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Cannabinoids and triple-negative breast cancer treatment
Luka Dobovišek, Simona Borštnar, Nataša Debeljak, Simona Kranjc Brezar, 2024, review article

Abstract: Triple-negative breast cancer (TNBC) accounts for about 10-20% of all breast cancer cases and is associated with an unfavorable prognosis. Until recently, treatment options for TNBC were limited to chemotherapy. A new successful systemic treatment is immunotherapy with immune checkpoint inhibitors, but new tumor-specific biomarkers are needed to improve patient outcomes. Cannabinoids show antitumor activity in most preclinical studies in TNBC models and do not appear to have adverse effects on chemotherapy. Clinical data are needed to evaluate efficacy and safety in humans. Importantly, the endocannabinoid system is linked to the immune system and immunosuppression. Therefore, cannabinoid receptors could be a potential biomarker for immune checkpoint inhibitor therapy or a novel mechanism to reverse resistance to immunotherapy. In this article, we provide an overview of the currently available information on how cannabinoids may influence standard therapy in TNBC.
Keywords: triple-negative breast cancer, breast cancer, cancer treatment, cannabinoids
Published in DiRROS: 18.09.2024; Views: 11; Downloads: 6
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Zero-shot evaluation of ChatGPT for food named-entity recognition and linking
Matevž Ogrinc, Barbara Koroušić-Seljak, Tome Eftimov, 2024, original scientific article

Abstract: Introduction: Recognizing and extracting key information from textual data plays an important role in intelligent systems by maintaining up-to-date knowledge, reinforcing informed decision-making, question-answering, and more. It is especially apparent in the food domain, where critical information guides the decisions of nutritionists and clinicians. The information extraction process involves two natural language processing tasks named entity recognition—NER and named entity linking—NEL. With the emergence of large language models (LLMs), especially ChatGPT, many areas began incorporating its knowledge to reduce workloads or simplify tasks. In the field of food, however, we noticed an opportunity to involve ChatGPT in NER and NEL. Methods: To assess ChatGPT's capabilities, we have evaluated its two versions, ChatGPT-3.5 and ChatGPT-4, focusing on their performance across both NER and NEL tasks, emphasizing food-related data. To benchmark our results in the food domain, we also investigated its capabilities in a more broadly investigated biomedical domain. By evaluating its zero-shot capabilities, we were able to ascertain the strengths and weaknesses of the two versions of ChatGPT. Results: Despite being able to show promising results in NER compared to other models. When tasked with linking entities to their identifiers from semantic models ChatGPT's effectiveness falls drastically. Discussion: While the integration of ChatGPT holds potential across various fields, it is crucial to approach its use with caution, particularly in relying on its responses for critical decisions in food and bio-medicine.
Keywords: ChatGPT, food data, named-entity recognition, named-entity linking
Published in DiRROS: 16.09.2024; Views: 34; Downloads: 18
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Unutarnja okolina renoviranih ureda opremljenih stropnim isijavajućim pločama
Sabina Jordan, Jože Hafner, Tilmann E. Kuhn, Andraž Legat, Martina Zbašnik-Senegačnik, 2016, original scientific article

Abstract: U radu se ocjenjuje unutarnja okolina renoviranih ureda koji su, kao pokusni primjer,opremljeni naprednim stropnim isijavajućim pločama koje se primjenjuju za grijanje i hlađenje. Obavljene su opsežne analize na bazi raznih nizova stvarnih mjerenja kako bi se ocijenila djelotvornost i prikladnost predložene koncepcije za adaptiranje prostora. Ustanovljeno je da čitav sustav za temperiranje uredskih prostora funkcionira na prikladan način, te da raspon unutarnjih temperatura zraka omogućava postizanje najviše razine udobnosti.
Published in DiRROS: 16.09.2024; Views: 29; Downloads: 22
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Generalization ability of feature-based performance prediction models : a statistical analysis across benchmarks
Ana Nikolikj, Ana Kostovska, Gjorgjina Cenikj, Carola Doerr, Tome Eftimov, 2024, published scientific conference contribution

Abstract: This study examines the generalization ability of algorithm performance prediction models across various bench-mark suites. Comparing the statistical similarity between the problem collections with the accuracy of performance prediction models that are based on exploratory landscape analysis features, we observe that there is a positive correlation between these two measures. Specifically, when the high-dimensional feature value distributions between training and testing suites lack statistical significance, the model tends to generalize well, in the sense that the testing errors are in the same range as the training errors. Two experiments validate these findings: one involving the standard benchmark suites, the BBOB and CEC collections, and another using five collections of affine combinations of BBOB problem instances.
Keywords: meta-learning, single-objective optimization, module importance
Published in DiRROS: 16.09.2024; Views: 43; Downloads: 25
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Quantifying individual and joint module impact in modular optimization frameworks
Ana Nikolikj, Ana Kostovska, Diederick Vermetten, Carola Doerr, Tome Eftimov, 2024, published scientific conference contribution

Keywords: meta-learning, single-objective optimization, module importance
Published in DiRROS: 16.09.2024; Views: 39; Downloads: 25
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An evolutionary approach to pessimistic bilevel optimization problems
Margarita Antoniou, Ankur Sinha, Gregor Papa, 2023, published scientific conference contribution abstract

Keywords: bilevel optimization, evolutionary algorithms, pessimistic approach
Published in DiRROS: 16.09.2024; Views: 38; Downloads: 293
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▫$\delta$▫-perturbation of bilevel optimization problems : an error bound analysis
Margarita Antoniou, Ankur Sinha, Gregor Papa, 2024, original scientific article

Keywords: bilevel optimization, evolutionary algorithms, pessimistic approach
Published in DiRROS: 16.09.2024; Views: 42; Downloads: 654
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Metabolic rates of groundwater species as a function of body mass and temperature
Tiziana Di Lorenzo, Nataša Mori, Tatjana Simčič, 2024, review article

Abstract: Research on the metabolic physiology of groundwater species, particularly regarding oxygen consumption rates (OCR), has made significant advancement, revealing valuable insights into the adaptations of exclusively groundwater-dwelling (stygobitic) species. However, a comprehensive understanding of how these metabolic rates scale with body mass and respond to temperature changes remains elusive. This study aims to bridge this gap by reviewing published data on OCR across a variety of groundwater organisms to elucidate patterns of metabolic rates in relation to body size and temperature. We employed a combination of literature review and quantitative analyses, focusing on the allometric scaling of OCR with body weight and the effect of temperature on metabolic rates. Our findings indicate that OCR scales with body weight in an allometric pattern, with an inter-species slope of 0.80, suggesting non-isometric scaling. Furthermore, our analysis showed that stygobitic species’ metabolic rates are less responsive to warming than those of non-stygobitic species at low to moderate temperatures. However, at higher temperatures, metabolic rates in stygobitic species decline faster than in non-stygobitic taxa, highlighting a potential vulnerability to global climate change. This study contributes to our understanding of the metabolic strategies of groundwater species, underscoring the need for further research to fully grasp the eco-evolutionary implications of these findings for groundwater conservation.
Keywords: allometry, Arrhenius equation, ectotherms, metabolism, oxygen consumption rate, respiration, stygobiont
Published in DiRROS: 13.09.2024; Views: 84; Downloads: 66
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Morfološka variabilnost črnike (Quercus ilex L.) v Sloveniji
Martin Jež, Robert Brus, Kristjan Jarni, 2024, original scientific article

Abstract: V članku je predstavljena črnika (Quercus ilex L.), ena glavnih drevesnih vrst evmediteranske flore na območju Slovenije, kjer raste na razpršenih nahajališčih na severni meji svojega naravnega areala. Glavni namen raziskave je bil preučiti morfološko variabilnost njenih listov. V raziskavo je bilo vključenih sedem naravnih populacij črnike v Sloveniji. Morfometrijska analiza je pokazala veliko variabilnost listov in značilne razlike med populacijami, ki smo jih potrdili pri skoraj vseh preučevanih morfoloških znakih. Na podlagi ugotovljenih morfoloških razlik lahko slovenske populacije razdelimo v tri geografskomorfološke skupine: i) populacije na Goriškem (Sabotin, Sv. Gora in Lijak), ii) Nanos - Osp in iii) populaciji v dolini reke Dragonje. Morfološka variabilnost kot odsev genetske variabilnosti je posledica prilagoditve na lokalne okoljske razmere. Črnika v Sloveniji za zdaj ni ogrožena vrsta, vendar bi bilo pri morebitnih aktivnih varstvenih ukrepih za njeno ohranjanje smiselno čimbolj upoštevati ugotovljene tri geografsko-morfološke skupine.
Keywords: črnika, Quercus ilex, morfološka variabilnost, Slovenija, drevesni listi
Published in DiRROS: 12.09.2024; Views: 170; Downloads: 586
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