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First report on the uppermost Permian ostracods from the Masore section (External Dinarides), Slovenia
Tea Kolar-Jurkovšek, Ewa Olempska, Bogdan Jurkovšek, 2024, original scientific article

Abstract: The ostracod assemblages from the Upper Permian and Permian-Triassic transitional strata of the Masore section in the External Dinarides (Slovenia) were studied. Altogether 13 genera and 20 species of the orders Palaeocopida, Platycopida and Podocopida are identified and illustrated. All recovered ostracods belong to shallow marine taxa. The older fauna from the uppermost Permian and the younger fauna from the Permian-Triassic boundary strata are distinguished. The obtained fauna from the Permian Bellerophon Formation corresponds to the “benthonic ostracod Eifelian Mega-assemblage” occupying the shelf sea floors. This study presents the first report of ostracod faunas from the uppermost Permian and Permian-Triassic boundary interval of Slovenia. The recovered ostracod fauna display a distinct faunal change and yield important paleobiogeographic implications as it reveals similarity with stratigraphical equivalent faunas from some other neighboring localities in the western Paleotethys, such as Bulla in Italy, Komirić in Serbia, and the Bükk Mountains in Hungary.
Keywords: microfauna, Changhsingian, Permian-Triassic boundary strata, Dinarides
Published in DiRROS: 10.06.2024; Views: 208; Downloads: 105
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Konjugat protitelo-zdravilo trastuzumab-derukstekan pri zdravljenju HER2-pozitivnega rak želodca
Lucija Bogdan, Tanja Mesti, 2024, published professional conference contribution

Keywords: internistična onkologija, rak želodca, kemoterapija
Published in DiRROS: 22.04.2024; Views: 481; Downloads: 125
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Harmonised statistics and maps of forest biomass and increment in Europe
Valerio Avitabile, Roberto Pilli, Mirco Migliavacca, Bogdan Grégory Henry E. Duveiller, Andrea Camia, Viorel Blujdea, Radim Adolt, Iciar Alberdi, Susana Barreiro, Susann Bender, Mitja Skudnik, 2024, original scientific article

Abstract: Forest biomass is an essential resource in relation to the green transition and its assessment is key for the sustainable management of forest resources. Here, we present a forest biomass dataset for Europe based on the best available inventory and satellite data, with a higher level of harmonisation and spatial resolution than other existing data. This database provides statistics and maps of the forest area, biomass stock and their share available for wood supply in the year 2020, and statistics on gross and net volume increment in 2010–2020, for 38 European countries. The statistics of most countries are available at a sub-national scale and are derived from National Forest Inventory data, harmonised using common reference definitions and estimation methodology, and updated to a common year using a modelling approach. For those counties without harmonised statistics, data were derived from the State of Europe’s Forest 2020 Report at the national scale. The maps are coherent with the statistics and depict the spatial distribution of the forest variables at 100 m resolution.
Keywords: harmonised statistics, harmonised maps, forest biomass, gorest increment, Europe
Published in DiRROS: 11.03.2024; Views: 408; Downloads: 210
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Combined therapy for oral cavity and oropharyngeal squamous cell carcinoma : depth of invasion as prognostic factor
Bogdan Čizmarevič, Boštjan Lanišnik, Vojislav Didanovič, Kristina Gornik-Kramberger, 2001, review article

Abstract: Background. The aim of the study was to emphasize the importance of surgical management of squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) in the head and neck to find the most important predictive factor for cervical lymph node metastasis and prognostic factor for survival. The use of multimodality therapy is being discussed as well. Patients and methods. From June 1st, 1992 to May 31st, 1998, 154 patients with oral cavity and oropharyngeal SCC were admitted to the Department of Otorhinolaryngology and Cervicofacial Surgery in the Teaching Hospital of Maribor. The criteria for inclusion into the study were met by 142 patients, but only 62/142 patients entered the multimodality protocol (surgery and postoperative radiotherapy). These 62/142 patients were treated surgically and 49 of them were postoperatively irradiated, while 13/62 declined postoperative radiotherapy. Surgical specimen was evaluated for positive or negative lymph nodes, tumor margins and the depth of invasion. Tumor cells were stained for Ki67 proliferative factor. Results. The depth of invasion was the most important predictive factor for the neck metastases in multivariate model including also the grade, pT and T. pN was found to be important in determining the overall survival using Cox regression model (p>0,05). A statistically important discrepancy between N and pN classification was found. In 23 cases N was overrated and in 3 cases underrated. The overall 5-year disease specific survival was 55%. Ki67 correlated with the grade of tumor differentiation. No statistically significant correlation was found with lymph node metastases. Conclusions. The depth of invasion is the most important determining the occurrence of the neck metastases whereas the N status determines the survival.
Published in DiRROS: 25.01.2024; Views: 359; Downloads: 88
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Epithermal neutron beam for BNCT at the JSI TRIGA reactor - modelling and experimental verification
Marko Maučec, Bogdan Glumac, Jože Rant, Edvard Krištof, 1999, original scientific article

Abstract: It has been reported that satisfactory thermal/epithermal neutron beams for Boron lVeutron Ćapturc, Therapy (BNCT) could be designed at TRIGA research reactors, which are generally perceived as being safe to install and operate in populated areas. This contribution presents the most recent research activities in this field at the Jožef Stefan Institute TRIGA reactor, where anepithermal neutron beam for BNCT is being developed. Experimental verification of Monte Carlo simulation results proves the quality and wide applicability of the developed 3-D model, particularly of the reactor core andirradiation channels. Due to high attenuation of the epithermal neutron flux (fi epi = 4.1x106 n/cmZs, two orders of magnitude belozu the therapeutic limit) the irradiation facility in the current stage of development is not appropriate for the clinical BNCT treatments. Furthermore, the contribution ofthe 2.5 mm airgap surrounding the facility is unacceptably high, thus makingthe relative gamma dose (Dy/fiepi) almost 60-times higher than therapeutically rcc- ommended. Nevertheless, using gamma shielding of Pb or Biand LiF or Li2C03 (thermal neutron cut-off, the quality of the epithermal neutron beam would be significantly upgraded and hecome appropriate fnr iii vitro studies of boron compound transport in malignant tumour cells or smallerlahoratory animals.
Published in DiRROS: 22.01.2024; Views: 299; Downloads: 53
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Microfossils from Middle Triassic beds near Mišji Dol, central Slovenia
Katja Oselj, Tea Kolar-Jurkovšek, Bogdan Jurkovšek, Luka Gale, 2023, original scientific article

Abstract: Middle Triassic beds exposed along the road between Mišji Dol and Poljane pri Primskovem (Posavje Hills) comprise marlstone, tuff, volcaniclastic sandstone, and thin- to medium-bedded limestone and dolostone. The succession was logged and sampled for conodonts. A relatively rich conodont assemblage was determined, consisting of Budurovignathus gabrielae Kozur, Budurovignathus sp., Cratognathodus kochi (Huckriede), Gladigondolella malayensis Nogami, Gladigondolella tethydis Huckriede, Gladigondolella sp., Neogondolella balkanica Budurov & Stefanov, Neogondolella cf. excentrica Budurov & Stefanov, Neogondolella constricta (Mosher & Clark), Neogondolella cornuta Budurov & Stefanov,Neogondolella sp., Paragondolella excelsa Mosher, Paragondolella liebermani (Kovacs & Kozur), Paragondolella trammeri (K o z u r), Paragondolella cf. alpina (Kozur & Mostler), and Paragondolella sp. The assemblage correlates with the upper Anisian and lowermost Ladinian assemblages from the Global Boundary Stratotype Section and Point (GSSP) of the Ladinian at Bagolino in the Southern Alps in northern Italy. Along with conodonts, numerous specimens of benthic foraminifera Nodobacularia? vujisici Urošević & Gaździcki were recovered from the lowermost part of the succession. Previous research on this taxon is critically evaluated.
Keywords: Dinarides, Sava Folds, Middle Triassic, upper Anisian, lower Ladinian, basin, volcaniclastics, conodonts, foraminifera
Published in DiRROS: 15.01.2024; Views: 441; Downloads: 132
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Fast preparation of thermoluminiscent LiF dosimeters for the use
Bogdan Umek, 1988, not set

Keywords: radioterapija, onkologija
Published in DiRROS: 15.09.2023; Views: 634; Downloads: 179
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Pseudofurnishius (Conodonta) from the Triassic Drežnica section, Bosnia and Herzegovina
Tea Kolar-Jurkovšek, Carlos Martínez Pérez, Hazim Hrvatović, Dunja Aljinović, Špela Goričan, Ferid Skopljak, Bogdan Jurkovšek, 2023, original scientific article

Abstract: Triassic strata in the Drežnica section, Bosnia and Herzegovina have been examined biostratigraphically. The limestone and dolostone strata were deposited in deep pelagic environment. The conodont faunas are marked by prevailing elements of the genus Pseudofurnishius including clusters that enabled to distinguish the huddlei (lower Longobardian) and murcianus (upper Longobardian–?Cordevolian) Zones, the later fauna is characterized by the presence of Budurovignathus with rare representation of Gladigondolella and Paragondolella. This is the first report on recovery of Pseudofurnishius in the region.
Keywords: Ladinian–?Carnian, conodonts, Pseudofurnishius, Budurovignathus, paleogeography, Dinarides
Published in DiRROS: 06.09.2023; Views: 648; Downloads: 292
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