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Z biomarkerji vodeno zdravljenje pri raku jajčnikov
Petra Škerl, Srdjan Novaković, 2024, objavljeni znanstveni prispevek na konferenci

Ključne besede: ginekološki raki, rak jajčnikov, raki rodil
Objavljeno v DiRROS: 05.09.2024; Ogledov: 131; Prenosov: 46
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The onset of Pliocene – Early Pleistocene fluvial aggradation in the Southeastern Alpine Foreland (Velenje Basin, Slovenia) and its paleoenvironmental implications
Eva Mencin Gale, Petra Jamšek Rupnik, Naki Akçar, Marcus Christl, Christof Vockenhuber, Flavio S. Anselmetti, Andrej Šmuc, 2024, izvirni znanstveni članek

Povzetek: In this study, we focused on the Pliocene–Early Pleistocene fluvial terraces in the Velenje Basin andreconstructed the morphostratigraphy, sedimentary depositional environment, provenance and age of the graveldeposits using geomorphological, sedimentological, petrographic and chronological analyses. Geomorphologicalmapping revealed the presence of two main river‐terrace groups. The terraces in the older terrace group are severelydegraded and preserved only as remnants capping high ground, while in contrast the younger group is betterpreserved. Detailed lithofacies analyses of four selected stratigraphic sections of the older terrace group show that thegravel was deposited in a meandering and wandering environment. The gravel consists of metamorphic, igneous,volcaniclastic, clastic and carbonate lithologies derived from the north, east and west from the Paka Rivercatchments. To determine the timing of deposition, we performed isochron‐burial dating using cosmogenic 26Al and10 Be. Our new age constraints date the deposition of the older terrace group to 2.7 ± 0.3 Ma. Establishing theaggradation and incision model of the Velenje Basin documents pronounced regional tectonic uplift during thePliocene–Early Pleistocene, which led to incision and the subsequent formation of a terrace staircase.
Ključne besede: isochron‐burial dating, morphostratigraphy, provenance analysis, river terraces, Velenje Basin
Objavljeno v DiRROS: 05.09.2024; Ogledov: 106; Prenosov: 47
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Seismic behavior of strengthened URM masonry - an overview of research at ZAG
Petra Triller, Miha Tomaževič, Marjana Lutman, Matija Gams, 2017, objavljeni znanstveni prispevek na konferenci

Povzetek: Four experimental campaigns performed at ZAG over almost a decade and dealing with strengthening of masonry using FRPs are briefly presented. The campaigns show in-situ tests on strengthened walls in an actual building, the cyclic shear laboratory tests where different materials and FRP layouts were explored, use of innovative flexible materials instead of mortar or epoxy, and finally the test of a full scale building model where all aspects of strengthening a building using FRPs are investigated.
Ključne besede: FRP, seismic strengthening, in-situ tests, laboratory tests, full scale tests
Objavljeno v DiRROS: 22.08.2024; Ogledov: 191; Prenosov: 93
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Efficiency of FRPU strengthening of a damaged masonry infill wall under in-plane cyclic shear loading and elevated temperatures
Petra Triller, Konrad Kwiecień, Arkadiusz Kwiecień, Uroš Bohinc, BogusŁaw Zając, Marcin Tekieli, Magdalena Szumera, Theodoros Rousakis, Vachan Vanian, Ahmet Tugrul Akyildiz, Alberto Viskovic, 2024, izvirni znanstveni članek

Povzetek: This paper presents results of in-plane shear tests carried out at the ZAG laboratory in Ljubljana (Slovenia) on a RC frame with masonry infill made of clay blocks (KEBE OrthoBlock). The frame was loaded with constant vertical loads at the top of the columns and then by gradually increasing horizontal cyclic loads at the top beam level. Acquired forces and measured displacements allowed capturing hysteretic behavior for determination of dissipation energy. In addition, two Digital Image Correlation (DIC) systems, Aramis and the CivEng Vision, were used to visualize the behavior of the tested specimens, with an emphasis on computing locally required information about the behavior of highly deformable interfaces. Three types of specimens were tested in-plane: the reference specimen in form of plain RC frame, the reference specimen with constructed masonry infill without any strengthening and the specimen, previously damaged and then strengthened on both sides using glass mesh bonded to the infill and the RC frame using flexible adhesive made of polyurethane matrix (Glass Fiber Reinforced PolyUrethane - GFRPU system). The strengthening process, allowed the specimen to withstand additional cyclic loads, reaching a maximum drift of 3.6 % without serious damage disqualifying the structure from further exploitation. The GFRPU strengthening system was found to be highly effective in preventing infill collapse of damaged masonry infill wall during in-plane loading. Additionally, the results of extended thermal analysis of PU are presented as polymers are, in general, a material, poorly resistant to heat. However, the analyzed PU manifested stable properties up to 200 degrees Celsius, which makes this material promising in civil engineering applications at elevated temperatures.
Ključne besede: masonry blocks, damaged infill, fiber Reinforced PolyUrethane, external composite strengthening, in-plane shear, thermal tests, DIC measurements
Objavljeno v DiRROS: 14.08.2024; Ogledov: 205; Prenosov: 148
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SegMine workflows for semantic microarray data analysis in Orange4WS
Vid Podpečan, Nada Lavrač, Igor Mozetič, Petra Kralj Novak, Igor Trajkovski, Laura Langohr, Kimmo Kulovesi, Hannu Toivonen, Marko Petek, Helena Motaln, Kristina Gruden, 2011, izvirni znanstveni članek

Povzetek: Background In experimental data analysis, bioinformatics researchers increasingly rely on tools that enable the composition and reuse of scientific workflows. The utility of current bioinformatics workflow environments can be significantly increased by offering advanced data mining services as workflow components. Such services can support, for instance, knowledge discovery from diverse distributed data and knowledge sources (such as GO, KEGG, PubMed, and experimental databases). Specifically, cutting-edge data analysis approaches, such as semantic data mining, link discovery, and visualization, have not yet been made available to researchers investigating complex biological datasets. Results We present a new methodology, SegMine, for semantic analysis of microarray data by exploiting general biological knowledge, and a new workflow environment, Orange4WS, with integrated support for web services in which the SegMine methodology is implemented. The SegMine methodology consists of two main steps. First, the semantic subgroup discovery algorithm is used to construct elaborate rules that identify enriched gene sets. Then, a link discovery service is used for the creation and visualization of new biological hypotheses. The utility of SegMine, implemented as a set of workflows in Orange4WS, is demonstrated in two microarray data analysis applications. In the analysis of senescence in human stem cells, the use of SegMine resulted in three novel research hypotheses that could improve understanding of the underlying mechanisms of senescence and identification of candidate marker genes. Conclusions Compared to the available data analysis systems, SegMine offers improved hypothesis generation and data interpretation for bioinformatics in an easy-to-use integrated workflow environment.
Objavljeno v DiRROS: 05.08.2024; Ogledov: 188; Prenosov: 140
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The GMOseek matrix : a decision support tool for optimizing the detection of genetically modified plants
Annette Block, Frédéric Debode, Lutz Grohmann, Julie Hulin, Isabel Taverniers, Linda Kluga, Elodie Barbau-Piednoir, Sylvia Broeders, Ingrid Huber, Marc Bulcke, Petra Heinze, Gilbert Berben, Ulrich Busch, Nancy Roosens, Erik Janssen, Jana Žel, Kristina Gruden, Dany Morisset, 2013, izvirni znanstveni članek

Povzetek: Background Since their first commercialization, the diversity of taxa and the genetic composition of transgene sequences in genetically modified plants (GMOs) are constantly increasing. To date, the detection of GMOs and derived products is commonly performed by PCR-based methods targeting specific DNA sequences introduced into the host genome. Information available regarding the GMOs’ molecular characterization is dispersed and not appropriately organized. For this reason, GMO testing is very challenging and requires more complex screening strategies and decision making schemes, demanding in return the use of efficient bioinformatics tools relying on reliable information. Description The GMOseek matrix was built as a comprehensive, online open-access tabulated database which provides a reliable, comprehensive and user-friendly overview of 328 GMO events and 247 different genetic elements (status: 18/07/2013). The GMOseek matrix is aiming to facilitate GMO detection from plant origin at different phases of the analysis. It assists in selecting the targets for a screening analysis, interpreting the screening results, checking the occurrence of a screening element in a group of selected GMOs, identifying gaps in the available pool of GMO detection methods, and designing a decision tree. The GMOseek matrix is an independent database with effective functionalities in a format facilitating transferability to other platforms. Data were collected from all available sources and experimentally tested where detection methods and certified reference materials (CRMs) were available. Conclusions The GMOseek matrix is currently a unique and very valuable tool with reliable information on GMOs from plant origin and their present genetic elements that enables further development of appropriate strategies for GMO detection. It is flexible enough to be further updated with new information and integrated in different applications and platforms.
Ključne besede: genetically modified organism, GMO, GMO screening, matrix approach, genetically modified plant
Objavljeno v DiRROS: 02.08.2024; Ogledov: 239; Prenosov: 178
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Additional record of the non-indigenous copepod Pseudodiaptomus marinus (Sato, 1913) in the Adriatic Sea
Davor Lučić, Patricija Mozetič, Janja Francé, Petra Lučić, Lovrenc Lipej, 2015, izvirni znanstveni članek

Povzetek: The Indo-Pacific egg-carrying copepod Pseudodiaptomus marinus Sato, 1913 was recorded for the first time in the Port of Koper, Slovenia (Gulf of Trieste) in February 2015. This is the fourth finding of this species in the Mediterranean Sea, and the third for the Adriatic Sea. A rather high abundance of 73 ind. m-3 was recorded, which is considerably higher than previous findings in the Adriatic. Maritime transport is presumed to be the main cause of its introduction, primarily through ballast water release. Repeat sampling in May confirmed the presence of this copepod, indicating the possibility that the species has established a stable population in the Port of Koper.
Ključne besede: copepods, Adriatic Sea, mesozooplankton, ballast waters
Objavljeno v DiRROS: 29.07.2024; Ogledov: 211; Prenosov: 75
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Transcriptome study and identification of potential marker genes related to the stable expression of recombinant proteins in CHO clones
Andrej Blejec, Marjanca Blas, Petra Nikolić, Dominik Gaser, Kristina Gruden, Aleš Belič, Špela Baebler, Uroš Jamnikar, Andrej Francky, Holger Laux, 2015, izvirni znanstveni članek

Povzetek: Background Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cells have become the host of choice for the production of recombinant proteins, due to their capacity for correct protein folding, assembly, and posttranslational modifications. The most widely used system for recombinant proteins is the gene amplification procedure that uses the CHO-Dhfr expression system. However, CHO cells are known to have a very unstable karyotype. This is due to chromosome rearrangements that can arise from translocations and homologous recombination, especially when cells with the CHO-Dhfr expression system are treated with methotrexate hydrate. The present method used in the industry for testing clones for their long-term stability of recombinant protein production is empirical, and it involves their cultivation over extended periods of time prior to the selection of the most suitable clone for further bioprocess development. The aim of the present study was the identification of marker genes that can predict stable expression of recombinant genes in particular clones early in the development stage. Results The transcriptome profiles of CHO clones with stable and unstable recombinant protein production were investigated over 10-weeks of cultivation, using a DNA microarray. We identified 14 genes that were differentially expressed between the stable and unstable clones already at 2 weeks from the beginning of the cultivation. Their expression was validated by reverse-transcription quantitative real-time PCR (RT-qPCR). Furthermore, the k-nearest neighbour algorithm approach shows that the combination of the gene expression patterns of only five of these 14 genes is sufficient to predict stable recombinant protein production in clones in the early phases of cell-line development. Conclusions The exact molecular mechanisms that cause unstable recombinant protein production are not fully understood. However, the expression profiles of some genes in clones with stable and unstable recombinant protein production allow prediction of such instability early in the cell-line development stage. We have thus developed a proof-of-concept for a novel approach to eliminate unstable clones in the CHO-Dhfr expression system, which saves time and labour-intensive work in cell-line development.
Ključne besede: CHO cell line, stable recombinant protein production, gene expression, RT-qPCR, DNA microarray, mMarker genes
Objavljeno v DiRROS: 29.07.2024; Ogledov: 222; Prenosov: 279
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Methacrylate monolith chromatography as a tool for waterborne virus removal
Nejc Rački, Petra Kramberger, Andrej Steyer, Jernej Gašperšič, Aleš Štrancar, Maja Ravnikar, Ion Gutiérrez-Aguirre, 2015, izvirni znanstveni članek

Povzetek: Enteric viruses are commonly present in environmental waters and represent the major cause of waterborne infections and outbreaks. Since traditional wastewater treatments fail to remove enteric viruses in the water purification process, they are released daily into environmental waters. Monolithic supports have enabled chromatography to enter the field of virology. They have been successfully used in virus purification and concentration. In this work quaternary amine (QA) methacrylate monoliths were exploited to remove enteric viruses from wastewater treatment plant effluent. Expectedly, chromatographic processing of such a complex medium was troublesome, even for monoliths, characterized by extremely large pore dimensions. This problem was solved by introducing a pre-step chromatography using hydroxyl (OH) methacrylate monoliths. This way, molecules, that would hinder virus binding to the anion-exchanger monolith, were removed. As a result, the OH pre-column reduced backpressure increase on the subsequent anion-exchanger column, and increased both QA column binding capacity and life time. Wastewater effluent samples were successfully purified from five waterborne enteric viruses (rotavirus, norovirus genogroup I and II, astrovirus, sapovirus), below the detection limit of RT-qPCR. The breakthrough of the rotavirus binding capacity was not reached for concentrations that significantly exceeded those expected in effluent waters. The obtained results confirm that methacrylate monoliths can be a valuable tool for simultaneous removal of different waterborne viruses from contaminated water sources.
Ključne besede: monolith chromatography, waterborne, virus, removal, wastewater, qPCR
Objavljeno v DiRROS: 26.07.2024; Ogledov: 213; Prenosov: 117
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LAMP assay and rapid sample preparation method for on-site detection of flavescence dorée phytoplasma in grapevine
Polona Kogovšek, Jennifer Hodgetts, J. Hall, Nina Prezelj, Petra Nikolić, Nataša Mehle, Rok Lenarčič, Ana Rotter, M. Dickinson, Neil Boonham, Marina Dermastia, Maja Ravnikar, 2015, izvirni znanstveni članek

Povzetek: In Europe the most devastating phytoplasma associated with grapevine yellows (GY) diseases is a quarantine pest, flavescence dorée (FDp), from the 16SrV taxonomic group. The on-site detection of FDp with an affordable device would contribute to faster and more efficient decisions on the control measures for FDp. Therefore, a real-time isothermal LAMP assay for detection of FDp was validated according to the EPPO standards and MIQE guidelines. The LAMP assay was shown to be specific and extremely sensitive, because it detected FDp in all leaf samples that were determined to be FDp infected using quantitative real-time PCR. The whole procedure of sample preparation and testing was designed and optimized for on-site detection and can be completed in one hour. The homogenization procedure of the grapevine samples (leaf vein, flower or berry) was optimized to allow direct testing of crude homogenates with the LAMP assay, without the need for DNA extraction, and was shown to be extremely sensitive.
Ključne besede: flavescence dorée, homogenization, loop-mediated isothermal amplification, on-site application, validation
Objavljeno v DiRROS: 26.07.2024; Ogledov: 245; Prenosov: 216
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