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Iskalni niz: "ključne besede" (Dinarides) .

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Response of beech and fir in the Carpathians and Dinarides
Eva Dařenová, Pia Caroline Adamič, Matjaž Čater, 2024, objavljeni povzetek znanstvenega prispevka na konferenci

Ključne besede: silver fir, beech, light response, Carpathians, Dinarides, soil water content, forest
Objavljeno v DiRROS: 02.09.2024; Ogledov: 137; Prenosov: 46
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Tectonics and gravitational phenomena, part two : the Trnovski gozd-Banjšice-Šentviška Gora degraded plain
Ladislav Placer, Tomislav Popit, Igor Rižnar, 2024, izvirni znanstveni članek

Povzetek: The article describes the recent conditions at the Paleogene thrust contact between the External Dinaric Thrust Belt composed of carbonate rocks and the External Dinaric Imbricate Belt composed of flysch rocks, geographically, between the Trnovski gozd (Trnovski gozd plateau) and the Vipava Valley at the northwestern end of the Dinarides. Fossil and recent gravity-related phenomena that indicate the uplift of the southwestern edge of the External Dinaric Thrust Belt and the larger complex in the hinterland are found there. However, these phenomena are not related to the reactivated Paleogene thrust tectonics, but to the Neogene-recent underthrusting as a consequence of the Microadria (Adriatic Microplate) movement towards the Dinarides. Only arguments for these processes are presented in this article.
Ključne besede: External Dinarides NW, geomorphology, gravitational phenomena, karst plains, degraded karst plains, Idrija fault
Objavljeno v DiRROS: 09.07.2024; Ogledov: 211; Prenosov: 116
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Signs of crustal extension in Lower Jurassic carbonates from central Slovenia
Luka Gale, Boštjan Rožič, 2024, izvirni znanstveni članek

Povzetek: The Lower Jurassic Podbukovje Formation represents a succession of shallow marine carbonate rocks deposited on the former Southern Tethyan Megaplatform and one of its successors, the Adriatic Carbonate Platform. Several outcrops of the Podbukovje Formation from central Slovenia (southern margin of the Ljubljana Moor) are presented, bearing possible evidence of Early Jurassic extensional tectonics. Peritidal facies of the lowermost, Hettangian – Sinemurian, part of the Podbukovje Formation locally interfingers with bodies of matrix supported pervasively dolomitized polymictic breccia, several metres to tens of metres thick and is locally cut by neptunian dykes some few decimetres to metres wide. The same or slightly younger part of the formation locally contains grabens/half-grabens metres to tens of metres deep and filled with poorly sorted pervasively dolomitized matrix supported polymictic breccia. Small miliolid foraminifera are present within the clasts and in the matrix. Finally, partly dolomitized blocky breccia tens of metres thick locally overlies the Pliensbachian – lowermost Toarcian limestone with lithiotid bivalves. Besides completely and partly dolomitized clasts, the breccia contains a variety of limestone clasts and preserves common radial ooids and some bioclasts within the partially dolomitized matrix. The Hettangian-Sinemurian breccias and dykes are presumably related to the early, diffused rifting stage of the Penninic (Alpine Tethys) Ocean, whereas Toarcian breccias relate to the main, focused rifting stage. Together with evolving biota and changing paleo-oceanographic conditions, the extensional tectonics may have been an important factor behind the facies changes observed within the Podbukovje Formation
Ključne besede: carbonate platform, External Dinarides, Early Jurassic, Podbukovje Formation, neptunian dyke, breccia
Objavljeno v DiRROS: 09.07.2024; Ogledov: 189; Prenosov: 99
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First report on the uppermost Permian ostracods from the Masore section (External Dinarides), Slovenia
Tea Kolar-Jurkovšek, Ewa Olempska, Bogdan Jurkovšek, 2024, izvirni znanstveni članek

Povzetek: The ostracod assemblages from the Upper Permian and Permian-Triassic transitional strata of the Masore section in the External Dinarides (Slovenia) were studied. Altogether 13 genera and 20 species of the orders Palaeocopida, Platycopida and Podocopida are identified and illustrated. All recovered ostracods belong to shallow marine taxa. The older fauna from the uppermost Permian and the younger fauna from the Permian-Triassic boundary strata are distinguished. The obtained fauna from the Permian Bellerophon Formation corresponds to the “benthonic ostracod Eifelian Mega-assemblage” occupying the shelf sea floors. This study presents the first report of ostracod faunas from the uppermost Permian and Permian-Triassic boundary interval of Slovenia. The recovered ostracod fauna display a distinct faunal change and yield important paleobiogeographic implications as it reveals similarity with stratigraphical equivalent faunas from some other neighboring localities in the western Paleotethys, such as Bulla in Italy, Komirić in Serbia, and the Bükk Mountains in Hungary.
Ključne besede: microfauna, Changhsingian, Permian-Triassic boundary strata, Dinarides
Objavljeno v DiRROS: 10.06.2024; Ogledov: 210; Prenosov: 105
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Microfossils from Middle Triassic beds near Mišji Dol, central Slovenia
Katja Oselj, Tea Kolar-Jurkovšek, Bogdan Jurkovšek, Luka Gale, 2023, izvirni znanstveni članek

Povzetek: Middle Triassic beds exposed along the road between Mišji Dol and Poljane pri Primskovem (Posavje Hills) comprise marlstone, tuff, volcaniclastic sandstone, and thin- to medium-bedded limestone and dolostone. The succession was logged and sampled for conodonts. A relatively rich conodont assemblage was determined, consisting of Budurovignathus gabrielae Kozur, Budurovignathus sp., Cratognathodus kochi (Huckriede), Gladigondolella malayensis Nogami, Gladigondolella tethydis Huckriede, Gladigondolella sp., Neogondolella balkanica Budurov & Stefanov, Neogondolella cf. excentrica Budurov & Stefanov, Neogondolella constricta (Mosher & Clark), Neogondolella cornuta Budurov & Stefanov,Neogondolella sp., Paragondolella excelsa Mosher, Paragondolella liebermani (Kovacs & Kozur), Paragondolella trammeri (K o z u r), Paragondolella cf. alpina (Kozur & Mostler), and Paragondolella sp. The assemblage correlates with the upper Anisian and lowermost Ladinian assemblages from the Global Boundary Stratotype Section and Point (GSSP) of the Ladinian at Bagolino in the Southern Alps in northern Italy. Along with conodonts, numerous specimens of benthic foraminifera Nodobacularia? vujisici Urošević & Gaździcki were recovered from the lowermost part of the succession. Previous research on this taxon is critically evaluated.
Ključne besede: Dinarides, Sava Folds, Middle Triassic, upper Anisian, lower Ladinian, basin, volcaniclastics, conodonts, foraminifera
Objavljeno v DiRROS: 15.01.2024; Ogledov: 442; Prenosov: 132
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Pseudofurnishius (Conodonta) from the Triassic Drežnica section, Bosnia and Herzegovina
Tea Kolar-Jurkovšek, Carlos Martínez Pérez, Hazim Hrvatović, Dunja Aljinović, Špela Goričan, Ferid Skopljak, Bogdan Jurkovšek, 2023, izvirni znanstveni članek

Povzetek: Triassic strata in the Drežnica section, Bosnia and Herzegovina have been examined biostratigraphically. The limestone and dolostone strata were deposited in deep pelagic environment. The conodont faunas are marked by prevailing elements of the genus Pseudofurnishius including clusters that enabled to distinguish the huddlei (lower Longobardian) and murcianus (upper Longobardian–?Cordevolian) Zones, the later fauna is characterized by the presence of Budurovignathus with rare representation of Gladigondolella and Paragondolella. This is the first report on recovery of Pseudofurnishius in the region.
Ključne besede: Ladinian–?Carnian, conodonts, Pseudofurnishius, Budurovignathus, paleogeography, Dinarides
Objavljeno v DiRROS: 06.09.2023; Ogledov: 649; Prenosov: 292
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Neogene block rotation inside the dextral fault zone at the Adriatic-European collision zone: reexamination of existing results
Lea Žibret, Gorazd Žibret, 2023, izvirni znanstveni članek

Povzetek: The study focused on the post-Middle-Miocene stress analysis within the dextral strike-slip zone of the Dinaric fault system in the collision zone between the European plate, the Adria microplate and the Pannonian Domain. Block rotations were studied by re-examination of available paleostress data and their spatial distribution. The results are in agreement with the existing block model of the area, indicating CCW rotations within blocks between the main strike-slip faults in which rotation angle increases from W to E. The improved kinematic model, which is proposed in this study, will contribute to the knowledge on the kinematics within the complex collision zones and improve the seismic hazard models.
Ključne besede: collision zone, NW External Dinarides, Southern Alps, paleostress tensor, strike-slip zone, block rotation
Objavljeno v DiRROS: 06.07.2023; Ogledov: 602; Prenosov: 236
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Seismic activity in the Celje Basin (Slovenia) in Roman times—archaeoseismological evidence from Celeia
Miklós Kázmér, Petra Jamšek Rupnik, Krzysztof Gaidzik, 2023, izvirni znanstveni članek

Povzetek: Searching for unknown earthquakes in Slovenia in the first millennium, we performed archaeoseismological analysis of Roman settlements. The Mesto pod mestom museum in Celje exhibits a paved Roman road, which suffered severe deformation. Built on fine gravel and sand from the Savinja River, the road displays a bulge and trench, pop-up structures, and pavement slabs tilted up to 40°. The city wall was built over the deformed road in Late Roman times, supported by a foundation containing recycled material (spolia) from public buildings, including an emperor’s statue. We hypothesize that a severe earthquake hit the town before 350 AD, causing widespread destruction. Seismic-induced liquefaction caused differential subsidence, deforming the road. One of the nearby faults from the strike-slip Periadriatic fault system was the seismic source of this event.
Ključne besede: paleoseismology, Periadriatic fault system, active tectonics, Southern Alps, Pannonian Basin, Dinarides
Objavljeno v DiRROS: 14.02.2023; Ogledov: 744; Prenosov: 240
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An early glacial maximum during the last glacial cycle on the northern Velebit Mt. (Croatia)
Manja Žebre, Mehmet Akif Sarikaya, Uroš Stepišnik, Renato R. Colucci, Cengiz Yildirim, Attila Çiner, Adem Candaş, Igor Vlahović, Bruno Tomljenović, Bojan Matoš, Klaus M. Wilcken, 2021, izvirni znanstveni članek

Povzetek: Comprehensive glacial Quaternary studies involving geochronological methods, modelling of ice topography with the support of field geomorphological and geological data in the Balkan Peninsula are relatively scarce, although there is evidence of past glaciations in several mountain ranges. Here, we present research on the extent and timing of past glaciations on the northern Velebit Mt. in coastal Croatia and inferences of the climate during that time. Based on geomorphological and sedimentological evidence and using cosmogenic 36Cl surface exposure dating of moraine boulders, we provide an empirical reconstruction of past glaciers and compare this with the Parallel Ice Sheet Model (PISM) simulations under different palaeoclimate forcings. The dating results show that the northern Velebit glaciers reached their maximum extent during the last glacial cycle before the global Last Glacial Maximum (LGM). Maximum ice extent likely correlates with Marine Isotope Stage 5–4, although the exact timing cannot be determined at this point due to poorly known site- and time-specific denudation rates. Empirical reconstruction of the maximum extent suggests that the area covered by glaciers was ~116 km2. The-best fit PISM simulation indicates that the most likely palaeoclimate scenario for the glaciers of this size to form is a cooling of ~8 °C and a 10% reduction in precipitation from present-day levels. However, the best-fit simulation does not correctly model all mapped ice margins when changes in climatological parameters are applied uniformly across the model domain, potentially reflecting a different palaeoprecipitation pattern to today.
Ključne besede: Pleistocene, cosmogenic isotopes, glacial geomorphology, Dinarides, PISM
Objavljeno v DiRROS: 04.03.2022; Ogledov: 895; Prenosov: 342
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