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Multi-marker metabarcoding approach to study mesozooplankton at basin scale
Sergio Stefanni, David Stanković, Diego Borme, Alessandra De Olazabal, Tea Juretić, Alberto Pallavicini, Valentina Tirelli, 2018, izvirni znanstveni članek

Povzetek: Zooplankton plays a pivotal role in marine ecosystems and the characterisation of its biodiversity still represents a challenge for marine ecologists. In this study, mesozooplankton composition from 46 samples collected in summer along the western Adriatic Sea, was retrieved by DNA metabarcoding analysis. For the first time, the highly variable fragments of the mtDNA COI and the V9 region of 18S rRNA genes were used in a combined matrix to compile an inventory of mesozooplankton at basin scale. The number of sequences retrieved after quality filtering were 824,148 and 223,273 for COI and 18S (V9), respectively. The taxonomical assignment against reference sequences, using 95% (for COI) and 97% (for 18S) similarity thresholds, recovered 234 taxa. NMDS plots and cluster analysis divided coastal from offshore samples and the most representative species of these clusters were distributed according to the dominant surface current pattern of the Adriatic for the summer period. For selected sampling sites, mesozooplankton species were also identified under a stereo microscope providing insights on the strength and weakness of the two approaches. In addition, DNA metabarcoding was shown to be helpful for the monitoring of non-indigenous marine metazoans and spawning areas of commercial fish species. We defined pros and cons of applying this approach at basin scale and the benefits of combining the datasets from two genetic markers.
Ključne besede: zooplankton, genetics, biodiversity
Objavljeno v DiRROS: 24.07.2024; Ogledov: 216; Prenosov: 173
.pdf Celotno besedilo (3,46 MB)
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