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Analysis of subcellular energy metabolism in five Lacertidae lizards across varied environmental conditions
Anamarija Žagar, Urban Dajčman, Rodrigo Megía-Palma, Tatjana Simčič, Frederico Barroso, Senka Baškiera, Miguel A. Carretero, 2024, izvirni znanstveni članek

Povzetek: Aerobic respiration is the main energy source for most eukaryotes, and efficient mitochondrial energy transfer greatly influences organismal fitness. To survive environmental changes, cells have evolved to adjust their biochemistry. Thus, measuring energy metabolism at the subcellular level can enhance our understanding of individual performance, population dynamics, and species distribution ranges. We investigated three important metabolic traits at the subcellular level in five lacertid lizard species sampled from different elevations, from sea level up to 2000 m. We examined hemoglobin concentration, two markers of oxidative stress (catalase activity and carbonyl concentration) and maximum rate of metabolic respiration at the subcellular level (potential metabolic activity at the electron transport system). The traits were analysed in laboratory acclimated adult male lizards to investigate the adaptive metabolic responses to the variable environmental conditions at the local sampling sites. Potential metabolic activity at the cellular level was measured at four temperatures – 28 °C, 30 °C, 32 °C and 34 °C – covering the range of preferred body temperatures of the species studied. Hemoglobin content, carbonyl concentration and potential metabolic activity did not differ significantly among species. Interspecific differences were found in the catalase activity, Potential metabolic activity increased with temperature in parallel in all five species. The highest response of the metabolic rate with temperature (Q10) and Arrhenius activation energy (Ea) was recorded in the high-mountain species Iberolacerta monticola.
Ključne besede: physiology, lacertids, aerobic respiration, interspecific variability, hemoglobin, zoology
Objavljeno v DiRROS: 03.09.2024; Ogledov: 115; Prenosov: 891
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List of criteria the reference materials have to meet for use in validation studies : grant agreement N. 773139, DELIVERABLE N° 3.1 – V2
Anne-Marie Chappé, A Chabirand, P. Dahlin, C. de Krom, Tanja Dreo, Pascal Gentit, L Laurenson, F. Peter, D. Spadaro, René van der Vlugt, E. van Veen, Marcel Westenberg, 2019, elaborat, predštudija, študija

Povzetek: A list of general minimum criteria was developed to be used in preparation of reference materials to be used in interlaboratory testing, including validations through test performance studies. The list was based on previously identified criteria in standards including ISO standards, EPPO guidelines, deliverables of relevant projects, related fields, and own experience of project partners. Several additional criteria were proposed: ‘availability’, ‘purity’ and ‘commutability’. These criteria result from a series of discussions, taking into account previous work and relevant international standards. Where relevant, each criterion was first defined as a series of levels from the highest to lowest ranking with the lowest ranking considered to be the minimum. Depending on the intended use, the reference material may need to fulfil higher levels of selected criteria or some criteria may not be relevant at all. The criteria were tested by the organizers of the TPS in round 1 of validation within VALITEST project which include bacteria, viruses, nematodes and fungi. The systematic and structured approach of describing RMs was found to be useful in promoting transparent descriptions of the RMs used and comparability of TPSs, as well as a step toward implementing FAIR data principles. The criteria defined here are applicable, potentially with minor modification, beyond the scope of this deliverable and project to other pests and other uses of RMs
Ključne besede: pests, tests
Objavljeno v DiRROS: 03.09.2024; Ogledov: 113; Prenosov: 863
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Development of draft Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) available for the production of the reference materials identified in task 3.1 : grant agreement N. 773139
Anne-Marie Chappé, A Chabirand, P. Dahlin, C. de Krom, Tanja Dreo, Pascal Gentit, L Laurenson, F. Peter, D. Spadaro, A.D. van Diepeningen, René van der Vlugt, E. van Veen, Marcel Westenberg, 2019, elaborat, predštudija, študija

Povzetek: A general standard operating procedure (SOP) for the production of reference material (RM) for use in plant health diagnostics was developed. The general SOP was designed based on (limited) information on existing SOPs and guidelines available with the consortium partners. The general SOP describes the different steps required in the production process, ranging from the different possible sources of the reference material, tests to confirm its identity, possibly required multiplication steps to the actual production process. For each step in the process, criteria and critical points are identified. The criteria that reference material has to meet, and their minimum required levels as identified and described in Deliverable 3.1 of WP3 form an import basis of the final production process.
Ključne besede: plant health diagnostics
Objavljeno v DiRROS: 03.09.2024; Ogledov: 115; Prenosov: 50
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TPS reports with description of the method, materials and software used, as well as the data analysis - Round 2, Version 1.0 : grant agreement N. 773139
Géraldine Anthoine, Ian Brittain, Aude Chabirand, Tanja Dreo, Francesco Faggioli, Catherine Harrison, Marta Luigi, Tadeja Lukežič, Slavica Matić, Nataša Mehle, Monica Mezzalama, Hanna Mouaziz, Maja Ravnikar, Jean-Philippe Renvoise, Davide Spadaro, Laura Tomassoli, Ana Vučurović, 2021, elaborat, predštudija, študija

Povzetek: The aim of the deliverable 1.4. is to present a summary of the results obtained in the Round 1 of the test performance studies (TPS) organized by WP1 on six prioritized pests. Tests selection for each TPS was conducted following the “Common rules for selection of tests for TPS” and based on the “Weighted criteria for selection of tests for TPS”, both described in deliverable D1.1, while the list of selected tests for each TPS is available and explained in deliverable D1.2. TPS participants were selected following the “Common rules for selection of participants for TPS” and based on the “Criteria for selection of participants of TPS”, also both described in deliverable D1.1. For each of the six TPSs, the methodology used to perform the tests, the results of preliminary studies to select the tests, the results of the TPS and their thorough analysis and interpretation are described in corresponding TPS reports (supplementary information available upon request under confidentiality agreement). The validation data obtained during the six TPSs will be available in the validation section of the EPPO database on the diagnostic expertise. Main outcomes for each of the TPSs are highlighted as well as difficulties noticed during the organization process, which will improve organization of the following studies in the Round 2.
Ključne besede: test performance study, plant diseases
Objavljeno v DiRROS: 03.09.2024; Ogledov: 147; Prenosov: 68
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Metrological evaluation of DNA extraction method effects on the bacterial microbiome and resistome in sputum
Aleksander Benčič, Nataša Toplak, Simon Koren, Alexandra Bogožalec Košir, Mojca Milavec, Viktorija Tomič, Dane Lužnik, Tanja Dreo, 2024, izvirni znanstveni članek

Povzetek: Targeted high-throughput sequencing (HTS) has revolutionized the way we look at bacterial communities. It can be used for the species-specific detection of bacteria as well as for the determination of the microbiome and resistome and can be applied to samples from almost any environment. However, the results of targeted HTS can be influenced by many factors, which poses a major challenge for its use in clinical diagnostics. In this study, we investigated the impact of the DNA extraction method on the determination of the bacterial microbiome and resistome by targeted HTS using principles from metrology and diagnostics such as repeatability and analytical sensitivity. Sputum samples spiked with Acinetobacter baumannii, Klebsiella pneumoniae, and Pseudomonas aeruginosa at three different concentrations (103–106 cells/mL) were used. DNA was extracted from each sample on 2 separate days in three replicates each using three different extraction methods based on cetrimonium bromide, magnetic beads, and silica membranes. All three spiked bacteria were detected in sputum, and the DNA extraction method had no significant effect on detection. However, the DNA extraction method had significant effects on the composition of the microbiome and the resistome. The sequencing results were repeatable in the majority of cases. The silica membrane-based DNA extraction kit provided the most repeatable results and the highest diversity of the microbiome and resistome. Targeted HTS has been shown to be a reliable tool for determining the microbiome and resistome; however, the method of DNA extraction should be carefully selected to minimize its impact on the results.
Ključne besede: targeted high-throughput sequencing, bacterial microbiome, resistome, bacteria detection, DNA extraction, metrology, diagnostics, repeatability
Objavljeno v DiRROS: 30.08.2024; Ogledov: 135; Prenosov: 87
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Retrospective survey of Dickeya fangzhongdai using a novel validated real-time PCR assay
Špela Alič, Katarina Bačnik, Tanja Dreo, 2024, izvirni znanstveni članek

Povzetek: Dickeya fangzhongdai, an aggressive plant pathogen, causes symptoms on a variety of crops and ornamental plants including bleeding canker of Asian pear trees. Historical findings stress the need for a specific detection tool for D. fangzhongdai to prevent overlooking the pathogen or assigning it to general Dickeya spp. Therefore, a qualitative real-time PCR for specific detection of D. fangzhongdai has been developed and validated. The developed assay shows selectivity of 100%, diagnostic sensitivity of 76% and limit of detection with 95% confidence interval in plant matrices ranging from 311 to 2,275 cells/mL of plant extracts. The assay was successfully used in a retrospective survey of selected host plants of relevance to Europe and environmental niches relevant to D. fangzhongdai. Samples of potato tubers and plants, plants from the Malinae subtribe (apple, pear, quince, and Asian pear tree) and fresh surface water from Slovenia were analyzed. D. fangzhongdai was not detected in any plant samples, however, 12% of surface water samples were found to be positive.
Ključne besede: molecular testing, diagnostics, plant pathogen, real-time PCR, Dickeya, survey, water
Objavljeno v DiRROS: 07.08.2024; Ogledov: 209; Prenosov: 151
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Draft genome sequences of Dickeya sp. isolates B16 (NIB Z 2098) and S1 (NIB Z 2099) causing soft rot of Phalaenopsis orchids
Špela Alič, Tina Mikuletič, Pablo Llop, Nataša Toplak, Simon Koren, Maja Ravnikar, Tanja Dreo, 2015, drugi znanstveni članki

Povzetek: The genus Dickeya contains bacteria causing soft rot of economically important crops and ornamental plants. Here, we report the draft genome sequences of two Dickeya sp. isolates from rotted leaves of Phalaenopsis orchids.
Ključne besede: bacteria, plant diseases
Objavljeno v DiRROS: 07.08.2024; Ogledov: 231; Prenosov: 91
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Response of hyporheic biofilms to temperature changes and dissolved organic carbon enrichment: a mesocosm study : a mesocosm study
Tatjana Simčič, Monika Poklukar, Nataša Mori, 2023, izvirni znanstveni članek

Povzetek: Purpose Hyporheic biofilms are the central site for biogeochemical cycling in streams and rivers. In view of global warming and increasing human pressures, this study aimed to compare the response of hyporheic biofilm biomass and activities from an unpolluted reference stream reach surrounded by forest with those from a stream reach exposed to agricultural and urban land use using a mesocosm experiment in which the water temperature and dissolved organic carbon (DOC) contents were manipulated. Methods Hyporheic sediments collected in the field from the two study reaches (i.e. reference and impacted) were incubated in the laboratory at two different temperatures (10 °C, 14 °C) and wetted with three types of synthetic water (control [C] – 0 mg L−1; low DOC – 5 mg L−1; high DOC – 30 mg L−1) for four weeks. The responses of the hyporheic biofilms were measured weekly using structural (total protein content [TPC] as a proxy for biofilm biomass) and functional measures (electron transport system activity [ETSA] and community-level physiological profiling [CLPP]). Results The response of hyporheic biofilms to temperature changes and DOC enrichment was site-specific for all studied measures (TPC, ETSA and CLPP, including measured average well colour development [AWCD]). The addition of DOC to biofilms from the pristine stream reach significantly heightened the responses at 10 °C, a temperature within the normal environmental temperature ranges of the reference location, but not at 14 °C, which was here, a temperature outside normal environmental range. On the other hand, biofilms from the impacted stream reach exhibited increased responses following DOC enrichment under both temperature regimes, with a particularly pronounced response at 14 ºC, in this case, both experimental temperatures were within the normal environmental temperature ranges of the study locations. Conclusion Hyporheic biofilms were shown to be, like benthic biofilms, sensitive to temperature changes and organic enrichment, but their response to temperature changes and enrichment caused by climate change and/or other anthropogenic pressures (i.e. point and non-point pollution, removal of the riparian zone, hydromorphological modifications, etc.) was not simply linear but site-specific. The intensity of the response, characterized by increased activity and biomass production, appears to be constrained within the temperature ranges prevalent in the environment from which the biofilms originate. These findings emphasize the importance of site-specific considerations in predicting the impacts of climate change and anthropogenic pressures on these critical components of river and stream ecosystems.
Ključne besede: sediments, respiration, enzymes, functional indicators, interactions
Objavljeno v DiRROS: 05.08.2024; Ogledov: 218; Prenosov: 211
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Reverse transcriptase droplet digital PCR shows high resilience to PCR inhibitors from plant, soil and water samples
Nejc Rački, Tanja Dreo, Ion Gutiérrez-Aguirre, Andrej Blejec, Maja Ravnikar, 2014, izvirni znanstveni članek

Povzetek: Background Detection and quantification of plant pathogens in the presence of inhibitory substances can be a challenge especially with plant and environmental samples. Real-time quantitative PCR has enabled high-throughput detection and quantification of pathogens; however, its quantitative use is linked to standardized reference materials, and its sensitivity to inhibitors can lead to lower quantification accuracy. Droplet digital PCR has been proposed as a method to overcome these drawbacks. Its absolute quantification does not rely on standards and its tolerance to inhibitors has been demonstrated mostly in clinical samples. Such features would be of great use in agricultural and environmental fields, therefore our study compared the performance of droplet digital PCR method when challenged with inhibitors common to plant and environmental samples and compared it with quantitative PCR. Results Transfer of an existing Pepper mild mottle virus assay from reverse transcription real-time quantitative PCR to reverse transcription droplet digital PCR was straight forward. When challenged with complex matrices (seeds, plants, soil, wastewater) and selected purified inhibitors droplet digital PCR showed higher resilience to inhibition for the quantification of an RNA virus (Pepper mild mottle virus), compared to reverse transcription real-time quantitative PCR. Conclusions This study confirms the improved detection and quantification of the PMMoV RT-ddPCR in the presence of inhibitors that are commonly found in samples of seeds, plant material, soil, and wastewater. Together with absolute quantification, independent of standard reference materials, this makes droplet digital PCR a valuable tool for detection and quantification of pathogens in inhibition prone samples.
Ključne besede: PCR amplification, inhibition, qPCR, droplet digital PCR, environmental samples
Objavljeno v DiRROS: 02.08.2024; Ogledov: 210; Prenosov: 120
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Loop-mediated isothermal amplification of specific endoglucanase gene sequence for detection of the bacterial wilt pathogen Ralstonia solanacearum
Rok Lenarčič, Dany Morisset, Manca Pirc, Pablo Llop, Maja Ravnikar, Tanja Dreo, 2014, izvirni znanstveni članek

Povzetek: The increased globalization of crops production and processing industries also promotes the side-effects of more rapid and efficient spread of plant pathogens. To prevent the associated economic losses, and particularly those related to bacterial diseases where their management relies on removal of the infected material from production, simple, easy-to-perform, rapid and cost-effective tests are needed. Loop-mediated isothermal amplification (LAMP) assays that target 16S rRNA, fliC and egl genes were compared and evaluated as on-site applications. The assay with the best performance was that targeted to the egl gene, which shows high analytical specificity for diverse strains of the betaproteobacterium Ralstonia solanacearum, including its non-European and non-race 3 biovar 2 strains. The additional melting curve analysis provides confirmation of the test results. According to our extensive assessment, the egl LAMP assay requires minimum sample preparation (a few minutes of boiling) for the identification of pure cultures and ooze from symptomatic material, and it can also be used in a high-throughput format in the laboratory. This provides sensitive and reliable detection of R. solanacearum strains of different phylotypes.
Ključne besede: plant pathogens, bacterial diseases
Objavljeno v DiRROS: 02.08.2024; Ogledov: 236; Prenosov: 97
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