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Gozdni požar na Potoški gori in sanacija v požaru poškodovanih gozdov
Jurij Rozman, Martin Umek, Tomaž Polajnar, Domen Oven, Janez Logar, 2024, professional article

Abstract: Gozdni požari postajajo vse pogostejši in intenzivnejši zaradi podnebnih sprememb in človeških dejavnosti, pri čemer pa so še posebno ranljiva gorska območja. Tam so posledice požarov hujše, saj otežen dostop in strm teren povzročata hitrejše širjenje ognja in zahtevnejše gašenje. Poseben primer je bil požar na Potoški gori leta 2022, ki je povzročil veliko ekološko in ekonomsko škodo. Izkušnje kažejo, da v gorskih predelih za učinkovito obvladovanje požarov potrebujemo dobro zasnovano gozdno infrastrukturo, ki omogoča prevoz gasilcev in tehnike, za gašenje zračno podporo in bližino ustreznih vodnih virov. Sanacija prizadetih območij vključuje preprečevanjem erozije tal, posek poškodovanih dreves in omejeno ciljno obnovo s sajenjem in setvijo. Požari v strmini sicer ustvarjajo nove ekološke niše, vendar ob tem nastajajo tudi številni izzivi, kot so težave pri naravni obnovi zaradi odsotnosti semenjakov, izpostavljenosti eroziji in vremenu, objedanju divjadi ter zmanjšani motivaciji lastnikov gozdov za sodelovanje pri obnovi. Pomembno je usklajeno delovanje gozdarjev, lastnikov gozdov, naravovarstvenikov in lokalne skupnosti, da bi zagotovili uspešno obnovo gozdnih ekosistemov. Za zmanjšanje tveganja prihodnjih požarov je nujna prilagoditev gozdnogospodarskih načrtov in uvedba učinkovitih preventivnih ukrepov, ki vključujejo tudi upoštevanje protipožarne vloge gozdnih cest ter drugih infrastrukturnih elementov. Pomembno je tudi usmerjanje rekreacije v naravnem okolju in ozaveščanje vse družbe o nevarnostih požarov, ki jih v večini povzročamo ljudje.
Keywords: gozdni požari, gorski svet, Potoška gora, sanacija gozdov po požaru, sanacijski načrt, obnova požarišča
Published in DiRROS: 20.09.2024; Views: 6; Downloads: 3
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Določanje dobrega okoljskega stanja. Poročilo za člen 9 Okvirne direktive o morski strategiji : zaključno poročilo 2012
Martina Orlando-Bonaca, Lovrenc Lipej, Alenka Malej, Janja Francé, Branko Čermelj, Oliver Bajt, Nives Kovač, Borut Mavrič, Valentina Turk, Patricija Mozetič, Andreja Ramšak, Tjaša Kogovšek, Milijan Šiško, Vesna Flander-Putrle, Mateja Grego, Tinkara Tinta, Boris Petelin, Martin Vodopivec, Maja Jeromel, Urška Martinčič, Vlado Malačič, final research report

Abstract: Deskriptor 1: Biotska raznovrstnost se ohranja. Kakovost in prisotnost habitatov ter razporeditev in številčnost vrst so v skladu s prevladujočimi fiziografskimi, geografskimi in podnebnimi pogoji. »Presojo je treba opraviti na več ekoloških ravneh: na ravni ekosistemov, habitatov (vključno z njimi povezanimi združbami na nivoju biotopov) in vrst, ki so upoštevane v strukturi tega dela ob upoštevanju točke 2 dela A. Za nekatere vidike tega deskriptorja je potrebna dodatna znanstvena in tehnična podpora. Pri obravnavi širšega obsega deskriptorja je treba ob upoštevanju Priloge III k Direktivi 2008/56/ES določiti prioritete med elementi biotske raznovrstnosti (vrste, habitati in ekosistemi). To omogoča prepoznavanje tistih elementov in območij, kjer vplivi in grožnje nastajajo, poleg tega pa podpira opredelitev ustreznih kazalcev med izbranimi merili, primernimi za zadevna območja in elemente biotske raznovrstnosti. Obveznost regionalnega sodelovanja iz členov 5 in 6 Direktive 2008/56/ES je neposredno povezana z izbiro elementov biotske raznovrstnosti znotraj regij, podregij in pododdelkov, kjer je mogoče, pa tudi z vzpostavitvijo referenčnih razmer v skladu s Prilogo IV k Direktivi 2008/56/ES. Modeliranje z uporabo platforme geografskega informacijskega sistema je lahko uporabna podlaga za določanje območja razširjenosti elementov biotske raznovrstnosti ter človekovih dejavnosti in pritiskov zaradi teh dejavnosti, ob upoštevanju, da se vse mogoče zajete napake ustrezno ocenijo in opišejo ob uporabi rezultatov. Ti podatki so pogoj za ekosistemsko upravljanje človekovih dejavnosti in za razvoj s tem povezanih prostorskih orodij.«
Keywords: morje, obalno morje, onesnaževanje morja, plankton, hranilne snovi, ekološki parametri, onesnažila, onesnaževalci, biocenoze, okvirna direktiva o morski strategiji, poročila, onesnaženost, kvaliteta okolja, morska strategija, deskriptorji
Published in DiRROS: 16.09.2024; Views: 675; Downloads: 590
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Morfološka variabilnost črnike (Quercus ilex L.) v Sloveniji
Martin Jež, Robert Brus, Kristjan Jarni, 2024, original scientific article

Abstract: V članku je predstavljena črnika (Quercus ilex L.), ena glavnih drevesnih vrst evmediteranske flore na območju Slovenije, kjer raste na razpršenih nahajališčih na severni meji svojega naravnega areala. Glavni namen raziskave je bil preučiti morfološko variabilnost njenih listov. V raziskavo je bilo vključenih sedem naravnih populacij črnike v Sloveniji. Morfometrijska analiza je pokazala veliko variabilnost listov in značilne razlike med populacijami, ki smo jih potrdili pri skoraj vseh preučevanih morfoloških znakih. Na podlagi ugotovljenih morfoloških razlik lahko slovenske populacije razdelimo v tri geografskomorfološke skupine: i) populacije na Goriškem (Sabotin, Sv. Gora in Lijak), ii) Nanos - Osp in iii) populaciji v dolini reke Dragonje. Morfološka variabilnost kot odsev genetske variabilnosti je posledica prilagoditve na lokalne okoljske razmere. Črnika v Sloveniji za zdaj ni ogrožena vrsta, vendar bi bilo pri morebitnih aktivnih varstvenih ukrepih za njeno ohranjanje smiselno čimbolj upoštevati ugotovljene tri geografsko-morfološke skupine.
Keywords: črnika, Quercus ilex, morfološka variabilnost, Slovenija, drevesni listi
Published in DiRROS: 12.09.2024; Views: 193; Downloads: 597
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Better data, better decisions : increasing the impact of biodiversity information
Matthew Ling, Luc Derochette, Marta Iturribarria, Martin Horlock, Zoltan Karacsonyi, Nataša Mori, Goizalde Atxutegi, Gotzon Bernaola, Gerard Bota, Lluís Brotons, Alessandro Cartuccia, Pilar Casanovas, Paul M. Dolman, Lorenzo Federiconi, Melanie Gillings, Núria Pou, Marta Rozas, Pau Sainz de la Maza, Annick Terneus, Davorin Tome, Dani Villero, Al Vrezec, Claudio Zabaglia, 2019, final research report

Abstract: Without understanding something it is impossible to effectively manage it. In terms of biodiversity and environmental conservation, data and information on species or habitat extent or range, populations, trends over time, and the pressures and threats to these are essential to such understanding and management. Decision makers are wholly reliant on accessing or being presented with this data and information, and using their knowledge and experience to make reasoned, rational, and objective choices. Whilst various gaps remain, great quantities of data and information are available, covering many facets of life and our environment. Yet many challenges and barriers exist that prevent the effective flow of this data from those that collect and manage it, to those that need to call upon it to inform decision-making processes. These can be as simple as a lack of communication or understanding of where to find or submit the data, to format issues whereby the necessary infrastructure isn’t in place or suitable to support the system, or more complex issues including data gaps, or scepticism in the data itself, leading to its lack of use. The importance of data is recognised in various global conventions and European processes (e.g. Convention on Biological Diversity’s Aichi Biodiversity Targets, and the EU Biodiversity Strategy), acknowledging its role in developing our understanding of, and ability to monitor, manage, and ultimately halt, biodiversity loss. Despite the multitude of data and information that exist, and the political and legislative measures in place, biodiversity continues to be threatened and is in various stages of decline. Many conservation and sustainability targets and goals are not on track to be achieved. The inefficient flow of data to inform decision-making processes contributes to this situation, by creating uncertainty about situations on the ground and the ability to track progress. The Interreg Europe project ‘From biodiversity data to decisions: enhancing natural value through improved regional development policies’ – BID-REX – aims to bridge the gap between biodiversity data and decision-making, linking the two to create improved regional development policies for the preservation of nature. By demonstrating how the use of available, evidence-based biodiversity data can guide, benefit, and improve decision-making processes, BID-REX also seeks to promote budget prioritisation for conservation efforts in funding allocations.
Published in DiRROS: 05.09.2024; Views: 107; Downloads: 102
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Identifying even- and uneven-aged forest stands using low-resolution nationwide lidar data
Anže Martin Pintar, Mitja Skudnik, 2024, original scientific article

Abstract: In uneven-aged forests, trees of different diameters, heights, and ages are located in a small area, which is due to the felling of individual trees or groups of trees, as well as small-scale natural disturbances. In this article, we present an objective method for classifying forest stands into even- and uneven-aged stands based on freely available low-resolution (with an average recording density of 5 points/m2) national lidar data. The canopy closure, dominant height, and canopy height diversity from the canopy height model and the voxels derived from lidar data were used to classify the forest stands. Both approaches for determining forest structural diversity (canopy height diversity—CHDCHM and CHDV) yielded similar results, namely two clusters of even- and uneven-aged stands, although the differences in vertical diversity between even- and uneven-aged stands were greater when using CHM. The first analysis, using CHM for the CHD assessment, estimated the uneven-aged forest area as 49.3%, whereas the second analysis using voxels estimated it as 34.3%. We concluded that in areas with low laser scanner density, CHM analysis is a more appropriate method for assessing forest stand height heterogeneity. The advantage of detecting uneven-aged structures with voxels is that we were able to detect shade-tolerant species of varying age classes beneath a dense canopy of mature, dominant trees. The CHDCHM values were estimated to be 1.83 and 1.86 for uneven-aged forests, whereas they were 1.57 and 1.58 for mature even-aged forests. The CHDV values were estimated as 1.50 and 1.62 for uneven-aged forests, while they were 1.33 and 1.48 for mature even-aged forests. The classification of stands based on lidar data was validated with data from measurements on permanent sample plots. Statistically significantly lower average values of the homogeneity index and higher values of the Shannon–Wiener index from field measurements confirm the success of the classification of stands based on lidar data as uneven-aged forests.
Keywords: uneven-aged forest, lidar data, canopy height model, voxels, canopy height diversity
Published in DiRROS: 13.08.2024; Views: 185; Downloads: 603
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Oxytetracycline hyper-production through targeted genome reduction of Streptomyces rimosus
Alen Pšeničnik, Lucija Slemc, Martina Avbelj, Miha Tome, Martin Šala, Paul R. Herron, Maksym Shmatkov, Marko Petek, Špela Baebler, Peter Mrak, Daslav Hranueli, Antonio Starcevic, Iain S. Hunter, Hrvoje Petković, 2024, original scientific article

Abstract: Most biosynthetic gene clusters (BGC) encoding the synthesis of important microbial secondary metabolites, such as antibiotics, are either silent or poorly expressed; therefore, to ensure a strong pipeline of novel antibiotics, there is a need to develop rapid and efficient strain development approaches. This study uses comparative genome analysis to instruct rational strain improvement, using Streptomyces rimosus, the producer of the important antibiotic oxytetracycline (OTC) as a model system. Sequencing of the genomes of two industrial strains M4018 and R6-500, developed independently from a common ancestor, identified large DNA rearrangements located at the chromosome end. We evaluated the effect of these genome deletions on the parental S. rimosus Type Strain (ATCC 10970) genome where introduction of a 145 kb deletion close to the OTC BGC in the Type Strain resulted in massive OTC overproduction, achieving titers that were equivalent to M4018 and R6-500. Transcriptome data supported the hypothesis that the reason for such an increase in OTC biosynthesis was due to enhanced transcription of the OTC BGC and not due to enhanced substrate supply. We also observed changes in the expression of other cryptic BGCs; some metabolites, undetectable in ATCC 10970, were now produced at high titers. This study demonstrated for the first time that the main force behind BGC overexpression is genome rearrangement. This new approach demonstrates great potential to activate cryptic gene clusters of yet unexplored natural products of medical and industrial value.
Keywords: genome reduction, antibiotic biosynthesis, oxytetracycline, cryptic metabolites
Published in DiRROS: 07.08.2024; Views: 196; Downloads: 180
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Programmed cell death occurs asymmetrically during abscission in tomato
Tal Bar-Dror, Marina Dermastia, Aleš Kladnik, Magda Tušek-Žnidarič, Maruša Pompe Novak, Shimon Meir, Shaul Burd, Sonia Philosoph-Hadas, Naomi Ori, Lilian Sonego, Martin B. Dickman, Amnon Lers, 2011, original scientific article

Abstract: Abscission occurs specifically in the abscission zone (AZ) tissue as a natural stage of plant development. Previously, we observed delay of tomato (Solanum lycopersicum) leaf abscission when the LX ribonuclease (LX) was inhibited. The known association between LX expression and programmed cell death (PCD) suggested involvement of PCD in abscission. In this study, hallmarks of PCD were identified in the tomato leaf and flower AZs during the late stage of abscission. These included loss of cell viability, altered nuclear morphology, DNA fragmentation, elevated levels of reactive oxygen species and enzymatic activities, and expression of PCD-associated genes. Overexpression of antiapoptotic proteins resulted in retarded abscission, indicating PCD requirement. PCD, LX, and nuclease gene expression were visualized primarily in the AZ distal tissue, demonstrating an asymmetry between the two AZ sides. Asymmetric expression was observed for genes associated with cell wall hydrolysis, leading to AZ, or associated with ethylene biosynthesis, which induces abscission. These results suggest that different abscission-related processes occur asymmetrically between the AZ proximal and distal sides. Taken together, our findings identify PCD as a key mechanism that occurs asymmetrically during normal progression of abscission and suggest an important role for LX in this PCD process.
Keywords: plant cell, cell death, abscission
Published in DiRROS: 05.08.2024; Views: 210; Downloads: 142
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Endothelial tip cells in ocular angiogenesis : potential target for anti-angiogenesis therapy
Martin J. Siemerink, Ingeborg Klaassen, Cornelis J. F. van Noorden, Reinier O. Schlingemann, 2013, original scientific article

Abstract: Endothelial tip cells are leading cells at the tips of vascular sprouts coordinating multiple processes during angiogenesis. In the developing retina, tip cells play a tightly controlled, timely role in angiogenesis. In contrast, excessive numbers of tip cells are a characteristic of the chaotic pathological blood vessels in proliferative retinopathies. Tip cells control adjacent endothelial cells in a hierarchical manner to form the stalk of the sprouting vessel, using, among others, the VEGF-DLL-Notch signaling pathway, and recruit pericytes. Tip cells are guided toward avascular areas by signals from the local extracellular matrix that are released by cells from the neuroretina such as astrocytes. Recently, tip cells were identified in endothelial cell cultures, enabling identification of novel molecular markers and mechanisms involved in tip cell biology. These mechanisms are relevant for understanding proliferative retinopathies. Agents that primarily target tip cells can block pathological angiogenesis in the retina efficiently and safely without adverse effects. A striking example is platelet-derived growth factor, which was recently shown to be an efficacious additional target in the treatment of retinal neovascularization. Here we discuss these and other tip cell-based strategies with respect to their potential to treat patients with ocular diseases dominated by neovascularization.
Keywords: angiogenesis, endothelial tip cell, proliferative retinopathy, anti-angiogenesis therapy, retinal neovascularization, vascular sprouts, endothelial stalk cell, molecular mediators of angiogenesis, pericytes
Published in DiRROS: 02.08.2024; Views: 221; Downloads: 135
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