-67 dual immunocytochemical staining (DS) is considered easy to interpret if evaluators are properly trained, however, there is no consensus on what constitutes proper training. In the present study we evaluated a protocol for teaching DS evaluation on students inexperienced in cervical cytology. Methods Initial training on 40 DS conventional smears was provided by a senior cytotechnologist experienced in such evaluation. Afterwards, two students evaluated 118 cases. Additional training consisted mainly of discussing discrepant cases from the first evaluation and was followed by evaluation of new 383 cases. Agreement and accuracy of students' results were compared among the participants and to the results of the reference after both evaluations. We also noted time needed for evaluation of one slide as well as intra-observer variability of the teacher's results. Results At the end of the study, agreement between students and reference was higher compared to those after initial training (overall percent agreement [OPA] 81.4% for each student, kappa 0.512 and 0.527 vs. OPA 78.3% and 87.2%, kappa 0.556 and 0.713, respectively). However, accuracy results differed between the two students. After initial training sensitivity was 4.3% points and 2.9% points higher, respectively compared to the reference, while specificity was 30.6% points and 24.4% points lower, respectively, compared to the reference. At the end of the study, the sensitivity reached by one student was the same as that of the reference, while it was 2.6% points lower for the other student. There was a statistically significant difference in specificity between one student and the reference and also between students (16.7 and 15.1% points). Towards the end of the study, one student needed 5.2 min for evaluating one slide while the other needed 8.2 min. The intra-observer variability of the senior cytotechnologist was in the range of "very good" in both arms of the study. Conclusions In teaching DS evaluation, the students' progress has to be monitored using several criteria like agreement, accuracy and time needed for evaluating one slide. The monitoring process has to continue for a while after students reach satisfactory results in order to assure a continuous good performance. Monitoring of teacher's performance is also advisable.
Keywords: cervical cytology, cervical cancer, immunocytochemistry, accuracy
Published in DiRROS: 11.07.2024; Views: 255; Downloads: 190
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Preoperative concomitant chemoradiotherapy in esophageal cancer
Boštjan Šeruga, Mihael Sok, Janez Eržen, Jože Jerman, Boris Jančar, Branko Zakotnik, 2006, original scientific article

Abstract: Background. Currently primary treatment options for esophageal cancer are surgery only or concomitant chemoradiotherapy (CRT) and the long-term survivalof patients with locally advanced disease is rare. Preoperative concomitant CRT seems to be beneficial, mostly in patients who achieve a complete pathologic response (pCR) after CRT. In this retrospective analysis the efficiency and toxicity of preoperative CRT in patients with locally advanced esophageal cancer was analysed as well as the influence of pCR on thesuraival. Patients and metkods From 1996 to 2002 41 patients with locoregionally confined esophageal cancerwere treated with cisplatin 75 mgžm2 and 5-FU 1000 mgžm2 as 4 day contonuous infusion starting on days 1. and 22. with concorrtitant radiotherapy 4500 cGy, 200-300 cGyžday. Esophagectomy followed 4-5 weeks after radiotherapy. After the surgery patients were followed-up regularly at 3-6 months intervals. Results. The pCR was achieved in 26.8% of patients. The overall median survival time was 18 months for all patients, 21.2 months for patients who achieved pCR and 16 months in those with residual disease (p= 0,79). Postoperative mortality rate was 22%. The median dose intensity for cisplatin was 92% and for 5-FU 71.5 of the planned dose. Disease recurred most often locoregionally (31.7%) and the overall recurrence rate was 43.9. Conclusion. Modern radiation techniques and the adequate dose intensity could further improve the locoregional control. The selection of patients without comorbid conditions and without already present distant metastases is essential for this combined treatment approach.
Published in DiRROS: 15.02.2024; Views: 432; Downloads: 98
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Discretionary capitalization of development expenditures
Primož Petek, Mateja Jerman, Sandra Janković, 2023, original scientific article

Abstract: The paper examines the discretionary nature of (non)capitalizing development expenditures in financial statements. A review of the literature shows that companies may have different motives and factors for (non)capitalizing development expenditures. This study analyzes a sample of 547 companies from the information and communications technology (ICT) sector listed on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange in the period 2009-2018. The ICT sector was selected because it represents an industry with high R&D (research and development) expenditures. The results of the probit regression analysis made on 3,718 observations show that the capitalization of development expenditures is significantly positively related to the size and return on assets of the firm and negatively related to the age of the firm. Larger and more profitable firms are more likely to capitalize development expenditures, while older firms are less likely to capitalize development expenditures. Our results contribute to the literature in the field of positive accounting theory providing additional insights into factors associated with decisions to (non)capitalize development expenditures.
Keywords: capitalization, development expenditures, discretion, incentives, intangible assets
Published in DiRROS: 21.11.2023; Views: 495; Downloads: 300
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